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Everything posted by Coldcrush

  1. Hmm, never tried strafing again in the same direction. Will give that a shot next time it happens. Thanks.
  2. Anyone else have their ship get stuck moving in one direction after strafing in one direction or another? That particular keybind of mine has never gotten stuck in any other usage, including ground game pvp or any other MMO for that matter. Just curious if I am the only one. P.S. - This has nothing to do with Sabotage Probe (do people even use it?). This can happen even if no one is around and will last nearly an entire match if not the whole time.
  3. Obvious answer is that the class ship looks way cooler. /thread
  4. Also perhaps fix the whole bolster issue and make high end pvp gear definitively better than any other gear combination in pvp.
  5. Cosmetic rewards, titles/mounts/gear, with the possible removal of obtaining ranked comms via converting reg comms.
  6. Surely these class ships are roughly the same size of the Millennium Falcon, and we that how it fared in dogfights vs. tie fighters in both performance and relative size.
  7. Bombers are massive starfighters, protected by powerful shields and heavy armor, and bristling with a dizzying array of specialized weaponry. Give me my class ship as a bomber!
  8. You couldn't ask for an easier kill. Fly directly at the gunship and pop extended evasion, unload blasters and rocket pods the whole time, boom dead gunship in seconds. Only the smartest ones realize they're in trouble and boost away and by then they are already crippled.
  9. Fair enough, thanks for the response.
  10. I can't seem to find any solid info on its base duration, just vague "for a few seconds" descriptions. Anyone know the hard number without the upgrade?
  11. I use rocket pods exclusively and refuse to use anything else. As you stated they work great for turrets and people flying directly towards/away from you, but anyone flying in a relatively straight line in any direction for any amount of time will catch a face full or rockets in short order. I find them beyond effective for overconfident gunships who think a scout barreling directly towards them isn't a threat. Evasion plus Rocket Pod/Blaster spam will drop them before they even realize they're in trouble.
  12. Playing a bit more towards the objectives and it would have changed the course of that game. If you care about winning worry less about dying and kills, hang around sats and help cap them, keep them, or if it is neutral and your team is up, keep 'em neutral for as long as possible. Of course if you truly hate hanging around sats seek and destroy gunships, would have helped me out quite a bit in this vid. This is far from perfect gameplay, but you should get the idea. I'd like to think I contributed a good bit towards the win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl9DcnD9p-4
  13. This. I really prefer the class ship and using them in dogfights still fits lore.
  14. Depends on how you look at it. Does he betray you, or was he never loyal to you in the first place? He never stopped working for Barass so he is, in fact, very loyal. Solution? Kill Barass and obtain his actual fealty.
  15. Sir, it is one large wing with two smaller wings attached on the other side. The ship is as bad as the class is fun.
  16. Maybe I could use it in a quest to escape how terrible my trooper ship looks? Maybe I could land on an abandoned Fury...oh yes that would be nice.
  17. It's one wing with two smaller wings attached to the other side. Thumbs down.
  18. Really? Both the Fang and Cyber are as lefty as they come, meaning the don't really favor either side unlike the nostromo.
  19. Going to be honest, I didn't read too far past the title. The one bit of advice I have as a lefty gamer in this genre for over 10 years is, buy a programmable ambidextrous game pad such as the Fang Gamepad (no longer in production) or the Cyber Snipa Gamepad and never touch your keyboard again. It takes a bit to get used to but once you do there is no going back.
  20. Been using a controller/joystick from the start. Just get a programmable one like the logitech rumble pad.
  21. Very few Jedi in that time period, even less sith due to the "rule of two" This story takes place relatively shortly after their "Knights of the Old Republic" games, which many gamers know much about.
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