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Everything posted by Ruan

  1. Do you have BioWare published stats to back up this claim?
  2. Why would anyone rage. Getting very good gear through either avenue should require an equal time investment and more importantly success. Kill an internet dragon = Gear Win PvP tournament = Gear Gear = Gear
  3. Ruan

    Rewarded for losing?

    Because in a PUG you don't have control over how your team performs.
  4. Shmi doesn't know and makes up the virgin birth story after catching on that Qui-Gon thinks he's special in some way. Shmi obviously has the hots for Qui-Gon and doesn't want him to think she's a lady of ill repute.
  5. The actors did their best with the script they were given. The movies themselves made no sense. At the very start of TPM the droid army descends from space on the opposite side of the planet from the city they intend to attack, allowing the protagonists to take the "faster" route "through the planet core" which takes all of 10 minutes but is somehow accomplished faster underwater in a twisting cavern while being attacked by monsters than the droid army can accomplish above ground with aircraft. It's just an excuse to see a shiny underwater bubble city and have a pointless underwater action sequence. It goes downhill from there.
  6. You have to fight in the Ilum or Tatooine PvP areas.
  7. I'm sure you'd make a terrible doctor. However you're welcome to use the money you earned at your job to buy a scalpel and some antiseptic which are exactly the same as those that a real doctor uses.
  8. So you wouldn't buy the mats we're discussing anyway...
  9. nerfs are unaccaptable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buff all things until we are gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Do you have slilcing? Slicers are special that way. The average level 10 might have 5k credits. Is it worth it to spend 80% of your money to make one purple item which is useful for the next 6 or so hours?
  11. Nope! There are a handful of crafted lightsabres at max skill, but unless you like one of those you need to find a moddable one that you like out in the world somewhere. That also means you don't get an Augment slot.
  12. Also Sidious threw the fight and used the situation to turn Anakin.
  13. Artifice and Treasure Hunting. I'm using my extra money to buy mats either from the GTN or by overpaying my GF to run archaeology missions. Yes, even with buying mats to level my crafting professions, I have an overabundance of credits.
  14. A Grade 1 purple metal would be used to make an item for level ~10. A level 10 player can't afford 2000-4000 credits to make an item for himself.
  15. Ruan

    Nerf Bounty Hunters

    So you're saying the game is 100% balanced all classes perform equally and the Bounty Hunter class just happens to ALL be played by more skilled players?
  16. Disagree. Bolster compensates you for your low level and then some; a level 10 sniper is the deadliest thing in warzones.
  17. Ruan

    Level 30 PvP gear

    Yeah it's weird to skip level 30.
  18. Why would the raiders ROFLstomp anyone? If the players who prefer PvP have equally good gear obtained through PvP, they should still win because they're more experienced PvP players right? Wouldn't you be happier if you could get equally good gear by winning at PvP?
  19. Farm 200 Warzone Commendations. Farm 200 Mercenary Commendations OR farm 600 more Warzone commendations and buy 200 Mercenary Commendations. Buy a box which contains 2-6 Centurion Commendations. Repeat up to 500 times, depending on your luck. Repeat again for Battlemaster gear.
  20. Preface: I wrote this post over two years ago with no knowledge of SWTOR's PvP system. Consider this an epic thread necro if you want but the issue of a PvP stat is important and needs to be examined. I was privileged to participate in SWTOR's beta test since July 2011. SWTOR as it stands does include a PvP stat called "expertise" which, while less impactfull than WoW's resilience, is still a significant factor in PvP. --------------------------------------------------------------- Implementing a PvP-specific stat, i.e. "resilience" is what dealt a death blow to fun PvP in World of Warcraft. How did it do this? PvP gear segregated the WoW population into those who have the best PvP gear and those who do not. Before the implementation of PvP "resilience" gear, anyone could participate using whatever gear they had earned, via raids, crafting, quests or PvP. Everyone's life expectancy was balanced around the use of this sort of gear. The playing field was relatively level. The WoW devs further exacerbated the system by placing arbitrary barriers on the acquisition of the best PvP gear which include defeating those who have already earned said gear; a feat which is by no means impossible but places a huge statistical and psychological barrier on prospective PvP'ers. The devs also began balancing PvP around the assumption of a certain amount of resilience, below which player survivability falls to abyssal levels. These are two conversations I see commonly occurring in World of Warcraft: Scenario 1: Bob: "[Guild] Hey John, want to queue up for some battlegrounds?" John: "[Guild] No thanks, my PvP gear sucks and I just get two-shot." John, who may be a good player, does not enjoy PvP because he has not acquired enough PvP gear, dies quickly and finds PvP a frustrating experience. Scenario 2: Joe: "[Trade] Looking for someone to join our arena team." John: "[To: Joe] Can I join? I consider myself a good PvP'er." Joe: "[To: John] Sorry, you don't have enough resilience so no matter how skilled you are you'll be a liability to our team." Again, John may be an excellent player, however Joe refuses to PvP with him because he knows that John is at a purely mathematical disadvantage, and other teams will rightfully focus attacks on john for the easy kill. Players should never be so discouraged from playing together due to a gear discrepancy. Using PvP as a source of gear is fine, and encouraged. Exceptional players deserve to be rewarded for success in any area of gameplay, however as soon as that gear is so heavily optimized for PvP as to become a prerequisite for participation, the player community is sundered. PvP participation will decline as an increasingly small clique of players occupies the top and shut out all others. The playing field becomes increasingly slanted. --------------------------------------------------------------- TL:DR MMORPGs already have enough baseline disparities without adding "expertise" on top. Players should be able to compete in any aspect of the game using gear obtained in any aspect of the game, leaving their performance more in the hands of the player rather than a specific stat.
  21. Alright, in regards to the developer post about item modding which I have to link on Darth hater because of the forum wipe, artificers need to be able to craft lightsabres as well. The lightsabre is the most important and personal item in a force user's gear. When I find a hilt I really like there is always that nagging feeling in the back of my mind because it will never be as good as the ones I get as drops. In light of this, please add lightsabre recipes for all lightsabre models the same way you have committed to doing for armour, so that I can craft and crit these items and make versions with augment slots. Or let me add augment slots to existing ligthsabres, either way.
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