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Everything posted by Urantia

  1. Okay, well I am sorry to hear you are not capable of buying your own stuff and must rely on others to finance your ship(s). I do not approve of your methods, but whatever floats your boat {or ships lol}. I hope your event is a success. I do sincerely apologize if my tone was less than friendly, but I am suspicious by nature. Lol if we contribute do we get our name on a deck plate...or maybe have a wing named after us lol?
  2. Let us suppose more than 4 hunters sign up for the hunt at 500k, then where do all the extra credits go? Say 30 hunters sign up and submit their 500K...where does the surplus of 13 mil go after the 2 mil payout? Sounds like a money making scheme to rip people off if you ask me. Usually the larger the pot the bigger the payout right? After all if this is even remotely fair and not some inside joke, then with more hunters means more competition and challenge. Let me guess they will be hiding in a pvp area so hunters cannot use their companions etc right? I like the idea for fun, but seems like the joke is on any participants...while you all laugh all the way to the bank.
  3. More like "look at me part II"...what a joke. Get over yourself OP...no one cares how long you have been here, what your ID number is, or what your beta experience is. If there was ever a time when anything in this game mattered...that time has long since passed in my opinion.
  4. Yes thank you very much for fixing this. There are still some broken textures out there {in how they reflect light in a false and unrealistic fashion...as if the armor has a transparent layer that only reacts to certain wavelengths}, but none were as bad as the 512 that I personally witnessed. Here is to hoping the others get a pass and fixed also.
  5. Toss me in with those that like this new bug.
  6. I won a Rancor {named it "Grape Ape"} from the casino and gave it to my sorcerer. With her full set of Elite WH she sort of looks like a Nightsister lol. Personally I am not a big fan of animal mounts, but this was about the only use I could think of using it for....to be a pseudo Nightsister lol. Glad I have actually been to Dathomir so had some minor inspiration for its use...else I would like have shoved it in the bank :-(.
  7. This is certainly the most reasonable option. But it will not do for those folks. "Search your feeling ...you know it to be true". To them it will have no utility unless they can bypass any effort.
  8. I would have been against it in the past also...very much so. But not anymore. And since everything I ever feared has already come to pass, I could not possibly get any more disappointed lol. We knew in beta the game would go F2P, have a cash shop, and eventually be pay to win. Not because we were negative....but because it was the prevailing psychology of the most vocal. Yes even on the old forums there were hundreds of threads about cash shops, F2P, "what would you buy with real cash if allowed?" threads. While I rarely said anything it drove me nuts...because it was obvious these same forces would not be happy until they could press a button to leap-frog the in-game accomplishments of others "with more time". I still remember reading a thread from a guy claiming he worked 80 hours a week and had no time to play, but needed options to keep up with his friends lol. Not sure about you all, but if my work required me to work 80 hours a week I would have never even played this game let along post on the forums. I have never been a believer in the false equation: {less time + more money} = {more time + less money}....but my camp {if you can call it that} lost. Like we could keep hardcore capitalism out of the game right?
  9. I may be mistaken, but is it not true that you are better off naked than with empty shells? KDY came too late in my "evolution" to do anything but goof with it. I got more armor rating and stats while naked than I did with empty shells on....and of course slightly better stats with shells that actually had armorings, mods, and enhancments {than if naked}. I even tried comparing a full birthright suit {MH and OH included}...the filled shells were still slightly better for the specific lvl tested. Perhaps they changed this? But yeah just curious why you would be running with empty shells since last I tried that I got almost no armor rating {just what was on the blank shells}...but when I went naked I got armor lol. Suffice to say I stayed with the shells filled with planet comm garbage and was better off out of all the options I tested. As to the repairs I cannot say I ever noticed anything special.....but perhaps they broke it again and somehow bolster is having an effect {assuming you are lvling and repairing inside the lame *** place}. Considering KDY came across to me as something one of the Devs kids put together on a weekend nothing surprises me.
