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Everything posted by Ledra

  1. Saw a guy on Bloodworthy a sith warrior called Will'sith which made me lol hehe
  2. WTS World of Warcraft or Rift account ( If you've lost yours and want to play a different game then this which caters such a ****** tool )
  3. The hours invested argument is kinda lame mate. Whole hours think about it ... The guild issue I can understand as I am there myself. But ask yourself this. Isnt it the same for your guild members? The que's I mean? I am in the same situation and we've decided to play where ever and wait the storm out and get back together. And if you are gonna blame anyone its the idiots who keep making new characters on full servers with long ques and making the ques longer. That is the same idiot who gets on here after his first dc or first few hours of sleep and complains about the que's on the server and blames Bioware from everything to Aids and the sun hurting his eyes when he stares at it.
  4. Now this is the most stupid reply in this thread. If you guildmates are on the same server surely they have long que's as well. And if infact you are a tightknit gaming community they would reroll with you ( especially since you are not the only one with the que issue? )
  5. I'm sorry but I dont see how people did not see this coming or didnt expect it? I made my char at Bloodworthy on the 13th when the server was only 'light'. Now I can't play it because after I get home from work the que is just too long for me to be able to play more then 1h. So ... I could either make a char somewhere else ( Which would suck since I have my guild mates on that server and I am really fond of my lvl 20+ char ) but it would allow me to actually play or just suck up and be in que. I chose to suck up and be in que and I am quite certain eventually the que issue be resolved. So yet again what did you expect? It's a seriously popular game that hasnt even been released. You've invested 5 days tops into your characters. Reroll or ride the storm out. And for crying out dont blame bioware especially about not listening to their playerbase, they are opening new servers constantly and posting information here on forums. If you want to blame anyone blame the idiots who logs on for the first time and picks a full server, rides the que out and makes a new char on that server. ( That is the same idiot who the next day after 2h of sleep cant log immediatly back in because of the long que, come on the forums and whines about the que and trashes the developers.) They can make the game for us but they cant play it for us. The player base are causing the ques and noone else.
  6. I kinda like that it isnt implemented. Your class can do two different roles. Pick one. If you change your mind it'll cost you. You arent supposed to switch back and forth like there is no tomorrow. That's what I feel about it anyways. Remember when MMO's didnt cuddle you? Glory days , long lost ...
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