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Everything posted by Basiliscus

  1. no, they cannot use a double bladed lightsaber, that is for shadows (consular advance class) only. The backpack has your 2nd lightsaber in it for your off hand.
  2. From what I know there is maybe a reference or 2 in dialogue for advanced class choice, not exactly game breaking. But regardless, most people want to switch between specs within a single AC, not change ACs.
  3. This is not correct. Dual spec is the ability to swap between, say a tank specced guardian, and a dps specced guardian without having to run back to the respec guy and pay a fee. You basically switch between 2 set skill tree configurations
  4. pst....I have a secret to tell you..>.> <.< ......they're going to do that anyway with normal respeccing once they find they can get a group easier. also we are talking about dual specs WITHIN your AC, not AC swapping, like a shadow tank and shadow dps.
  5. well, in combat definitely could break encounters. Ok boss is doing super mega aoe phase, everyone switch to healer/tank mode! Phase done, switch back to normal!
  6. if you're logged out, how are you socializing?
  7. spamming lf1m tank, does not a friend make...
  8. there is a respec NPC in the fleet in the end bay of the class training wing (skill mentor or something). Each subsequent respec costs more credits, it starts out at 0 at first. Apparently it resets to 0 each week (unconfirmed) so yes you could. There is also one in the bank / GTN area of Coruscant, not sure about Dromon Kaas though.
  9. thing is, that kind of thing already happened before dual specs were introduced. Some fights were more healer heavy, raid leaders asked dps to step out while they brought in another healer. That dps then did not participate in the fight, or get any chance at loot. Some fights required more tanks, others only 1. I think allowing everyone who walked into a raid to complete and be useful every part isnt exactly a bad thing.
  10. I dont see swapping specs mid instance as a big deal. Tank or healer drops? Maybe one of the other members can fill that role so you could look for a dps rather than a tank/healer. I guarantee you wouldnt have to look as long.
  11. your sub fee will be automatically billed to the card you entered. This will continue each month until you cancel your subscription.
  12. they are already going to have cookie cutter specs, its not that hard to figure out what talents will give you a dps/survival boost. I dont think even WoW had content that made use of the dual spec feature. Dont think rift did either.
  13. well the 1 logical argument I could make against swapping AC, I guess is that it would be disproportionately unfair to 1 class, the jedi knights/sith warriors by a fairly large margin, due to armor class changes.
  14. to be fair he didnt confirm ANYTHING during that interview other than some things are being looked at, maybe with the exception of guild banks. They are using the approach, dont confirm anything until its 100%.
  15. well they certainly could do AC respecs, they were toying with the idea at one point. It would be a pain to regear, especially for a sage going shadow (single to double saber), but more so a guardian > Sentinel or vise verse there is a whole armor class difference there. Troopers wouldnt have so much problems (maybe getting a rifle/cannon) or agents, so class fairness wise it would be completely unbalanced. Not to mention the aditional cost of training the other ACs abilities id be personally against it, since something about changing your core class bothers me, but there isnt a logical fact based argument against it if we allow dual specs
  16. MMOs can vastly change over time, with single patches class balance can be dramatically altered. It's the nature of MMOs People want certain features that they found that they have liked, its not a surprise.
  17. well aren't you a lucky one then. That doesnt seem to be the case with others.
  18. better than an hour. I was lucky to get one dungeon run in a night in BC, as a healer.
  19. and thus we went back to standing around IF spamming lf1m UBRS tank. But yea the LFG channel was BAD. Though it had its moments
  20. I do think something better than the current incarnation of the lfg tool is needed. A chat channel would be the most obvious, easy, but also might be filled with memes. Might actually help for socialization though, no one ever talks in general, its weird. Im actually starting to miss barrens/elywn chat.
  21. why wouldnt the republic army supply their best squad with high tech arms and armor? why oh why must I rely on the kindness of strangers to make sure my squad has what it needs to fight the empire! heck they gave me a star ship, the least they could do is throw me some decent armor!
  22. well, it seems respec costs reset to 0 each week. Not ideal, but serviceable. I'm still for a dual spec system.
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