  10. I would vote no on this idea, but heck with as dumbed down and convenient as the game has become...the next logical step would be to not play at all. Sure instant 55 why not? It would be another in a long line of features that came way too late to benefit me, but if we can add more features to further trivialize the game why not? Since absolutely nothing in the game has any meaning or value anymore...how could this possibly make things any worse?
  11. Just happened to my group Empire side on Shadowlands. I guess they changed it back to 8-man, but left code in the quest for 16 man? But I can confirm the random group I just ran it with got nothing...well at least those that spoke up...which was most including myself. What a shame. Never wanted to run an 8-man to begin with, so that is what I deserve I suppose.
  12. Sadly I just Qed up for 8-man DF and did not get the 30 comms. No one in my group did and we all used finder and used GF travel to get there. So something seems broken today. Bolster also seemed to add nothing to my toon today. Maybe just that toon, but rolled in with better geared toons and they got bolstered yesterday...so maybe a fix on that....since none of mine would need it to begin with. {probably that it was 8-man and the bolster is even lower?}
  13. Still no fix :-(. Maybe by 2.8, but I will not hold my breath.
  14. Well since no one has seen it yet, I will give you that I can only express what I wish it was. As to the different types of binding...please do not try and insult me about how they function. I get it. You do not foresee it being as I desire...nor do you think it is logical based on language you have heard. I concur that using just "Legacy Storage" does not directly imply generic "account storage". Since it is not explicit either I can hope until I actually see what they give us.
  15. Naturally. I am under no illusions about what it can be....and how in all probability I will not like it. But to me if I am unable to move around bound items then the feature is a waste {maybe a tiny QoL improvement}. An improvement that has taken so long to come about that if it is just some lame "central bank" then it will not do anything to help me.
  16. You are the one that is confused. I was perfectly clear in my desires for Legacy storage. There is no confusion on my part about how I desire it to work. .
  17. Small correction...I meant any bound item. I realized after I said "BoP" that it was too specific, but did not bother expecting most would get what I meant. So to reiterate, if I cannot move around bound items in general, then it will be 100% useless to me.
  18. If we cannot move around BoP items via the legacy storage then, to me, it will be 100% pointless.
  19. Been on the forums here since October 2008 and was playing in closed beta for a couple months leading up to EA. Still here and subbed the whole time....and play daily to this day. Anyone I cared about in this game has long since left sadly. I still enjoy the game, but admit I am still having a hard time dealing with how the game has evolved over time. An artifact all early adopters have to deal with to one degree or another. I know how any friends I had dealt with it....they left.
  20. Yes please fix this. I bug reported it right after 2.7, but have not really done any digging until now. While it is not the end of the world, I am sure most here agree that we want to enjoy the look of our characters. The first set was the series 505 if I recall....and I made a toon specifically to be a "droid"....however I did not like the "wings" on the back of the first set, so acquired the 512 when it cam along as it was more "sleak" and was more miminalistic. As of 2.7 it looks like crap in most environments. As noted above I definitely think it has to do with the illusion of light reflection or the like. It should be noted that in my torso I have a black/black dye....which may make it even more obvious than say if I had a white/white dye {cannot be sure as I have only tried black/black}. As above I have not used that character much since 2.7 as it Frankly pisses me off to look at it {especially since for the first time ever I made a toon to accommodate gear}. In fact, I hate the "reflection" {transparent layer?} stuff added to most "metal" armors and preferred they way my toons in all black armor looked before 2.7, but oh well. Thankfully my characters in "cloth" armor look dark and do not "shine" {Mando preserver set also does not "shine" thankfully}. As to the series 512 torso...I can only think of a few places where it looks as it did before 2.7...and humorously even in the white out of the Rakata mind prison on Belsavis {classic daily [yes I am the only one that does these anymore lol]} it looks as it did pre-2.7...and it does not get any brighter than in there. As stated in my bug report, my character wearing the 512 torso {she wears the whole 512 set for what it is worth} looks completely normal on the character sheet and in the appearance tab. But looks off on the log-in screen...and in most environments she has been to since 2.7.0. My apologies for the length of this post, but this has been bothering me since 2.7 and was hoping for a fix by now. I am happy to see you all adding more layers to things {still laughing at the "light through leaves" on Voss} to make the game look better, but I just wish you all could get it right just once.
