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Everything posted by Dyvim

  1. Many dual sabers "holster" on the toon's waist. This makes sense. Some, though, inexplicably holster on the back right shoulder, which can clip into some helmets and looks immensely silly. I understand pikes and polearms need to go on the shoulder or they would clip the ground on the waist, but ALL dualsaber hilts should be consistent and "holster" on the waist, please. For example, the Gray Helix Saberstaff holsters on my Shadow's waist, but the Unstable Peacemakers Dualsaber "holsters" on my right shoulder blade, which then clips with my helmet (Freelance Hunter's Helmet). There is no reason I can see for this inconsistency. Why do some dualsaber hilts holster on the waist, which is where they all should be, and others do not??? Please make them all on the waist. Thank you.
  2. This is kind of a back door, workaround approach, when clearly it should have the collections unlock mechanic applied to it...
  3. Did they ever do anything to fix this or provide an option? It is extremely annoying to load in away from the temple...
  4. These boots still need some love. Its been a couple of years, and I realize there are a bajillion cartel market armor sets now, but a fix on these would be nice. Thx.
  5. Story has NEVER been enough in this game. That's one of the main reasons it failed...and EAWare just doesn't learn. It failed when they had individual class stories, now they have to reduce everything down to one story fits all. They fundamentally don't understand what it takes to make an MMO keep players engaged, happily.
  6. Two epic fails in one week? You guys seriously need to look at your procedures and stop frakkin around. A dev shop that cant deliver software is like a chicken that cant lay eggs...time for those 11 herbs and spices... Oh yeah, and my game wont initialize with the launcher either...
  7. GJ EAWare, another happy customer How unreasonable of him to expect this kind of a fix from a "professional" dev shop that supposedly tests...and there has never, ever been anything left out of patch notes, now has there?
  8. Dyvim

    SWG vs SWTOR

    I played SWG at launch, and this game since early beta. I left both games several times and came back. I just came back to this one after more than a year away. So, my two cents... In concept SWG was infinitely better, INFINITELY better and more innovative for its time than SWTOR . But SWG was released early (jedi weren't even in the game), by about a year...SWG captured the TRUE essence of star wars in ways TOR could never dream of...flying on a multiplayer ship, manning turrets, other players in fighters around you...fighting your way to board the star destroyer, or the avatar platform...Exploring Yavin, finding the dark and light jedi enclaves for the first time, trying to figure out the mystery of the kliknik temple, etc. Dathomir...endor....it felt like real exploration, it felt like the emperor had more clothes than what he really had, especially when everyone was running around early on trying to figure out the jedi system... Here is the thing, and it is simple. If you have a mythos as rich as the star wars one is, that has captivated people's imaginations for decades ACROSS GENERATIONS, people want to live in that space. Damion Schubert, one of the designers of this game at launch (maybe lead designer) wrote a blog about this, and he promised that THIS GAME would be neither pure sandbox or pure themepark, but would have elements of both and incorporate what he called a 4th pillar, community. They failed completely. The simple truth is SWTOR has been an epic fail since launch, that is why it collapsed and went F2P. That is not to say that they haven't made positive steps since then, but without a star wars tag, this game would vanish. SWG never went F2P and lasted for 9 years, until lucas pulled the license. SWG was designed as a much more complex, sophisticated game than SWTOR. It was designed to appeal to a different playerbase than WoW, but lucas pushed pursuing the money, as did SOE mgt. The NGE was a complete disaster, but the next several years they basically undid much of that damage and introduced a number of very good things...restuss, GCW city wars, abandoned housing cleanup (if you left before then, well, they fixed the overcrowding of playerstructures with this), the return of creature crafting, etc. If this game makes it for 9 years it will be a miracle. This game is a pure on the rails themepark, with few minigames (even the original kotors had card games and swoop tracks) and few meta game systems...and that is EXACTLY what we were NOT promised, because, as Schubert himself said, that would be a COMPLETE waste of the mythos. People want to make their OWN STORY...not be a clone and play someone else's story, with all the same henchmen. Even if the writing is great, as some of the initial class stories were in this game, your choices DO NOT MATTER, so there is NO REPLAYABILITY. NONE. So people spacebar it. Then they finally figured out they couldn't keep up with VO content so you have the dumbed down, child-like level of sophistication, one size fits all story, we have in KOTFE...its laughable. Conceptually, SWG was infinitely better than this game, and if it had been combined with the refinement and polish of say, something like a GW2, it would have been the best MMO ever. It captured a sense of community, server based, city based, guild based, that I have yet to see in any other game. It also captured a true set of interdependencies amongst classes that encouraged player interaction...crafting, entertaining, harvesting, etc. Whereas in this games latest expansion, you CANT EVEN FRAKKIN' GROUP. Its a joke. But SOE made several massive mistakes, the NGE being the biggie, the idea to try and chase the WoW kiddie player base the driver behind it, that in many cases overwhelmed the brilliance behind many of the game's early concepts that were never fully developed. This game is a lesser game in scope and ambition, a different game, and the only star wars MMO still a going concern. So, we don't have much of a choice. SWG was an incredible experience for me, as a city mayor, as one of the first jedi on my server, as a crafter, etc. This game, not so much. SWG was in many cases an exercise in wasted or unrealized potential. This game is an exercise in completely missed opportunity to even have potential. Honestly, with where it has ended up, they should have just made it an ARPG, they have YET to deliver on the promise of community or really the spirit of what an MMO can be...
