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Posts posted by bejay

  1. hey fellow troopers,just a quick question.

    Is there any dark coloured armor around like black with blue/red/yellow/orange stripes or even blue/red/yellow/orange armor with white stripes????

    im so sick of the white armor and want me some different colours.

    that is all,thx :D

  2. ROFL...are you serious?


    Troopers are the most OP'd and broken class in game...


    I wouldnt say troopers are OP`d but they are a strong class,ive been lvling mine and i can own all classes but from what ive read sorcs are the most OP`d class in game and ive ripped apart a hell of alot of them but have also been dominated by them, it all comes down to player skill and knowing your class.

  3. 100% agree there should be a 50 bracket with what ever gear u want(no expertise)


    i lvled my sorc to 50 and i loved the pvp while lvling,it was a blast owning higher lvl toons and getting owned by lower lvl toons,it all comes down to skill and knowing ur class and then i hit 50 and the pvp just died in the a*s because u just know its based around the stats and not the skill of the player,ive come across alot of geared players that have no idea how to play thier class and takes them ages to kill me(gotta luv LoS/interupts) and im not that good.

    i rerolled a trooper and im loving the pvp again so please BW bring in a bracket with no expertise, more players will be playing in that bracket because it is more fun, somthing ppl seem to have forgoten what games are about!!!!

  4. its a good idea especialy when alot of ppl go to the imps just shoot lighning(i did)

    maybe just have it so ur abililtys change to the imps ablililtys if ur full darkside or a few lvls into darkside,somthing like that.


    I love the game but its causing me to Fing lose sleep, take days off work, forget about my family and friends and basicly have no life outside of the game. :D


    All jokes aside,Ive been looking for a good Sci Fi mmo since i played anarchy online years ago but there was none,only ur typical fantasy crap(orcs,elves,mages and the sh*t)until now.

    The game is awesome and i cant get enough,i was having second thoughts when reading all the b*tching going on in the forums but now that ive played the game for a few weeks,im hooked and will b here until the servers go down for good,sure the game has bugs and stuff all endgame but it is only early days so is all good.


    KEEP up the good work BW ur doing a top job,especially since its ur 1st mmo!

  6. im hearing ya, i ran around tatt the other day for like 3hours leveling and didnt see any1 and im republic so there should be a sh*t load of imp d*cks to own :D but no1,not a soul.

    It could be the phasing of the planets or there was just no1 there when i was(doubtful),i dont know but i was very disapointed.

  7. I agree 100%


    Wheres the fun if every class is the same,its a challenge and more fun if theres powerful classes in the game and makes it more satisfying when you take one out.

    Each calss has its strengths and weaknesses and is more than capable of taking out other classes IF YOU USE YOUR HEAD and dont just stand there bashing your buttons like alot of players seem to be doing these days.

  8. We dont need a nerf on the gear but hitting 50 and PVPing with geared 50s is just a joke thats why i rerolled a new toon and im PVPing where its fun, no1 with gear.

    Im not saying get rid of PVP gear because we need it for end game PVP (illum and future open world pvp) we need some way of easing the gap between fresh 50s and geared 50s.

    Craftable pvp gear is a good idea (like som1 else posted) or a separate bracket for fresh 50s.

  9. So ive been PVPing since about level 25 - 49 on my sorc and loving it,level 10 - 20 was a pain in da butt(so i stopped until 25) because of the lack of abilities and still learning the class, even though the stats are boosted to level 49 low level toons have stuff all abilities to be effective.

    PVPing as a fresh 50 is just a joke because a fair amount of players are geared to some extent if not fully and you just cant do any damage to them while they are ripping you to shreds.


    What im thinking about is some kind of level bracket like this:

    -level 10-19 for the lowbies

    -level 20-49

    and then having 2 lvl 50 brackets

    - bracket 1 - undergeared/fresh 50s

    - bracket 2 - geared 50s


    Bracket 1 for 50s would have to be set so you cant get in if you have expertise on your gear or some kind of expertise cap,maybe 10-15% or somthing. Im thinking a small percentage of expertise would be better so that the fully geared PVEers that join in WZs wouldnt own every1.

    These brackets could ease the frustration for new to PVP/trying new toon players and let them get used to PVPing while still having fun and not getting owned and allow fresh 50s to farm coms while still having fun without the frustration, MORE FUN FOR EVERY1 not just the hardcore. :D

    I mean dont go crazy with the brackets like in.....um yeah that game :D where its every 10 levels but just have a few to break up the gear and level gaps and having the 2 level 50brackets could stop the remove/replace/change expertise argument.

    Just an idea and would love to hear every1s thoughts on it :)

  10. Thank you for reminding me why I don't roll on a PvP server (nor PvP in RPGs for that matter).


    i used to b same until i rolled on The Swiftsure because its where most of the aussys are atm and i gotta say "im loving it".

    Sure u get ganked alot but u can repay them back when ur toon grows up ;) and the fun kicks in when ur out doin missons and u come across pub/imp enemys and u face off and then all hell break loose,its mad fun!!

  11. I'm Australian and every MMO patches when I get home from work and finishes after I go to sleep. We'd been trying for years to get WoW to patch the Oceanic servers in the morning our time and it never happened. Know why? Because they were apart of the same data center as the US severs. If the EU wants separate patch times then deal with the fact that you won't be able to switch between US and EU servers.


    Or you know, get a life or find something else to occupy your time with instead of ranting and raving like a spoiled child.


    Thanks for playing, but try again next time.




    I'm sure if it was a bug affecting you that was fixed with this latest patch you wouldn't be complaining.


    Well said brother well said

  12. LMAO..................DOWN TIME HAS TO DONE,i dont like it either and it dosnt matter what time BW dose it some1 will always have a cry.

    Its a part of the mmo world and all i gotta say is get over it,go outside,play somthing else,make love to ur girl(or man) and chill the F out. ;)

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