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Everything posted by Ihalle

  1. ..I just, have you even read it? You don't pay for our subscription, like I don't pay for yours. Read the entire post before you criticize please.
  2. No, you're correct. But I'm pretty sure they said something about punishing quitters in 1.2. Which kind of strikes me as odd, because they don't give us the choice to play what we want. I personally believe they should wait on the punishment until we can at least choose what we want to play.
  3. Actually, if its huttball, I just get up and leave. Some people don't like WZ's, why be punished for not doing something we don't like? We do pay for our own subscription, don't we? Until we get the ability to pick what we want to play, we shouldn't be punished. (Or create a timer, you gotta leave before the game actually starts. That type of thing)
  4. Could frankly care less about GW2
  5. This isn't going to be a huge wall of text, more or less just my point of view. If they want to punish us for WZ's, they need to allow us to pick what WZ's we want. I for one, absolutely cannot stand Huttball anymore. And I just now quit in the beginning so someone else can take my spot. I refuse to play that warzone anymore. It's far too aggravating to waste my time on. (For the record, I'm a Scoundrel, level 50. Do great damage. But frankly we're useless in Huttball unless we manage to go ahead cloaked and hope we get passed to.) So, until they add Cross-Server WZ's (which is when they said they'd add the choice) we shouldn't be punished for leaving. Just my cents on the situation.
  6. I have to agree, with everything. I hate the constraints on the rail shooter genre. I am swearing with anger by the time the missions done -- not because I am really into it. But because I can't control my own damn ship. Freedom my butt.
  7. Ihalle

    1.000.000 Damage

    Frankly, the only thing you did was spam AOE's and hunt on lower geared players. You still managed to lose. Nice on the 900k, shame its nothing really impressive in voidstar. (Not saying I can do better, but that's because I focus on objectives)
  8. Scoundrel/Operative just got a HUGE nerf, and you're calling for another? Why are people so bent on removing this class when we have virtually nothing for DPS after our opening salvo.
  9. Is this guy serious right now? I don't think he realizes just how much Scoundrels were just nerf'd.
  10. There's this ability I see in videos where people seem to, "Flip" their shotgun, while stealthed or unstealthed. I'm not sure if you gotta be stealthed or not, either way. This ability seems to of really triggered my curiosity, what ability it is, what it does, et cetera. So, someone?
  11. What's it feel like being a pessimist? Because you complainers seem to be playing a totally different game then I do.
  12. Do you even know what you're saying? There's a bug reporter in game for a reason. I'm kind of sick of people abusing their ability to type, because the stupidity is getting frustrating. Report the bug, and move the hell on. You don't -need- to goto the forums and go. "Oh, hey. I don't like this game because of a few bugs that are going to be fixed. I paid for this game, that means my opinion means more then everyone elses! I'm an impatient man-child!" For Pete's sake, the game hasn't even been out for a more then 2 weeks, if that. The game community is thrilled, and the forum is a very small denomination. If you're really that bugged clearly you don't have enough going on in your real life to compensate for the fact gaming is the only thing you can do. Stop posting crap on the forums the developers are aware of, and are fixing. This isn't white knighting, it's called being realistic and -patient-. Do I need to link what patience means from the dictionary? I think I will, just for you sort. "an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner." Patience, for what Bioware has been faced with, they are doing amazing. So stop this doomsday crap and enjoy the damn game. Because nothing I've come across is game breaking. And I've got a 32, a 21, and an 18 leveled toon. With another 10 on a PvP server. I've seen what people say, and complain about and it's all, very small considering the big picture. Time for some people to get over themselves and be patient, or, you can all. You know, educate yourselves and realize making a video game isn't like the movie Hackers. Or, Code Monkeys.
  13. Thank you, for making another pointless thread that's already been stated, thank you, for citing your information with proof, and thank you for using correct grammar. You are only making the issue worse. Please don't post again.
  14. Thank you, I'm glad to see another fairly rational head. I also know enough about coding (I do some, not a lot.) to know the work goes into it, I know for a fact it may take a bit of time, that's why I have patience. Perhaps if people were a bit more educated that it wasn't like the movie Hackers or something. I don't think a lot of people realize what truly goes into it. And, from the patch notes. I'd say they are listening, and listening well. Let's only hope people get that hint eventually.
  15. Truthfully, I don't get why people are so impatient. It's barely 11 days after launch and people just, expect it all to be fixed instantly. Fact is, all their doomsaying, and nay saying is just them looking for excuses to dislike something. Plus, they're just children. (And I hate using that term). They be, "21 years old lul" but maturity wise, they have the patience of a 12 year old. -Patience-. This isn't being a fanboi, this is being rational. There is a big, big difference.
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