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Everything posted by islander

  1. Yes there can. No one knows more about PvE then him, but PvP? We'll get hosed again. This is a fundamental flaw with this system. Paowee will get the job, and deserving for his PvE contributions...but it's almost impossible to find a single person who is literally a grade A expert at both sides. it's too time consuming. There needs to be a pve and pvp per class/archtype. PvP wise, Noshadow, Cannibalcory are good choices. That Teacher person probably is too. I wouldn't expect these PvP experts to have a good pulse on PvE, anymore then I'd expect the PvE master to fully understand PvP.
  2. Eric, the problem with having PvE and PvP represented by one person is this: There's very, very few people in any class that actually EXCEL in both. Example, sniper forums, which is the one I care about as it's my main. Paowee is going to get the position. He's without question a top ranked, if not best, expert when it comes to knowing sniper PvE inside and out. All three specs. There's no one that knows more. However....PvP? Not so much. This is going to be a problem, and as usual, the PvP group will get hosed
  3. I posted this in general earlier this morning, fanbois brought the flames, and the thread got deleted by noon, lol.
  4. If this is the actual intent, they should word it differently, imho. In a game that allow you to increase accuracy past 100% to reduce your opponents defenses, Shroud should suggest "for 3 seconds you are completely unhittable, accuracy regardless". I realize this doesn't apply to Wakalord's example specifically, as ranked scoundrel healers don't use accuracy mods...but just wanted to mention this.
  5. I am completely open to alternatives such as these.
  6. This is the crux of the problem. They can't (or won't) stop cheaters. Period. It's just like in real life when a couple of people at work abuse a benefit, and as a result the benefit gets taken away. A few jerks wreck it for everyone.
  7. This is what I do. Then get the 4th piece, and with your matrix cube, you're basically 5/12 BiS to start. Some will argue getting weapon first, but with lolbolster, I dunno about that.
  8. islander

    PvP Weekly

    ha, I actually saw you last night in a civil war, I think. Nice of you to make 55 finally
  9. I just leveled a guardian, well I still am he's 41 now. I rolled him last week. Warzones were fairly miserable yet I 'had' to keep my valor up. Many games with 10 deaths or more. Ranged just has it too easy, ranged classes like sorc and especially sniper mature very early. Sins too. The Knight/Warrior classes are the latest to mature into usefulness. I stuck with derpsmash (I mean, my Jedi's name is Derpage). From a damage dealing standpoint, he got 'useful' around 25 I want to say, but even now, at 41, I have crap for CC, and considering how many mouthbreathers can't use their cc properly to allow a cap/bomb/etc it has driven me nuts. I think finally, at 42, I get awe/mez. Loads of interrupts though.
  10. ding ding ding. If I had one button macro that switched me from MM to Engineer (or back) it would just take me a few seconds to manually modify my skill bars after that.
  11. Sad truth is, this does seem to be the only way to prevent cheaters. At this point, I'm not against removing field respeccers because of this. Phillip_BW can talk all he wants about their 'software defenses and tools' but truth is, the cheaters are still there, they aren't getting caught, and if they are, they sure aren't getting punished severely enough because the stuff still goes on.
  12. It has been a pleasure to know you, I'm glad you got a chance to enjoy some ranked PvP before you left even if it wasn't with DFR . I wish you nothing but the best moving forward with law school. I suspect you'll be back again at some point for some spot play, once you get yourself situated in school and get your time management/schedule stabilized. Until we see you again, nothing but the best for you. Thanks for being awesome!
  13. I just want dual spec straight up. I'm struggling with doing the fast switch mid warzone (between MM and Eng).. It's not the skill tree stuff, that stuff mostly lines up, its just there are other primary attacks I move around (example, frag goes to snipe spot, snipe to ambush, ambush to a secondary key cause i barely use it in Eng.
  14. Hypergates is the easiest node to defend guard, I even volunteer to do it sometimes. Very little LOS issues compared to say, a side node in Alderaan. Even in engineer (for Alderaan), not much preventing you from getting kited/los'd to death - given enough time.
  15. I actually ran 115% accuracy early in on 2.0. it was like 900 accuracy points, I think. It's better then you might think, but admittedly the burst is weaker. Overall warzone output was about the same, but in the end burst on demand was just sacrificed too much, and in the meta game, that's too important, versus being able to blast 3 out of 4 series of shots through a saber ward.
  16. forget it, this kid is a lost cause. Spreading his namesake.
  17. Energy is a non-issue how I do it. At the macro level, I never run out of energy unless I get a little too crazy mixing in frag grenades as well, or I'm impatient after dropping an orbital (neither applies to a one one one scenario against a tank). I couldn't help noticing all of the DPS you were leaving on the table. Sure, you have your ambush knockback, but its a waste unless its at 1.5 seconds. You have this thing called a roll you can make space with also, and oh hey bonus: you get 3 seconds of entrench so he cant leap to you. The only excuse to ever execute a 2.5 second ambush is if you're just killing time/regnerating energy while you wait for your flash bang to expire, and just want to make them angry by having that targeting icon on their chest all that time. I'm leveling a guardian now coincidentally, and it's irritating No one's arguing MM don't have enough cc to deal with tanks defenses, but this takes time and patience. Compared to "I burn them down easy, don't know what the rest of you are doing" claim you made previously. Then again, your screen name is stupidsyrup, so I shouldn't expect different.
  18. Yeah, how are those white attacks doing for you when he pops saber ward and then saber reflect? Meanwhile, you do realize they are hitting you too. A good tank has 35-40k health when he chooses to. not including his 30% temporary buff. Crits don't mean anything if you literally can't hit them reliably. Hell, your rotation is awful because it looks to me that by the time you get to that ambush will reset back to 2.5 seconds...you're cutting it pretty close given GCD lag and all. Additionally, If you were actually doing it right, you'd do a FT after the first snipe to start with - there's no CD on it to begin with. You could as a result get 2 FT's for 3 snipes. Also, no FT after the Ambush? How cute. Finally, did you remember you could reset your cover every 6 seconds for an instacast snipe (this one , to be fair, is tough to remember). You also assume the tank is liiterally just sitting there and taking it. Sure, I could burn down a tank who wasn't fighting back too. Duh. Just stop. I'm going to need to get a new keyboard if you keep showing us your expertise here.
  19. I personally hate it when people do this, and I'm actually trying (in an obvious loss scenario). I'd rather have you quit.
  20. This. This is what would happen if my wife played.
  21. fireworks packs were 10 CC yesterday. Hope that wasn't it.
  22. My own experience is Pubs are winning more since the transfers. I think - on the whole - the Imps got the worse end of the transfer population.
  23. This. MM CAN take down a tank, but it takes a lot of work. Only bad tanks 'melt' to MMs. Lethality dots and cull hurt tanks more then anything either a MM or Engineer can put out if we're talking a duel with all CD's available.
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