  21. Totally spot on. I know I have not seen a PvP match since 2.0 launched. Sure they have "improved" bolster some since then, but I never looked back. I could also never accept bolster at lvl cap for PvP. Had it been only for 10-54 I might have kept at it after 2.0...but nah.
  22. This is partly my concern. Race to lvl 15, head to Kuat until lvl 55, and then right into SM ops. So from starter planet gear directly to 78s is how it will be now? You are correct Adaliaya...this is exactly what some people will do.
  23. I find this ridiculous as well. If they have done anything great in this game since beta, it is to show how horrible they are at retroactive anything. I can still remember my first experience with their inability to retroactively grant an accomplishment. It was back in closed beta when we were first testing the legacy system. Back then you had to wait until you finished chapter 2 if I recall....but if a player in beta had already finished chapter 2 or past the point where it was granted....you got no legacy lol. Granted this was beta...so I was not too fussed over it. But such a glaring oversight did stick with me...and had me hoping it would not translate to live. I have now lost count on what I have lost merely because I started playing before 04/09/2013 lol {the date I humorously refer to as "the day the game started"...since almost nothing before it counted}. To this day I get a laugh at how I capped my legacy lvl before there was even a interface to spend on {that came with 1.1 if my memory serves}....but had to wait until 04/09/2013 to be rewarded with a title. By this point in time everyone and their brother was a "Living Legend" lol. Maybe by the time ~100% of the server is legacy 50 they will finally add something needing leg 50 lol. I could go on all day about such things....but it should be noted I could not possibly care less about codex entries, collections, titles, guilds, achievements, or vanity. What I care about is the integrity of the game....and my ability to have confidence in the staff. We all have basic expectations....from the simple case of not losing items from your cargo hold just because you logged off...to the expectation that if you do an activity {especially in the supposed post 04/09/2013 achievement era} you are rewarded as expected. Especially on something as trivial as a codex entry ffs. I am sure BW knows about this issue since it has affected literally anyone that grabbed the Makeb datacrons between 2.0 {04/09/2013} and 2.6.1. how they handle it will be interesting...since they seem incapable fixing these things. I mean it only took them nearly a year to finally add the damn entries....yet they seem to have spent zero time making sure those that earned them prior would be granted the entries with 2.6.1.
  24. First off let me say I was happy to see this entry in the patch notes. Having been almost a year since 2.0 launched, I was beginning to think these were never going to be added. I got that they were not a high priority {a year for something so seemingly trivial made this case}. Anyhow...I log on today and the first thing I did was went to my codex screen. To my dismay it still reads as 67/69...still. So were they added or not? I know for a fact I have every datacron in the game...even earned the "Datacron Master" title back on 04/09/2013 when early access for 2.0 started. Were the codex entires retroactively granted? If so, what were they called. I have gotten every cron in the game on all 16 of my characters...but because there was never a codex entry granted I have no idea what it is called. I really cannot be bothered to see if they are there by a process of eliminating all the pre-Makeb crons. I would also be lying if I said I ever committed any of the entries to memory lol...I grabbed them for stats nothing more nothing less. I see also that Makeb, to this day, has still not been added to the codex screen with the other planets {humorously Oricon was added the day it was patced in lol}. Would this be the reason the screen will still say 67/69 for any player that truly has them all?. I remember after 2.0 for a short time you added 2 placeholder crons to Alderaan...making the planet screen say 5/7 {since Aldy only ever had 5 crons this made sense why it would keep saying 67/69}. So I would appreciate some clarification on this please. I know my toons have the stats from them {which is all I cared about}....but I have been very curious this past year as to why something that, on its face, seems so trivial. Will we ever see Makeb on that planet screen lol?
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