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Everything posted by Rhyltran

  1. The Knight and Warrior are the same way. Right from the beginning you can tell the first Jedi you meet (remember, you're an initiate going into training) that you've already beaten all your combat instructors and haven't met anyone who can beat you. It might seem ridiculous but prodigies exist and it seems all the characters, whether it's the smuggler, knight, or whatever are prodigies in their own respective fields.
  2. This has been debated to death. Actually it's popular opinion that the Jedi Knight would have been the canon outlander had the Disney take over not happened. If there was going to be an eventual end to this game the JK fits the most as the outlander. Not only that but there are limitations to the Inquisitor. Chances are he can't handle much more ghosts than he already has. The healing ritual ensured that Nox mind was able to withstand the number of ghosts in possession but if he continued to add more to the mix, who knows what would happen, and even with the current amount.. the wrath and Jedi Knight have done some pretty impressive things themselves. Jedi Knight defeated the voice of the Emperor who is above Thanaton. The Warrior defeated the voice of the emperor currently possessed by Sel Makor. He also defeated Baras who had siphoned energy from Kreia's spirit (the entity) and was given a power boost by Sel Makor (who was in the emperor's body.) (this is why he actually has a move called "Voice of the Emperor") not only that but you used the whole "Inquisitor being compared to kallig/horde) but the Wrath has been compared to Exar Kun. If you use the "all specs" idea. The wrath has mastery in Shi-cho, Soresu, Shien/Djem So, Ataru, and Juyo. Not only that but he has excellent telekinetic abilities, force crush, and the ability to release blasts of dark side energy at his opponents (which in the lore has been considered a form of sorcery by the way.) If you use ability mechanics.. the wrath can also heal himself back up when he is reduced in life. So he has the power to heal himself when injured. Note the Jedi Knight is the complete mirror to him. As for the consular? He had enough power to shield multiple Jedi Masters while still casually smiting Darth's left and right. He has the force energy of multiple masters. There isn't a Barsenthor except once in every so many generations and the consular has surpassed all Barsenthors before him/her. Not to mention.. can do the things you mention about Nox. (In terms of spec.) There's enough of a case to be made all the force using classes are equal to each other in terms of power and ability.
  3. I can do a respect thread for the Jedi Knight, Wrath, and Consular that would definitely rival Nox's. As far as the most powerful being in SWTOR? No. Not even close. If you play as Nox you can't hope to solo Revan. Valkorion is stronger than Revan. You use the whole "Well, we don't see him use his full power so.." Marr didn't fear Nox. Marr was one shotted by Valkorion. Arcann (if Nox is your outlander) beats Nox and couldn't even hope to face Valkorion (who casually blocked his strikes with one hand while talking down to him. Valkorion wasn't even struggling.) None of the player characters are the "Most powerful beings" in SWTOR. Top 10-20? Sure.
  4. If I re-call the writers actually didn't like the direction of star wars. Kreia was their mouth piece on how they wish the force was but they also understood at the same time despite how they felt about the force and their personal feelings kreia was wrong which is why ultimately in the end she fails, dies, and the character doesn't share her view. Whether you're light or dark Kreia's viewpoint of the force and goals is anathema to the force, the galaxy, etc. So she has to go either way. The game was to get people to really look into the force, think about it, and.. that's kind of it. I actually love KOTOR 2 for this reason. At least they don't force you to have to swallow Kreia's coolaid.
  5. Most of the EU disagrees. Dark Side = Bad. Light Side = Good. Following a grey approach in the force usually leads one to falling. Case in point.. anakin, Kyle Katarn, Luke (when he took that approach), Jacen Solo, and I can go on. Even in KOTOR 2 while it has shades of grey and tries to offer a different approach, following Kreia's logic would lead to the destruction of the galaxy. The galaxy can't exist without the force. Trying to remove it so people could be "Free" doesn't work and ultimately she had to die.
  6. Except as Inquisitor you don't get the dark side title. Only the light side title.
  7. I've heard this theory before and dismissed it but I'm now starting to wonder. Ezra has a thing for Sabine, who is from house wren, and coincidentally Snoke has his group, the knights of Ren. Furthermore, Ezra believes he can balance both light and dark and is starting to take the obsessive philosophy that it's his destiny to destroy the sith (we know it isn't.). In the visual dictionary we're told that "Snoke was once young and handsome before the dark side twisted him." we're also told Snoke is someone who watched the rise and fall of the galactic empire. There's still not enough evidence to confirm but the possibility is there.
