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Everything posted by Retsopmi

  1. Probably here http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/04/26/the-cathar-arrive-in-swtors-next-update/
  2. BW has been told this since beta. I remember making a thread myself asking for the Rodian species to be playable. I loved them in SWG. There is no reason why certain races, that we all have to interact with through story or side missions, shouldn't be playable in game. Hell, I don't know about you, but I play with music most the time anyways. I have EVERYTHING on subtitles. I read faster then they talk. If there is an NPC that we have to listen to, then there shouldn't be any reason we can't play as them. The only complication is the Empire side not allowing certain races into the Sith side, but this has been solved by the legacy system allowing any race to play any side with an unlock. So that reasoning has already been thrown out the window. So +1 from me. I would gladly play 600cc, the current CC price for a race unlock, for other species to be added. Edit- I just read about the wookie part of the thread. The reason we don't have wookies is because they are slaves in this time period. That was the line BW constantly touted during development. It was because in this time period wookies aren't a free people. They are nothing more then a slave labor force.
  3. It's not free. It requires playing. There are plenty of people who are willing to play for something as small as farming for a guild.
  4. Taking a portion of player drops is stupid. They need to take the Rift idea of a Tithe. Pretty much a certain % of what drops gets put in the guild bank. The player doesn't see any difference. If the mob was gonna give them 100credits and the tithe % is 25%, then he still gets his 100cr and the bank gets 25cr. This way players are rewarded for farming instead of being hindered. Can't use the word Tax. Tax means taking from the player to fund the guild. Have to use the word Tithe or something similar.
  5. Well the OP asked a simple question. That question was "how DIFFICULT was it to create the achievement system". The answer is not very "difficult". Yes it would take time, but the skill involved is rather mundane. It's not hard, it just takes time to restructure the database, or to create a second database to pull specific info form the first. It probably only took them as long as it did, because they probably have very few man hours being used on it.
  6. Well technically you can still buy a box, though EA was smart and the box is 14.99. The price of one month of a sub. So you don't get 1 month free. They just lowered the box to the sub price. This is pretty much everywhere. Amazon, Eb, Walmart. Everyone has it set at 14.99.
  7. Just because you didn't get credit for it, doesn't mean they weren't tracking it. They track just about everything you do internally. Why? Cause it's the best way to see how to change, buff, nerf, add content to the game. If they notice that x% of characters are skipping certain things, then they know that the average player doesn't like it. Thus they don't waste time on it. A good example of this is heat maps in shooter games. They've been used for years, yet only recently has the player base actually become aware of it. You can bet that just about every action in the game is being tracked in some form or another. I bet you they even have a global ticker for how many times the whole population has hit their jump buttons. All of this is useful information for developing this game, and any future game they make.
  8. Most of it was already being tracked back on their end. They just had to create a way for the user to see it.
  9. Except there is NO box price anymore. You can create an account and sub without a wait. You don't have to buy the box anymore.
  10. Post of the day. Nothing better then complaining about the IQ of others, while firmly inserting foot in ones own mouth lol.
  11. I'm getting 90+ on very high default with a I7 950 3.0ghz GTX 660 TI, and 6 gigs of ram on Win 8 64bit. Though I have Hyperthreading turned off in bios because too many MMO's are CPU related and it chokes performance.
  12. I don't think you have a clue. You need to realize that everything evolves. If one company is offering certain features now, then you must also offer those now. Companies aren't competing with release versions of other MMOs. They compete with their products as they are now. Couple that with the fact the devs openly told the beta players they weren't needed, or liked, and only around because they had to have a beta to conform to industry standards. Not to mention things like LFG, and a lot of the other QoL changes, were said to be unwanted and unneeded by the developers in beta. Luckily for EA/BW, those arrogant, and ignorant, devs lost their jobs.
  13. Nice. I seen that mount in game today and loved it. Might have to talk the other half into playing to get me a mount lol.
  14. Cosmetic items should be bought with Achievement points. Sadly won't happen cause of the F2P store. On the flip side, achievements should then give CC, and thus allowing people to earn cosmetic items that way. It's amazing the amount of time people are willing to spend and grind random things just because it would give in game money. Look at Lotro. People farm deeds just to earn turbine points to unlock stuff. It keeps them playing and everyone knows the more you play, the more you're willing to pay.
  15. There is two sides of this to me. The first side is what I'm used to with games like WoW. 25 for a server transfer, 35 for a faction change. I spent 60$ multiple times over my WoW career. I ALWAYS had the choice that if it was that big of a deal, I could reroll on a new server. As long as you can reroll, there never is such a dire issue. The second is the Rift system. I kinda liked how they let you transfer freely from server to server with a timed cooldown. I would suggest a mix of the two system. I think that if a player wants to move just a character to another server, then it should be free. If they want to move a legacy, then it should cost money, and the cost should scale to the number of characters they want to bring with them under that legacy. I think that is a win win. EA gets money, like they love. Players get the chance to move and start over for free, or move a character (with legacy) for a fee.
  16. I agree with the OP. I beta'ed the game. Had a CE pre ordered. Canceled before the game came out. Too many quality of life things players were asking for weren't going to be put in the game. Fast forward to now, and I'm more then willing to spend the monthly fee and enjoy the game. Will take me 4 months of play time to even equal the box price the game had. I've spent more on other games that have failed way harder. Like GR:Future Soldier. *shudder*. I'll play until I either don't enjoy it anymore or find something I enjoy more. I always get a kick out of the people who haunt the forums of games they don't like. Way to let someone live rent free in your mind.
  17. Does their anniversary fall on the same day or week or month as a cannon holiday for this time period? I don't know. Just saying that they were really against holidays, even a lot of the cannon ones, during beta. I never subbed after beta so not sure if that mindset changed.
  18. The funny thing is that all of these things were told to them in beta. Even the Revanites (sp? can't remember how to spell it) were telling them this. Beta players were told in Phase 1 that they were only there because launch standards required a beta. One dev constantly told beta players that the in house testers were far more capable at solving the games issues then randoms.
  19. Unless they changed their mind, in beta they were strongly against in game holidays.
  20. You don't have to buy anything in Lotro. EVERYTHING can be earned in game if you are willing to put the time in. Here they are charging for hotbars. I agree. This game should be more like Lotro. It might not get closed down in a year then.
  21. 180 days? Did you mean how long will it be available for?
  22. Because only stupid people buy extras like that. This is like car dealerships in the 80's. They charged minimal amounts for extras that are now standard. Like cup holders. Would you pay extra money to have access to cup holders in your car? If not, then why would you pay extra money for a standard item like UI hotbars? If you say yes to the first question, then god help us all. Also it has been proven time and time again in the F2P market. People will spend more money on cosmetics if they enjoy a game, then they will unlocking parts of a game.
  23. Your first sentence is the exact definition of a dying game. Not enough players. SWG was kept alive because of Sony. Sony was willing to spend the money on it. They've done it for a lot of games. LA wanted SWG shut down long before. A EA/Bioware MMO needs a lot of players to stay alive. Go as EA about Earth and Beyond. Ask them why they shut that down. If you think EA, and now Disney, are going to let this game flounder without a large enough positive money flow, you ate the blue pill to.
  24. The blue pill helps right? The game is F2P. It's not just an option. It's F2P. No box cost, and only have to sub if you want perks. The game is F2P. A bad F2P model, but F2P none the less. Your view is the exact same view a large group of fanboys had during beta. They keep saying the game was fine. The next build will fix it. While the rest of us called it going F2P. Even the devs said that would "never" happen. Their words.
  25. The game is dying. Healthy games don't go F2P.
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