  9. As I stated, I was observing that the game is vastly trending towards simplification, which started well over a year ago with the dumbing down of the classes, and has continued. So my point was if that is the design philosophy now, then they should follow it to get rid of the incredibly unimaginative time sink of gear treadmills, especially in a game that has two of them...my other point was that a AAA MMO should offer systems with meaningful, fun complexity. Meta games that have significance and content replayability. I think most people have agreed that TORs idea of story lines have VERY limited replayability, and basically become space bar exercises, if players replay them at all. Also they can never, ever deliver varied, meaningful, impactful VO content at ANY kind of rate even close to the rate players will go through it...that's why sand box elements and meta games are considered essential by a lot of players for long term playability of a MMO. It is also why EAWare has completely abandoned the idea of individual class story lines... Not trying to complain or be overly negative, just offering my honest appraisal. The reputation system they have put into the game, the conquest system, and especially the housing and guild bases/ships, are all very good additions. The appearance tabs, which we were told for years that we would not get, are also excellent. All of these things, however, are really expected from AAA MMOs. Not sure if you are serious or not, but wvw is world vs world or realm versus realm...large scale open pvp between servers or factions, where you have strategic objectives, etc. It is basically considered a standard form of content in most AAA mmos...this game tried and failed with Ilum at launch, removed it, promised to redesign and reimplement it, but never did, or came close....
  10. I talked about dumbing down in the original post, right up top, not as a result of a subsequent mastery stat discussion. Later, when it was mentioned, my reply was this, and its valid : "So you are taking advantage of the dumbing down to the mastery stat...ugh. Yeah, that's a work around...so if that's what people are doing now, and its account based, then why bother with the gear treadmill." So I will ask it again, why bother with the gear treadmill mechanic at all? Its hated, and now apparently it can be all but skirted, although you still have to grind gear to an extent that is unnecessary, except as a blatant, unimaginative time sink. Actually any gear treadmill is offensive, but two in a game is egregious. Yes, the game has been dumbed down...starting with the class changes over a year ago before I left, where the expertise trees were collapsed and we got "utility point choices" which are all but non-existent. So we have mirrored classes, and each AC class shares a basic class. So content wise, there are really only 4 or maybe 8 different classes in the game, depending on how you look at it. So I guess I would say that I enjoy meaningful complexity in MMOs...in progression, in crafting, in choices...otherwise what is the difference between some console shooter or tic-tac-toe...if you dumb something down far enough, what's the point? That seems like this is the way this game has gone, and apparently they still can't balance the classes to save their lives. But I take your points, with legacy gear, the mastery stat, and outfit designer, you can minimize your treadmill exposure now, whereas not so much before. But the treadmills are still in the game, and they still power creep with them. The PvP one is completely unnecessary. So my original point was, if dumbing down and simplification are the order of the day/month/year, why not get rid of the really stupid mechanics like gear treadmills, altogether?
  11. The legacy thing was around a year or so ago before I left...but the idea that you could have one tank suit for all tanks, that is what is new, and that is what couldn't be done before without the dumbed down mastery stat...or am I missing something else? So essentially I could play sentinel pvp dps or shadow pvp dps with the same set of legacy gear, right? I am still wrapping my head around the idea that I don't have to gear my companions...lol.
  12. So you are taking advantage of the dumbing down to the mastery stat...ugh. Yeah, that's a work around...so if that's what people are doing now, and its account based, then why bother with the gear treadmill. I'll say it again...gear treadmills are used in place of real content. They are a hallmark of a failure in game design...and a game with two of them is epic fail. Yes, WvW would be nice...Ilum was supposed to be redone before it was "deprecated"...obviously there should be a planet devoted to it...but in years that has never materialized, it is beyond them.
  13. I've pvp'd extensively in this game, when I have played it. Thousands of matches. For fun. I also found it was the best way to learn the classes and be prepared for when you face them. But you realize what you just said...its an even worse indictment of the game...basically you just said that the devs cant balance a handful of mirrored classes for crap, so playing alts is a waste of time. That is an even worse situation...when the meta is 1 or 2 classes...well...fail. They dumbed down expertise/utility...and everything is mirrored on both sides, so there is really only 8 classes worth of content...I am not saying you are wrong about the meta, I am saying it is very despairing for the state of the game.
