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Everything posted by Mekrath

  1. I sure hope so. Before I cancelled my sub, I paid for a 6 month subscription. I have been following this game since October of 2008 and have a lot invested in it. It's not worth my time to play right now, but hopefully someday soon it will be.
  2. I played EQ for a couple years and then WoW at release as well, and you are right, both games felt alive and had much more community than anything these days. I believe the main difference is leveling speed. In EQ, it took forever to level. Where these days you arrive at a planet in SWTOR and out-level it in a couple hours, back then you were in a zone adventuring around the same people for a long time. You ran into them more than once and got to know people. WoW wasn't always insta-max level. Back at the beginning the leveling speed, while much faster than EQ, was very slow by today's standards. Games these days are in too much of a rush to get you to endgame, in my opinion.
  3. Or maybe they are too intelligent to appreciate a mediocre story.
  4. Ummm only people with active subscriptions CAN post on the forums.
  5. I'm dissatisfied overall. I unsubbed this morning. I hope in the future Bioware can lure me back.
  6. You know that people can still post here after they unsub if they still have game time left.
  7. If you want me to do your thinking for you, you'll need to pay me.
  8. This may be true, but the problem is that the customers in the 1st group are unlikely to subscribe long term.
  9. I took a break in the middle of "A Storm of Swords" to read Revan, so that didn't help it any.
  10. If I'm 'the other guy', yes I did read it. I was a big fan of KoTOR, and wanted to see how the Revan story set up for TOR.
  11. You put it better than I could. After leveling my Smuggler and not having a huge interest in the endgame, I started leveling a Trooper. At level 15, I was already irritated with all the crap I need to do to get to the next class story dialogue, and that was pretty much it for me.
  12. In my OPINION it was one of the worst novels I have ever read.
  13. You thought "Revan" was a great novel? Or are you talking about something else?
  14. I played to 50 as a BH in beta and a Smuggler in live. Both were good but not GREAT stories. Here is the problem though: Let's say for the sake of argument that it takes 80 hours of playtime to get from level 1-50 in this game. Of that, probably 60-90 minutes total is spent actually hearing your class story. The rest of the time is spent mindlessly grinding through the same old static pack of mobs over an over again and going through the planet stories. This is fine (for most people) the 1st time through, but, at least to me, replaying all of that for an hour of a new class story is a terrible investment in my time. In 80 hours I could probably read 5-10 great novels or watch 40-50 movies.
  15. I am looking forward to GW2 as well, however I'm not so sure about it destroying P2P even if it is very good. The one thing that will likely be different is that without a monthly sub, there will probably not be a whole lot of content added between paid expansions. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm thinking that either content will be added very slowly, or there will be very frequent paid expansions.
  16. Nobody said it did, except the for person who saw a post I made about both GW2 and Secret World and for some reason thought I was saying GW2 was made my Funcom. Someone said they were excited for GW2 and The Secret World, and I responded that I'm optimistic about GW2 but would never buy a Funcom game again after suffering through the releases of AO and AoC.
  17. He mentioned GW2 AND Secret World, which is Funcom.
  18. With 11k health, clicking will be the least of his problems. But then again, he probably has some pretty OP Dark V relics
  19. True, I don't know if the game will fail. I do BELIEVE it will fail if they don't change the direction quickly though.
  20. They were hoping you would forget about this. Of course they aren't going to get rolled back.
  21. I think its the one you buy off the PvP vendor once you are a Battlemaster.
  22. Very optimistic about GW2 but I would never buy a Funcom game again. I had the pleasure of being ripped off for the launches of both AO and AoC
  23. I hope so. Bioware isn't doing much for my optimism at the moment though.
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