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Posts posted by MishraArtificer

  1. 8 hours ago, BryantWood said:

    Hey Community!

    I’m back after an excavation mission into our loot to check on some of the drops mentioned, and want to share my findings with you.

    First let’s tackle the drops that will be fixed in a future patch!

    These drops are currently broken and will be fixed in patch 7.5:

    • Copero Resort Rug from Traitor Among the Chiss
      • Obtained from bonus boss Strike Team Walker
    • Illumination Probe Crate from Blood Hunt
      • Obtained from the Mandalorian Cache
    • Manned Blaster Turret from Collicoid War Games
      • Obtained from Annihilator 6K-A2
    • Corellian AA Turret from Objective Meridian
      • Obtained from final bosses

    Wait a minute...someone remembers Colicoid War Games?!!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. And here I was just about to put in a request to the Suggestions box, asking them to revert the Reputation trophies back to manually clicking them so I don't waste Advancement: Reputation Conquest Objectives just trying to advance through the story.

    @JoeStramaglia, was this your idea? I saw you in the replies earlier, and you seem to be the only one even remotely defending the change. This is going to seriously negatively affect player retention as most of us actually have lives outside of the game (shockingly)...not to mention solo players like myself.

    Please revert this Conquest change.

    EDIT: And refusing to add it to the official Patch Notes until after the patch dropped? Whoever thought that was a good idea should be officially censured.

  3. ...ten pages worth of bizarre ranting about economics, and all I'm looking to do is transfer a bunch of refugee characters from the last round of Server Merges over to a server where they won't be superfluous, with just enough credits to unlock rooms in my Strongholds.

    I'd even settle for not being allowed to bring un-Bound items. It would be unfortunate, as I have a bunch in my Item Stashes thanks to Galactic Seasons boxes that I could certainly use on characters over there, but...I'd live with it.

  4. 19 hours ago, OverDrone said:

    Notes of reflection are not dropped from enemies anymore. Supposedly after 7.4 was deployed. I've killed many thousands enemies and didn't receive a single note. Before 7.4 I was getting at least 1-2 notes per hour. Ofc I kill enemies with amity as a companion

    I think the drop rate on the Notes of Reflection may depend on Amity's Influence rating, because on my characters where he's INF Level 50, I get more dropping than I do on characters where he's at INF Level 1.

  5. 34 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

    Honestly... i am afraid of touching the GTN at all.

    Last week i was a big seller with around 80 items listed on all 6 servers.

    Today i don't touch this thing.

    It's a horrendous "improvement", that gives me anxiety.

    Seconded...I can't make heads or tails of how it even works, anymore. The UI doesn't make an ounce of sense to me.

    I've said this in a couple of threads on the new GTN changes elsewhere: a digital flea market shouldn't be this complicated.

  6. Not even remotely a new player, here (preordered the CE, and played in Early Access all the way back in late 2011), but this seems like the best place to ask, under the circumstances: is there any way we could get some sort of tutorial covering how the new GTN works? Because I can't make heads or tails of it, half of the items I used to make or buy from other players seemingly can't be posted onto it anymore, and the new UI is...deeply confusing to me.

    (I'd also be amenable to reverting the GTN back to its pre-7.4 state, but I know that one's unlikely.)

  7. On 10/11/2022 at 2:22 PM, RadarOMalley said:

    If you'd like to make it up to us, offering the TRK-R Treatment Chamber, Gamorrean Axe, or Cavern Varactyl in future flash sales would be acceptable, @CommunityTeam😁

    Seconding the TRK-R Treatment Chamber (it IS The Spooky Month, after all).

    Also the various other horror-themed gear, Tunings, and Decorations would be nice to feature as Flash Sales this month, while we're on the subject...

  8. For Merc commando, the story plays fine.


    However, for both a Merc and a Commando:

    **I dont like that we are no longer mobile for anything. Pretty much every shot we take or heal we do, we have to stand still. This isnt going to work in OPS where we have to move around a lot.

    **There is no 'hold the line' type ability now, meaning I get roots/slowed I cant break in an emergency.

    I'm pretty sure there's a passive ability that lets you use a bunch of abilities while moving. I took it with my Gunnery Commando, but I'm not logged into the PTS at the moment, so I can't check the name right now...
  9. When I loaded in and had to choose my second combat style, it went smoothly with the cinematic and I was able to choose my second Force combat style.


    However, my character's combat style tab still showed the "Accept Mission" button or whatever. When I clicked it, I was able to launch into the Force combat style area again, but there was no cinematic. Instead, I loaded in and was able to walk around the level. Only way out was to use a fleet pass or ship teleport.

    I almost wish you'd recorded that...might have been fun to explore the space.
  10. Where are you trying to switch your combat style? It's supposed to only work in a "sanctuary" (which I've found to be a cantina. stronghold, and some other random locations) unless you have field respec, though I've not tested that.
    It won't let me change Combat Styles in Cantinas; only in Strongholds, and rarely the Fleet. It will also sometimes let me change Disciplines in Cantinas, though.


    I eventually riddled out how to change stuff around and set up the Loadouts with Combat Styles, thanks to a couple of posts in here, but this is not straightforward in the slightest...guess that's why we have the PTS, eh?

  11. You have to use loadouts to make switching work properly. Set up your primary combat style, create a new loadout, activate that loadout, and then set up your secondary combat style, and then never switch your combat style again. Just swap between loadouts.


    This is one of the things that wouldn't be an issue if the UI were set up properly.

