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10 Good
  1. I'm truly hoping someone can point out an error. If I'm right, it is a pretty substantial nerf to tankassins I've been working on an Assassin DPS calculator for a month now as a silly side project, but today it seems as if my numbers are off by such a dramatic margin that I can't seem to reconcile how I could have made such an error. Torhead Link to Thrash Thrash Minimum Damage(per hit) = ((0.505 + 1 ) * mainHandMin) + (.74 * damageBonus) + (.074 * 1610) This number, as Torhead indicates in their tooltip, is in the ballpark of 1000. But most importantly, this is supported by my notes of Thrash's ingame damage while I was testing it prior to 1.5. NOW My tooltip ingame estimates the damage to be 569 - 671. Which is actually what thrash appears to be doing as well. Thrash is the bread and butter of my hybrid pvp tankassin, and I can't seem to find anyone else who's noticed. I'm not 100% sure when the change happened, and only noticed now that I'm revisiting my dps calculator. I'm hoping that I'm wrong and that someone can point out some ridiculous oversight I've made. I'm never the first one to notice problems and assume the problem has to be something I've done.
  2. The set that appears on the character select screen for Imperial Agent is pretty darn cool! I also believe the Centurion and Champion sets were inadvertently retired without custom shells ever being released. It'd be nice to get those back in as a craftable shell.
  3. Hydraulic Press Chestguard has a green version for imperial bounty hunters as a quest reward on Hutta. The custom version has the same name, but is not the same model. The awesome one is teal and yellow and has a unique model I don't recall seeing elsewhere in the game. http://imgur.com/5U0bW So awesome.
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