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Everything posted by Pythoris

  1. So, BW says a definate "no" to combat macros. My response.
  2. Yeah... Malgus still sucks as a character, though. lol
  3. Great! another book starring one of the most uninteresting people in the Star Wars universe! Awesome sauce! My god, it's going to feel so good when
  4. Although I'm much more a Swtor fan than a WoW fan, I have to admit your post is spot on. Arthas' story had a lot more meat to it than Malgus'. Not only that, but you also empathized moe with Arthas. A villian, true enough. But for a purpose. He sacrificed much to save a whole lot more. I actually grieved his death. He deserved better than that. Malgus, not so much. He was shallow, to be quite honest. I can sum him up with two words, and tell his life story in three sentences. Hell, to be frank, Prince Kael'thas was far more in-depth as a character than Malgus. The only feelings Malgus elicited from me in the game and the novel he starred in was a deep feeling of dislike. I didn't have to think about what kind of person he was, or even analyze him for a second. Even as a character, he himself hardly had a thought to him. He was so... how do I put this... transparent. A very predictable person, and that was disappointing. Well, let me run before the Malgus fan club reads this and puts a contract out on my hide...
  5. ^^Well said. And this concludes the thread.
  6. Please, PLEASE give us a cross-realm LFG tool! Or at least a LFG tool that doesn't SUCK. Geez, I actually had to wait until I was high enough of a level to SOLO Cademimu in order to exprience it. If a X-real LFG tool would help stop the need to scream out "LFG for blabbedy-blah" in chat all day, I'm all for it.
  7. No, she didn't. Padme sucked. I actually liked Anakin better, and that's pretty bad.
  8. ^^What he said. I love my Inquisitor, wouldn't trade him for the world. But some of the gear he puts on... my goodness, it's like I dress him in the dark...
  9. Yes, SWTOR is now competing with today's WOW. I get that. I think everyone already gets that. So that Blizz dev or whomever he was really didn't even have to bother wasting his breath saying that. But I think the true facts are what he's trying to divert from with that little tidbit. What is it called, something like "strawman" or other? I forgot the word for it. Hey, you want an English Master, consult my mother. Anyway, my point is this. Yes, WoW has more today than SWTOR does. Right now. But there are other facts to consider here... 1. Yes, SWTOR launched with way more content than vanilla WOW did back in it's beginner days. Also with way more interesting content, though that's just my opinion. For an MMO that has just launched, the content it came with is well beyond impressive. 2. SWTOR's content is growing even now as we speak. Blizzard hardly ever made new content for WoW that wasn't an expansion you had to buy. It seems, contrary to the title of this thread, that it's really Bioware that "gets it" in this department. You don't wait almost a year to update your game. That's stupid. 3. SWTOR shows more potential than WoW. Coming out the gate with so much content, and constantly updating with new content, SWTOR will be WoW's size well before long. And then easily surpass it. Comparing WoW now to SWTOR now is like comparing the might of a full-grown horse to a tiger cub. Yes, the horse is bigger, stronger, and could easily stomp the cub to death, so the cub is no match for the horse at present. But give the cub like a couple of years to grow height, muscle, powerful fangs and sharp claws, then put them in a match and see who wins. If you're smart, you won't put your money on the horse. If you're really smart, it won't be your horse you're pitting against the tiger. Add all this to the fact that Star Wars is by far a much more powerful franchise than Warcraft ever was or ever will be, along with Bioware's excellent story-telling techniques (also the fact that story and lore always took a backseat to everything else in WoW and was all but completely ignored by Blizz devs) and you have a recipe for the first true powerhouse contender for the MMO crown. If Blizz does decide to kill WoW, whatever. It would only be saving them the inevitability of watching Bioware pull the plug for them later. I know there are those who would disagree. But this is just how I see it.
  10. Yes, the game is here now. But not every aspect of the game that's going to be in the game is here now. No mmo is complete at launch. And we already know that SGRAs are coming. You have that much information. Now, if you're not willing to pay your sub anymore because A. You don't have them NOW, and you want them NOW or B. You don'thave info that tells you when they'll be in NOW, and you want that info NOW then so be it. That's entirely on you. As I said, you're not the only one waiting on info about a certain aspect of the game. But if your impatience over the release of said info or said content is too much, then oh well. *shrug*
  11. To put it shortly, relax! Answers are on their way. I know, I know, some angry person out there will call me a troll for saying these things (which is stupid), but just as BW got around to answering you guys the first time, they will this time around too.
  12. Did they not tell you guys SGRA were coming? This reminds me of when BW was working on the game like crazy trying to get things done, and a bunch of people threw a hissy fit over not getting the answers they wanted, when they wanted them, and the way they wanted. It just... It just don't work that way, guys. I mean, most of us are adults here, right? From experience, surely you understand you haveto friggin WAIT, just like you always do. Stomping your feet and threatening to quit won't get you answers any faster.
  13. Umad, captain? lol Srry, had to be said. Anyway, just calm down. Bioware is responding to everyone they can as fast as they can. Relax, for pete's sake. On second thought, if you not getting attention when you want is enough to get you to unsub, then by all means please do. Just don't bother blaming BW for your tantrum. I find your lack of patience disturbing.
  14. Well, I was talking abou tback when there wasn't a "timer". (I must have quit before they implemented that). But I found the lack of updated content on a regular basis, the boring yet almost necessary grind of the wash-wrinse-dailies and overloaded BG activities, and the overall attitude of the community to be much bigger problems imo.
  15. Not really. But seeing as how said person could be booted long before 15 minutes was reached, I'd say there are a few concerns about WoW that were much bigger. Wel, imo.
  16. Well, there are a lot of flaws WoW had in my eyes, but the LFG tool is the least of them as far as I'm concerned. Also, it's rather rude and uncalled for to call someone's request "nonsense" just because you don't agree with it. What's ironic is you think a LFG tool is not a good idea because it will lead to trolling, and in the very post you expressed this, you halfway trolled. Careful.
  17. Don't we already have a LFD tool in the game? I remember seeing one...
  18. I have a package here for Mr. FadeXF... Have a nice day!
  19. Dude, just... this. Also, I think he's well aware of what game this is. lol
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xiy4tGAhz4
  21. I can't decide which one I want to buy: Doritos or potato chips...
  22. What keeps me playing: 1. Story is excellent. 2. Game is fun. 3. I love playing with my friends. 4. STAR WARS! 5. My Inquisitor is hawt. 5. Did I mention Star Wars? What makes me want to leave: 1. Um... pass. 2. Erm... uh... pass again. 3. Um... dagnabbit! I know I can think of something... 4. ... I give up.
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