  14. Well, some approaches are clearly better than others. The problems with the SWTOR approach are obvious. Equally obvious is the fact other current games do it better. We already have a continuous moving gear treadmill in the game...in PvE. The game in no way needs a second one, where using alts, and different playstyles on alts, is basically a pain in the butt. Remember, its a treadmill, and they continuously ramp up the treadmill, so the bar keeps getting higher. The pvp gear I earned last year is now obsolete, so I have to regear EVERY toon. While you can make a case for this in PvE, with new raids, new level caps, etc...pvp, especially spvp can support NO such argument. The content is always the same, pvp'ing against other players. Period. So after I spend time gearing my alts for PvE, why do I want to spend more time doing it in PvP, when in 6 months or so I have to regear on both treadmills, for all playstyles, for all alts I want to play??? Its idiotic. Treadmills are not content, they are insulting. They are the least imaginative game mechanic possible. They are the product of weak minds, weak design and feeble development. Triple AAA games should do better. Some do, which make coming back to this game more painful. That should NOT be what EAWare wants.... They should be encouraging people to use their limited pvp system, instead of using archaic mechanisms that discourage it. Game shops that aren't afraid of spending money and actually developing real content avoid gear treadmills...game shops that cannot cope with adding meta game elements and real content fall back on lesser mechanisms, like mindless grinds and gear treadmills. Unfortunately, this game and this dev shop have yet to graduate to something better. More's the pity.
  15. Yep...other games basically let you pick your spvp build, limited gear options, and weapons...JUST for spvp...so everyone is equal, or has equal access to choices, in spvp. So it is just about class choice and skill. There can still be plenty of competition/leader boards/rewards...just NO gear treadmill. This makes spvp a great place to try out builds and classes you might not give a lot of play time to, and certainly wouldn't want to devote a week or more to gear up...or a different playstyle in a class...hop in as a tank or a healer, try it out, without having to regear and spend days doing or more doing it. sPvP truly lends itself to such separation and fun. This game has completely missed that opportunity.
  16. First positive...glad to see that the devs were willing to break some eggs...this game needs change. The housing and guild ships...and the travel functionality the housing brings, are all big wins. The negative, though. Most of the changes were a dumbing down of the game. With companions...ugh ok, if it means I can finally airlock some of them, ok. But this game wasn't exactly complex to start with...so that is disappointing. The crafting changes, some positive, but most seem to again coalesce around the idea of oversimplification and lack of meaningful, yes MEANINGFUL, complexity, which is the hallmark of a good MMO. The other major area I am shocked to still see are the TWO gear treadmills in place, still. PvE and PvP. Having to grind gear on multiple toons, sometimes for multiple roles, for multiple treadmills is COMPLETELY unacceptable. Other games do this much much better, especially when it comes to structured PvP. Sure you can gear up a toon...now multiply that by 6 or 8...then multiply that by a few different roles for some of them...and you are talking months...whereas other games standardize pvp gear and let you get right into the action, with whatever class, whatever build, etc. For sPvP this is clearly the way to go, and coming back to a game that expects you to treadmill is ridiculous, tbh. While you are having to climb the spvp treadmill, its not a lot of fun, because you are at a real disadvantage...that can affect your team. In other words, its stupid, and other games have shown us better ways. So anyway, I will play through the new single player content in this MMO, that still has no WvW, archaic sPvP, and see if the raids and solo rpg play can hold my attention for a few months. Then I will likely move on, again, as I have so many times since being in beta for this game. So much potential wasted in the star wars mythos by delivering a pure on the rails themepark with limited or nonexistent sandbox elements. Its star wars, people want to explore, to live in the space, to REALLY have their own story, their own fate...that is why people play these story lines once, maybe, then its spacebar-a-palooza...
  17. How on earth are you "maintaining choice" when it is a utility everyone feels forced to take, and should clearly be baseline, that is the whole point. How could you miss something so simple? You claim to understand, but your post is non-sense, and makes it obvious you understand very little...I would love to be proven wrong for the sake of the game. But that ship sailed a long time ago.
  18. Short answer...especially with all jug builds getting access to cc immunity on leap...YES. Jug/Guardian gives you more options and is superior pretty much across the board.
  19. Anymore??? It is unclear from ANY of their actions or changes, that they were EVER listening...
  20. Exactly....they are supposed to be professionals responsible for producing a professional product. We are the customers...we owe them nothing past our money for however long we decide their product/services are worth it...beyond that, suggesting that we have to cheer lead or fanboi for them is laughable. It is incumbent on them to build and support a community around a professional, quality product...it is the ultimate in their own interest. Of course where the conflict comes in happens when they try to deliver the minimum possible in order to milk as much money as possible from the customer base. EAWare is famous for this...and that is, unfortunately, the part of the MMO lifecycle that this failed game is in...but this is extremely short sighted, as new games are coming out all the time, and as the maxim "it takes money/investment to make money" still holds true.