  8. That remains to be seen. He didn't get his on illum either. His original one came from the temple in Lothal.
  9. Neutral is Occlus. That being said, it's because even if you're full dark side if you don't finish your class story and go to makeb it flags as imperius for male nox for female. The flag is still there.
  10. Still people forget it changes the state of the galaxy..
  11. Kyber crystals could be found in Ilum's Crystal Caves, in the crust of the Outer Rim world Lothal, and a few other planets.[1] The crystals concentrated energy in a unique manner and were attuned to the Force, resonating with it.[1] They were a critical component in the construction of lightsabers, focusing energy into the weapon's distinct plasma blade. As younglings, Jedi traveled to the ice caves to harvest their own crystals, which they then used to build their lightsabers. The Force guided their selection, finding a crystal that matched them as Jedi. Crystals lacked color before they were chosen by a Jedi. Once chosen, most lightsabers became blue or green, though other shades were created in rare instances, most notably Mace Windu's purple blade, the yellow blades of the Jedi Temple Guards, the black darksaber and Ahsoka Tano's white lightsabers. From wookiepedia. http://www.starwars.com/databank/lightsaber-crystal Starwars databank
  12. Star Wars has it's own morality. It's a universal morality. We don't have the force and Lucas created the world of star wars. He decided the morality in his own universe and has clarified that the Jedi.. are the ones that's right. Real world morality does not play into the fictional world of star wars. The force is sentient to a degree. So the "culture" and "Society" it is based off of is the force itself.
  13. It doesn't work that way. The Jedi code was never meant to be taken literally. The code is mostly used in metaphors. "There is no emotion, there is peace." means to not let emotion cloud judgement. Jedi laugh, they cry, they celebrate, and they crack jokes. You see emotion in all jedi, even in the movies, from obi wan kenobi, to windu, and even Yoda. Talking about "For the greater good" falls under "The ends justify the means" and that train of thought has created more Dark Jedi and Sith than anything else. The books, movies, games, etc has drilled it into our heads that if you go along the lines of "The end justify the means" you are following a dark path. Anakin thought along those lines, Jacen Solo, Revan, etc.
  14. There are methods to resist force drain. It's not fool proof.
  15. In mace windu's fairness he did tell Anakin that if he was right and Palpatine was the Sith Lord he'd have earned his trust.
  16. They're already failing that. If she was Thrawn she would have been a massive thorn in this new empire's side and would have been smashing them.
  17. It's also just as likely she waited for the other council members to die off. There is implications she was on the weaker side considering it states that she only declared herself empress when there was no opposition. It's also possible she didn't really participate as much which is why she's the only one left. I'm of the opinion I don't hate her but if we can't do anything about her position? They need to really sell her as being powerful when we get to meet her.
  18. I hope the dark side wins simply because which side wins changes the "State of the galaxy." Light usually wins in the novels/books/etc. It'd be nice for dark to win.
  19. I worked retail for awhile. Sadly, people do ask for things like this. They usually throw a fit when told "No."
  20. She has little in the way of backing that makes her seem formidable. Most people, especially players, are going to want someone strong on the throne. Either someone believably stronger than our characters or our characters themselves. There's no real evidence that she's stronger than we are and the idea of serving under a weak leader is.. annoying. Especially when playing Sith.
  21. I personally prefer legends over Disney Canon. I merely point out certain things to people who think at some point this game will be made canon as is.
  22. Force Ghosts can be obliterated with enough power. Look to Exar Kun as an example. He destroyed a force ghost and as a force ghost was banished by the collective might of Luke's students.
  23. Again, incorrect. As for them being "The best" these are non-character statements. If you'd like I can pull out the quotes. As for the prequel era jedi? Maybe you haven't read the revenge of the sith novelization. Yoda had trained the Jedi to re-fight the last war and it's why they failed against the rule of two Sith. The Jedi were preparing for the Sith's return. The Jedi also, as one of their trials, have to fight a holo recording of ancient Sith. So they were well versed in how the Sith fought and what they were capable of. How well they can do against the most powerful ancient Jedi/Sith? I'm sure only the best in the order can deal with them, however, do note that Yoda was the greatest Jedi the order had ever seen. Sidious was the greatest Sith. Sidious would steam roll some of the ancient Sith while the others, who might put up a fight, would inevitably fall.
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