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10 Good
  1. Proof of Concept Macro http://s1.directupload.net/images/140424/fqxo4vtj.png youtube demonstration outdated but still accurate: In rated it is possible for 2 snipers to dish out 60K damage with EMP Discharge/Sabotage within 2 GDCs with scatter bombs alone.
  2. This does happen to me alot in pvp as well... Resilience active for 1-2 secs and still getting stuns, knockbacks and force push while being yellow (resilence active). Really odd about it is that you resist the damage but not the stun/knockback/push effect.
  3. The secondary color of the Series 512 Cybernetic Torso is bugged since patch. It's now blueish grey instead of Black like the rest of the Set. PLZ FIX!
  4. force shroud gives 200% Force/tech Resist not 100% So it is clearly bugged... Funny thing with overload is that you sometimes resist the damage but not the secondary knockback
  5. dark resonance from 30% to 15% (smash will do less damage not more!) no singularity stacks from force choke no 10% damagebuff after force charge looks like a buff for me too Oo
  6. Its not the game changer you hope it will be. All 100 Crit abilities still do full damage because they push shield chance out of the table
  7. Mobs have abillities that can decrease your accuracy!
  8. claws of decay isnt all that great. On average it will increase your thrash damage by 15%. I do 9% of my total damage with trash increasing that 9% by 15% isnt even noticeable .
  9. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rIMozrskdZoZf0cRM.2 -death field every 15 secs (btw: very helpful to prevent tapping from 34m away (30+8/2)) -use shock as often as possible dont wait for energize procs (it does more damage/force then trash anyway) ->3x HD force lighting and Bind Maul to a key on your mouse that helps alot
  10. I still prefer 27/1/13 over 23/1/17. The single-target burst this spec is capable of is just awesome: 8-10K Force Lightning, 4K Deathfield (placed to hit only one target), followed by a 4,5K Shock+ Shock proc. Perfect Use of all 3 Recklessness Charges. IMO critdamage increase for trash/double strike is not worth taking. According to my combatparses i do about 10-15% of my overall damage with trash. So increasing Trash by an average of 10-15% (depending on your critchance) is not worth taking.
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