  21. Yep, meanwhile every guardian build now has access to unremiiting, which is up to 20 seconds of post leap cc immunity per minute for the cost of 1 skillful utility point. That is 33% immunity. THAT IS HUGE. What did sent/mara's get? How many months do we have to wait to MAYBE, KIND OF have someone MAYBE do SOMETHING, that may be another complete, unasked for cluster f@#$, that MIGHT do something POSITIVE to fix the situation and be RESPONSIVE to the community's voluminous feedback...MAYBE. Take a second and smell what you are shoveling. JarJarWare strikes again. Lucas and prequels aren't the only thing that can consistently f up star wars.
  22. Amen. Now, as for EM's second post. BS. I call BS. 1) You used metrics, we saw behind the curtain and the community ripped your metrics to shreds. The emperor has no clothes. 2) You offer NOTHING but non-specific, NOT-TIMELINED, vague platitudes that are meaningless. The community has been doing everything within its power to communicate with JarJarWare for months, and definitely through the 3.1.1. PTS cycle, where we WERE COMPLETELY IGNORED and devs wasted dev time delivering UNRESPONSIVE CHANGES. 3) Lets look at the down tuning or nerfing for serenity shadows: Serenity •Force in Balance and Vanquish now have a maximum range of 10 meters (down from 30 meters). •The life redirected by Psychic Absorption for Sever Force and Force Technique’s Force Breach has been reduced to 10% of the damage dealt (down from 25%). •Serenity Strike no longer benefits from Mind Quell. •Targets can no longer suffer from the periodic effects of Mind Crush and Vanquish simultaneously. •Crush Spirit will no longer occur more than once every 15 seconds, as the tooltip states. So let's look at FiB first...10m range AoE DoT spread. The range is actually greater than 10m because of the AoE 8 meter radius circle, unless the graphic is misrepresenting the effect, etc. - that means it has an effective 18, yes 18 meter range. But ok, lets compare that to the Force Sweep DoT spread of watchmen where its 5 m range is REALLY just 5m's NOT 18 meters...and you tell me which is by far the better DoT spreader...need a hint? Also the nerf to 10 (18) meters is not that big a deal since sever force is still 30m, and force breach is still 10 m, so to spread the FB DoT, having to be in 18m is no penalty at all. You toned down the self healing...still seems far superior with far more components to it, that are easier to benefit from, than anything watchmen has...this will make a difference, but it still seems far superior to anything else. The rest of those changes seems trivial. So mara/sents have vague platitudes with no timeline and no specifics, while the specifics we do see in line with your "just let us nerf the overperformers" party line, seem to be as ineffective at nerfing as the 3.1.1. sent changes were at buffing. You have no goodwill left with this playerbase or this specific player community, as far as I can tell - and tbh, wth should you. Look at the track record. So vague promises about undefined fixes that may or may not happen at some distant, tbd, point in the mirky future DOES NOT BUY YOU ANYTHING. We are past that point. We passed it up about 3 exits back.
  23. All you can do is vote with your wallet and feet and they still don't care. I've played this game since early beta and have left it at least 5 times. After this craptasm, #6 is right around the corner. I get my star wars fix within a couple months, then the blatant poor design in a ridiculously on the rails themepark just overwhelms me...again. It helps if you take nothing here seriously and don't care about the game much...that seems to go hand in hand with the dev "interaction" the community receives, as the last month or so with sent/mara has showcased so well. These guys are completely, COMPLETELY clueless about how to sustain a community and build and maintain faith, trust, and goodwill with their product. It is as epic bad as the product itself, when you consider the money spent on it and the cascade of terrible design decisions made that resulted in the mass exodus of players from the game within the first 6-12 months and the current state of things. As a customer, JarJarWare leaves me with the unmistakable feeling that this product is not worth my money.
  24. We are just stupid customers...why bother to reply or show even the most basic level of customer care after we collectively ripped the dev post to shreds... Plus, it would be really hard for them to walk back an "everything is fine, nothing to see here..." post like that without acknowledging what we all know...they just, again, showed themselves to be f'all clueless. But honestly, to see how they inappropriately rely on misinterpreted numbers COMPLETELY explains the pathetic state the game is in right now, especially class balance-wise. My first order of business, if I was tasked to work on the combat team in this game, would be to trash whatever system or process that was currently in use. If this game wasn't star wars based, it would have been completely dead over a year ago, not just limping and struggling as it is now.
  25. I was about to post about how the dev post here was a classic example of how to misuse statistics or misinterpret them, when you saved me the trouble with this post. Other people have posted the other obvious discrepancies in the ranked numbers. Thank you.
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