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Posts posted by Osicat

  1. But Blotter, you shoot and miss target totaly. Im not complaning about buggs here, or even the game witch I love. What im complaning about is the fact when a problem occurred and a ticket is made the GM dont solve the problem. Instead they note the tiecket, thank you for posting and tells you it will be solved in theu future. What preventing the Gm form instantly solve your problem, give you the title/gear/namechange or whatever? Nothing prevent it as it in special cases been done. Its just the attitude from the GM/company that we dont solv teh smal problems we work on solve the system to prevent em from happen.


    But for the little person it dont make him happier, he want to have hes prolem solved and feel somone litening to him. Its like if teh police never solved the smal crimes but only worked on sort the system to preent em form happen. whell then ppl who reported smal crims would feel liek noone helped em/care.

  2. In many ways SWTOR is outstanding as a game and I enjoy it in so many ways. Still one thing bugger me, the GM/ticket system


    I was playing wow for many years both hardcore and casual. Several times things just dint go as planned. Some loot got messed up, some bug prevented a title or accivment etc etc. What did you do? You made a ticket about it and a few hours worst case a day later you eather got a GM to talk to or a mail where your problem where solved. You goot that loot you deleted or dint loot, the title you dint get due to x mecanic etc was there or your problem one or another was solved.


    In SWTOR ppl made numerous tickets about wich to change legacy name without have this solved. Bug prevent loot in any ways and aswer is in the type "we hope to solve this bugg in the road ahead" or whatever. The other evening we did Kara nightame in 1h 20 min but due to respawned 3rd boss we dint get the title as we had to reset in order to be alowed to enter, we made a ticket and answer was "than you for report this issue and we hope our team will solve this bugg in the future"


    Well I have news for you, this is not enought. When ppl have a problem/issue and report they dont give a crap about how you will solve the issue ion the future or the fact they helped by report this. its not beta, its live and we play for it every month meaning we want our title/loot/changed sorted already.


    Serious if it been a Blizzard GM they would soved your issue and left you happy about it.


    Its like if I called my insurance company and reporting my car was broken. I now need a car assitance service to get me and my car to repair. They take a few days before answer then give me the answer "thank you for reporting your car broke, this will help us prevent more broken cars in the future and we also working on a fix so in the future you will easy get your picked up by the road and fixed". But but ***? I want my car fixed! This dont solv my current problem! I pay for you to help me when my car dont work!


    KK ty

  3. Kk sound like alot of eppen but pure numbers I think you misstaken


    Not sure what you talking about and why US would se higher numbers. I run in a premade and the healers in my team regulary have 500k+ or less frequent 700+. I have 5-600k+ dmg on VS quite often and had a 550k civil war yesterday defending mid.


    Best VS I had after surge nerf was 770k but didnt screen, took this the other day thu (post nerf) http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll103/osianic/Screenshot_2012-02-21_16_58_55_439939.jpg


    Still ofc objectives make you win Koenignorth but if your premade is winning by far its fun fool around and get some free medals. When its 500 - 150 on civil war, have 2 bases and you winning there is no reason not go with a team mid kill em and farm medals and epeen some.

  4. About mods its close to needed. The stats on the b, powertec gear favour accuracy who with pyro spec dont have alot to offer room compared to power. So what do you do to max dmg output for your powertec. Buy/farm agent collumni glowes and helmet for surge/power enc and woala you get close to 10% increace in your dmg.


    Even for Pve this is needed as you in full pve bis slot gear unmodded land at a serious owercap on accu.

  5. I been 4-6-31 most of the time, with my aim in pvp gear going up to 1600+ now I start to experiement with 8-6-27 and must say im not negativly supriced. It stil have ok burst and thesubstained dmg is heavy. Its a bit weaker in my opinion in down guarded healers but al others melt down and you can still get those healers down. Regulary see 5k+ crits on railshoots.


    Regarding Pve rading dmg most theorycrafting and sims runned show as I understadn that 27/28 pyro is the top dmg spec.


    I try avoid owercap my secondary satst for pvp and pve and feel I give a better punch now.


    Soft caps secondary stats ( source: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/guide-to-bounty-hunter-powertech-trooper-vanguard-mechanics-and-pvp/ )


    Crit Rating: ~400

    Expertise: ~550

    Power: N/A, scales linearly

    Surge Rating: ~200

  6. Running with http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfhMbdGhrs.1


    I prefere to use automated defences as its the spec I raid with aswell and give some extra free dmg. Focus is keep ppl at range and only go in on the deep if its safe or only 1 player. Found I often get focus after a while in WZ's and die if i go to deep.


    Also note I play 90% with my pvp part of the guild so have a backup healer so a bit easier dps.

  7. Deer op and Affics.... this going on and you qq about powertecs?




    Jeez, nothing wrong with pw,s they are ok balanced for PvP I give you that but need some dmg in the non shared dps tree for pve. If anything powertecs could use a dmg buff on their burst. Yes I play powertecs and yes i do some dmg but its not op in any way.


    Think its a matter of "I died to x class so now it need to be nerfed".

  8. So basicly grappe is op as you can drag 1 target from a group to deny healing and have your team focus him. I can agree on that but several other classes can do that inc 2 other powertec spec.


    Pyro powertec in it self is in no way owerpowered. Its juts a wery balanced spec with good mobility, ok survival and medium dmg output ower long time. Several other classes hit harder singel hits and has less resource problem. Inc who can rotate 4 talent and have higer substained dmg for once.


    Still I enjoy play my pyro, its smooth and fun just not owerpowered in any way. If any i would like us to have a bit stronger flamethrower dmg aka prototype flamethwower who logicaly should be a pyro talent. Also some more dmg on the termal detonator so we can compete with snipers better in single target dmg, as its now you play the spec for its fun factor not for its dmg.

  9. I making some comics about my caratcer osicat pyro powertec and my guild. Been doing this sens release of the game. Anyone else have soem fan matereal about powertecs pls feel free to share :)


    1 random



  10. Hi


    Have hit 50 for not to long ago but with hard work succesed to scrap together an semi decent gear on my Powertec pyro 4-6-31. Have just started doing hardmodes and raids and notice after 4,5 years of rading as server top in wow on my rogue how "interesting" it is to dps without a threat managment addon. No idea how close I am to get aggro. Well this would not be suthc a problem if I had some kind of threat drop tool aka vanish etc.


    My questions is to the community.



    You notice problem with contantly pull aggro of tanks?


    How do you manage without a threat drop ability?

  11. I play Pyro Powertec and I must say I feel like a god in the pvp. No idea how it will be when al classes have al abilitys etc but atm you dot stuff up and get los to see them die. A mele jumps you? trolololol slow dot dot stun + shield.


    I usualy get past 270+ dmg done in a game, got to 330+ sometimes and have most KB's and solo kills.


    Cybertec is kick *** btw for the aoe stun/fall grenade. Cheep and can kick the whole enemy team of their feet. Superb for hutball extra cc.


    btw :)



  12. First of all I just want to thank for a amazing game. The lanch of the game been among the smoothest game lances I ever participated in. Secondly I have a question. So far scheduled maintenance and game invite folow the American timeline. Ofc I understand we cant demand the devs to be awake 24h but is there a reason the EU servers folow american timeline? As for them who get servers down in the middle of the night we who "live in the future" endup have them down 9AM.


    Aslo is there any Devs who twitter on EU times? So far you seem to be able to folow the devs sleeping pattern (and thye dont seem to sleep alot tbh) by when they off twitter for longer times. Its obious they al folow american time :)


    <3 Osi

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