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Everything posted by PierreBondurant

  1. Ils ont dit ça ? S'ils le disent, c'est qu'ils vont sûrement le faire, on peut leur faire confiance, comme Daniel Erickson qui disait que tous les flashpoints étaient faisables en mode difficile, ou Ohlen qui disait que Ilum pouvait accueillir un très grand nombre de joueurs sans problèmes et sans recourir aux instances. Biodrone much ?
  2. Hi there, I bought SWTOR because I like the MMO genre and I had faith in Bioware regarding the work they did on games like Baldur's Gate or Mass Effect. I was like "hey, this company clearly puts quality before greed, let's encourage them". I'm not a MMO expert, I don't have any bragging rights, I'm just a plebeian who wants to know something about the product he bought. The question is simple : "How in 2011, with so much money, people, companies and ressources involved, did you happen to release a unfinished game lacking major features, having poor performance with such terrible communication with your customers ?" We all know from the past that MMOs releases can be rocky, some might even say "bugs and lags are mandatory, it's part of the game". While I'm not gonna debate about that, I do think your communication is terrible in every point, and I'm gonna explain why I think it is. First of all, your community staff use their personal Twitter accounts and they sometimes release important information. It's very painful having to check each Bioware senior employee Twitter account to check if we didn't miss some useful information. Another problem is, who is really answering out there ? The individual, or the Bioware employee ? It's so mixed we don't even know what to think. You have official forums, use them to offficially communicate with your playerbase, or at least define proper communication guidelines. Second, while we had a major crisis (Ilum 1.1), for hours after server went live we didn't see any community rep answering any of the hundred of threads about Ilum. At some point, some of your employees made a thread about Ilum and used "potential issues" hours after almost everyone was able to check Ilum by themselves. What's the point of insulting every suscriber by typing "potential" hours after servers went live ? Community reps aren't allowed to log in and check by themselves ? It would take like 5 minutes of their time, is that a big deal ? Empire players are slideshowing on Ilum while grinding Valor like hell, while Republic players can't do anything about it, it happens on your servers and you take hours to figure it ? You know how some people might call that ; it's the ivory tower syndrom, community representatives not knowing what's going on with their playerbase, on servers and thinking their opinions are peoples opinions. Hours of 1.1 Ilum, hundred of Youtube links showing how Ilum is, thousands of posts on your forums, yet not a single post or tweet from SWTOR Senior Community Manager, Stephen Reid ? Instead, we had to wait until Gabe Amatangelo answered Ilum current concerns almost 10 hours after servers went live. I don't want senior executives taking their time to post some "it's gonna be all right" post hours after, I just want current statements and quick updates, I mean come on it's Internet, you don't have to get a horse and a courier anymore to inform someone. Therefore, I have something to say to you : I frown upon that. I don't like being treated like some ignorant sheep going to the slaughterhouse, having no idea of what's actually going on. I want information, I don't wanna have a Berlin Wall like communication team, not saying anything for hours while people having awful game experience. Communication is about trust and credibility, and today, because of your communication team you just lost almost everything. You've obviously lost some peoples trust, and it will takes time to get it back, but you're gonna need to have better people than now to do the job. Yes I'm talking about you Stephen Reid, and your team. Sometimes you should actually listen of what people say, we're customers and suscribers, most of us are human, polite and kind, so there is no point treating all of us like angry impatient kids. There is no need being condescending when people actually tell you about games issues, or go hiding under a rock when you're on communication crisis like today. There is no need being on the defensive and evasive everytime someone tries to bring your attention to a potential gamebreaking exploit. You see, some of us customers can use the "potential" word without insulting all of Bioware employees, you should learn about that.
  3. I'd also like to point out that 500 million dollars is apparently not enough to have character copies or premades in Public Test Server.
  4. I support this post, not because I care about this game, but because I want an Archeage beta invite.
  5. Source They have high costs, we have low textures. Life is unfair
  6. The patch notes are referring to lockboxes, not purple Champion Bags.
  7. WoW gave a shot at it (Plaguelands towers), first week it got abused like hell, everyone and their grandmother was exploiting reward mechanics to get points. Then it got nerfed and nowadays even NPCs are avoiding the zone. World PvP is a niche market, most people don't like to be jumped on while they're doing something else, it's sad but it's how most of potential players are nowadays.
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