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Posts posted by Febibi

  1. We are wondering where the common features are such as a guild bank ?


    Guidls are preety limited .... but after Rift was harassed for 2 months they gave it.... why after seeing and experiencing that was there not guild bank for this game?



    1 = Yes we want a guild bank


    2= No bank needed

  2. It was sort of tucked at the end of one of Georg's posts, and while I noticed it, I haven't seen any threads on the matter.






    That's how I interpret the quote, anyway.


    (EDIT: Emphasis not mine. In the original quote, the word "your" is italicized)


    And it's all right by me. The people who want logs say they need meters to let them gauge their own performance as a point of personal pride. Few have been willing to admit they want them for any other reason.


    This should satisfy pretty much everyone -- both the people who want logs to help them better themselves, and the people who don't want the culture of elitism and exclusion that meters foster.


    um.... personal logs is enough.... you dont need other players info unless you are a raid leader... all people do with them is harass


    personal logs at least give reason to how and why you died... as well as a look into if someone was exploiting by exploiting holes in global cooldown to use abilities faster than intended.

  3. All they do is troll anyways. If they aren't going to be playing the game in the future, what positive benefit can they have to the community?


    Sure, let them access their game account until the end of the month. But there's no obligation to allow them to poison the atmosphere of the community.


    yea or suspend / limit access until it is a active account

  4. Most ? How do you even know how many are happy and how many aren't ?


    look at server population for that last week and compare it to the first 2 weeks.... standard/low is bad this early and its due to mass crying on the forums by hundreds of thousands of players unhappy with the number of bugs and broken questpvp


    tells alot man when the population dies so fast after mass complaints by them on forums


    I just think that the best way to make this game survive and succeed is to give players a reason to trust. if not then they get a month of subs and lose more population.


    admit fault (they have in reports), fix problems, smile

  5. Aye, I play both and many more so i know how rough it can be, this wasn't even clsoe to what FF went and are going through. The difference is SE stepped the f@#$ up immediately.


    Yea... but will bioware do the same? Every aspect of why FFXI/SE did it is in place. Some players were happy with the game and most werent... by the servers being all standard witha couple high now.... it kind of tells us all that people came in masses and left in masses... those left are giving them another month to fix things or leave...


    a free month as a sign that they are sorry things are bad and an email about it to past players will get things rolling again i think.

  6. This. Keep it in mind:


    -> Sadly, this isnt Baldur's Gate II Bioware/Black Isle Studios

    -> Sadly, this isnt even Mass Effect's, KotoR's and Dragon Age Origins's Bioware

    -> There were several staff being replaced when EA bought Bioware.

    -> This is Dragon Age 2 Bioware-EA.

    ->And in a near future, Bioware will be just a brand name on which EA will capitalise upon. Like it appears to be the case in this game.


    so like alienware was bought by dell... and now its basicly... dell ?

  7. You do realize FFXIV has been f2p since launch yea?


    Yup they start pay to play today. Now that they have the bugs fixed and can justify to a court that they can charge players for what was advertised.


    The same could happen here and I love star wars so I hope they dont get dragged into the same battle. They need to show thier customers they care and understand they screwed up and maybe that will avoid a flop.


    Things need fixing and thats been admitted to....

  8. That would show a bit of love on BW's part imo, would be nice.


    Yea it would show they understand there are problems, are sorry and to bear with them.


    Currently their answer to everyones bug report is to watch out for patches and bug fixes. So players are stuck on class quests that are not possible to be complete. Also stuck in pvp with max geared/leveled against 10's makes the game not PVP but a bully fight.


    We can hope they do the right thing in the next couple of days.


    Heck I bet if they do it, and send an email to all unsubs... they will win back the players.

  9. 1 or 3 is my opinion... they need to give the customers the right idea that they understand there are problems and they will work on them, but in the mean time to please bear with them and understand that they will do their best. Not charging for another month tells customers that they are sorry and to give them another chance and if after another month they are not happy then they can go without feeling ripped off.
  10. This is a thread dedicated to a poll about if Bioware/EA should give its SWTOR customers another free month of service.



    FFXIV and Square Enix gave its customers free service until the product was as advertised. Bioware should have to do the same due to the product not being as advertised. PVP is broken, world PVP is senseless and non existant. The class quests and regular PVE are broken and buggy as can be, and the graphics are game breaking for half the population.


    The number of subs and active players has drasticly lowered due to issues the players face as well as what some percieve to be horrible customer service (I have had decent experiences with support). Giving another Free month of service will give BioWare the ability to show its customers that it cares and that it understands there are bugs to be worked out and that they will do their customers right.


    The bugs are there, the playability to this day is still horrible and the maintence being backed up again shows us that the patch team is having some major coding issues. My guess is that there was not enough programmer documentation to go along with things.






    1= Yes they should give another month until bugs are worked out.

    2= No they should charge players and lose mass amounts of subs

    3= They should do what they feel is best for the future of SWTOR and compensate





    PS- the hacking is out of control as is powerleveling and gold farming... this is a problem with all mmo, but the level it is allowed to go on is out of this world.

  11. 1.1 notes:


    "Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


    Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


    So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


    I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


    gear is to easy...as is valor

  12. If anything, this topic proves that people behave the same with or without a dungeon finder. You say there was common courtesy in WoW before a LFD, but as the Op points out, the same isn't true in ToR.


    yea but this is post wow, so people are in the jerk mindset from wow.... hopefully they learn fast that that BS dont fly

  13. Whats your PSU? You better not be running a 300W supply for that hardware. I suspect many of the fps drops people complain about are do to inadequate power supply for the hardware.


    hopefully he has a 500w min... though id go with a 1000w and a fan with a big blade for more cooling and less rotation/noise....


    His specs look nice, but the other issue could be background processes...... also double check your graphics settings in windows to make sure it is Auto detect.

  14. I dont mind if they do it and I die.. As long as the fricken point counts.... The problem is the points often dont count.



    Also I think that if you throw the ball to someone in thier own area It shouldnt insta kill them rather reset the ball in the middle.


    sometimes it counts


    sometimes it doesnt


    sometimes it counts twice

  15. As a shield tech Huttaball=Fav WZ


    same :)


    all classes but operative have push/pull .... so i suspect the operatives are the onces complaining about this... yet they are the OP melee class of the month

  16. DEVS should READ THIS .... REWRITE and sticky to help players fix the major issue!




    Go into your graphics card settings for your computer and set it to auto detect by the program.....


    Then in game put your graphics high and apply.... then put graphics low and apply..... hit CTRL+SHIFT+F to check yoru FPS.... then take off shadows and hit apply....


    This should fix the majority of players graphics issues...



    Even with a 2 year old laptop by sony I have 22-43 fps..... my new desktop hits 42-106 depending on the zone.





    The major problem people have is they set their graphics card to max instead of auto detect.... and then they go in game and make settings..... this has a double process effect and overworks your CPU and GPU doing every single process twice...now you know that will not only slow things down but kill a computer...


    Auto detect from windows for your Graphics card = the real fix

  17. I just do what everyone else does. Roll need on everything. I just assume they're gonna screw me, so I try to screw them first.


    i dont becasue i dont want them to do it to me... but i run with guildies 75% of the time so its not much of a worry and we always agree in chat before that if no one needs we will ask eachtoehr if we can need for a companion...... works nicely

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