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  1. The bastion is silent as a tomb. Something needs to be done. If not people will just quit the game.
  2. something needs to be done, or more people will just stop playing.
  3. Yeah The Bastion is very empty. Last few Days I been playing there have been less than 5 on Dromund Kaas, around 25 on Imp Fleet and less on odessen and zakuul. But on Harbinger, there is way over 100 in more than one instance on imp fleet. Devs need to make something with servers. They can not just wait for people to pay to transfer. Most will just quit playing instead.
  4. Why is the eligible list of countries different on "Eternal Championship Solo Speedrun Competition" and "Story so far promotion" ? Sweden is on one list but not the other, how come?
  5. Haha and that made me laugh so good. Thank you! People are indeed unstable on the forums.
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