    Does it permantnely break the Combat Style switching if you don't do it in that order? Because I imported a Level 75 Gunnery Commando that hadn't started their Origin Story yet, was able to select Vanguard, yet I'm not able to do anything else with it. I can't switch between Combat Styles, I can't set up a Loadout with Vanguard abilities or weapons...either this isn't working, or I'm doing something wrong.
  12. It wasn't working for me either on new toons. Had to get to a higher level (maybe 23?) and then it was working.
    I imported my Level 75 Gunnery Commando to the PTS; made Vanguard his Secondary combat style, and still can't switch between them...despite having all of the gear necessary for them to do so.
  13. I think mine lapsed for a few days over the past ten years... otherwise, I've been here non-stop that whole time. Oh man, that's insane to think about :(:eek:
    Same. Mine lapsed for about two weeks while I was unemployed. Other than that, It's lapsed for maybe a few hours while I wasn't paying attention.
  14. I'd like to know this as well. My physical key is still working, but I'm getting over a 30 second delay between pressing the button and it giving me a code the first time I press it in a day. Of course that means that the first try never takes because it is invalid by the time I get it. I really should just switch to an app, I just hate after 10 years the key that came with my CE is finally dying.
    Yeah, mine finally stopped outputting usable codes about a month ago. I'm curious as to what battery this thing takes, myself...
  15. Just realized while trying to outfit one of my characters... that it feels wrong that you can't use both versions of the Zakuulan Exile's blaster in etiher hand. You can only use the bayonetted version in the mainhand, and you can only use the non-bayonet version in the offhand. You can't dual wield one or the other, and it... doesn't fit some characters.


    I'd love if I could give the character I've been outfitting again two bayonetted ones, since it matches her, but I can't. I wish I could.

    Kinda forgot I even had these blasters, since I don't use them...specifically because they don't match.


    I'd love it if they were both tweaked to be used in either hand. That offhand would look fantastic as a matched pair!

  16. Weekly Missions will rotate in availability each week in 7.0, and we want to ensure that all players are on the same Weekly Missions each week in order keep those Mission areas feeling dynamic and filled with other people to group or share Mission credit with.


    This sentence tells me a very specific fact.


    You didn't run World PvP on Ilum during the Launch Era. If you HAD, you would understand why funneling all of your players into a single area is a colossally terrible idea in the Hero Engine.


    Nevermind the quest objectives getting sniped, nevermind loot, nevermind resource harvesting: you're not going to be able to get there in the first place, because either the servers will constantly be crashing from trying to handle over 200 players in a single space (imagine 50+ people trying to hit Valen Korik on Dromund Kaas at the same time), or your framerate's going down to about three frames per minute, due to all of the players and their location and ability information being sent back and forth between their PC, the server, and your PC, and then back again.


    Having the Weeklies reset before you can finish them is definitely bad; I had to stop PvPing once you changed the PvP Weeklies so only wins count, instead of just Matches Played (Wins Count x2). This, on the other hand, could be even worse, purely on a technical level.

  17. Heh...



    ...but we could, however, move all of space around the ship.


    ...what is old is new again: that's how ILM filmed much of the Death Star battle in A New Hope, all the way back in '77. They moved the camera (and other models, if there were more than one) around the focus model in order to reduce motion blur in the final shot.


    Can't remember which documentary I watched that in...

  18. not sure if it has been request all.


    i like to see all the devoted allies weapons you get from the shadow of revan expension to have the weapon tuning slots since its a weapon we all get doing the shadow of revan story line missions at the start off the quest on rishi.

    Oh, we still get those? Nice...


    Do we still get the armor, too? The Trooper armor, especially, was really cool-looking...

  19. [*]Updated the description text of the Corellian Stardrive Vanguard Mount in the Collections to add the following mention: “Increases movement speed based on Piloting Skill”.



    Um...is this mount even available in the game somewhere? The Corellian StarDrive Vanguard minipet was passed out as a login reward back when Star Wars: Squadrons launched, but I don't remember this ever hitting the Cartel market. Is this a reward for a mission, or tied to an Achievement, or something?

  20. Fun fact! I love reading about community members’ sentimental experiences that mean a lot to them. Tell me about some of the best moments you’ve experienced in game or within the community. I'll be reading all of them!


    The day my Concealment Operative, still wearing armor and weapons from the 1.x era, decided the time had finally come to step out of the shadows and take her place on the Galactic stage...the first time I played through KotFE Chapter 9. I actually broke my personal rule with this character, as I used to NEVER run new expansion content on anything else before my Vanguard, but I'd retired him temporarily while I was still in the middle of a nasty phase of "tanking sucks"-itis.


    The moment I finally hit Valor rank 60 on my Vanguard, so I could wear the crafted Battlemaster shells my own Armormech had made for him. Now, nearly his entire squad is in old PvP gear, or otherwise has old PvP weapons. (I'd put a link in here, but it seems things in the forums have changed since I regularly posted here a few years ago; I can't embed the link in my post, for some reason. I'll post the Imgur link, if you want to see them.)


    The day I reset my Medicine Operative to Concealment, because I couldn't handle the stress of healing group content anymore...damned Marauders. (He ended up going all the way and moving to another server entirely, too.)

  21. Devs, you've made certain CM items and decorations available as loot drops in-game over the years, and I like the idea of having alternate acquisition paths for some of the really nice stuff...could we get the old Republic and Imperial Voss Embassy banner decorations made available again, either as a purchasable item from the Voss Reputation vendors? Or even as a potential loot drop from mobs on Voss, like the holocron decos on other planets; if you went with that second one, I can imagine a LOT of people actively WANTING to go to Voss for Heroics again...
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