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Posts posted by bejay

  1. Im a massive Bioware/Star wars fan and have been following the game for a few years and I wont lie,the game is good and I enjoyed the game it until I was 50 for a few weeks(gets boring real quick), all the bugs and glitches dont bother me because i know they will get fixed and more content will come out but the game killer for me is faction/class imbalance from the clear bias towards the imps from BW and illum is a joke!

    I have unsubbed but i will also return in a few months to see where the game is at to see if things are better and im sure alot of other ppl will do the same simply because TOR has promise but if BW dosnt get thier sh*t together the game will be dead soon because of other games being released.....GW2(meh).....The Secret World(yes plz)....Planetside2.


  2. One of the points of having legacy names and NOT allowing you to change it is so that if you are constantly acting like a jerk to people you have no way to hide.


    If you are constantly a loot ninja, making offensive statements in general chat, constantly behaving obnoxiously, or proven to be a bad team player, your legacy name will become infamous on a particular server.


    So even if you switch characters, people will be able to identify a player who they have had bad experiences with.



    Yeah, it sucks if you decide you don't like your Legacy name. But it a nice tool for the server community to identify disruptive players.


    There is no way for those type of players to remain anonymous on a server after they have made a bad name for themselves.


    I hope they NEVER alllow legacy name changes. It would defeat the entire reason it was implemented.


    YES Legacy names are good for that reason but we NEED a 1 time only name change for ppl lke me that stuffed it up and has to hide thier legacy name! :)

  3. I keep seeing all these threads in this forum and the running theme is that SWTOR is going to fail is failing has already failed. The time lines for these failure projections range from 2 weeks to 6 months to a year, but what determines if SWTOR is a failure?


    1. EA/Bioware lost money due to high development costs ($300 million) so SWTOR is a financial failure!


    The fact is the game has sold at least 1.5 million copies already recouping about $90 million. Even if they don't sell another copy and 50% of the buyers unsubscribe they still recoup all their costs in little over a year and this doesn't even take into account the additional money brought in by the CE editions or DD editions


    2. The game will fail because tons of people are unsubscribing and SWTOR will just die from lack of players!


    The fact is not every game is WoW, every game doesn't need 11 million players to stay alive. There are plenty of MMOs that not only survive but thrive with only a few hundred thousand players and are in no danger of being shut down. Star Wars Galaxies lasted over 8 years with a rather small player base compared to WoW. Even if 90% of all the current SWTOR players quit it still would not die. If you judge the success or failure of a MMO on whether it knocks WoW off the MMO mountain then every MMO is a failure in your eyes.


    3. SWTOR is failing so bad it will be Free To Play in "X" weeks/months!


    The fact is a game going Free To Play doesn't constitute a failure. In fact most MMOs that switch from a subscription based business model to a Free to Play + Microtransactions business model see a surge in their player base. Examples being LOTRO and DC Universe Online, which is a perfect example as it had a great release then lost most of it's subscribers in the first few months then late last year they went free to play + microtransactions and then gained over 1 million new players. Farmville works on a free to play + microtransactions model and has a player base of over 110 million players with an average 32 million players playing online at any given moment. Zynga makes over $500 million a year just from Farmville. A game being or becoming free to play hardly constitutes a failure in fact it is probably just the opposite.


    So exactly what has determined that SWTOR will fail and/or die? What massive MMO expertise do you bring to the table that allows you disregard the above facts? What makes SWTOR a failure? Because you or many of you have decided to quit playing? I hate to break it to you but SWTOR will still be alive and well for years to come whether you are here or not. :eek:



    Just somthing to back u up :)

    any1 remember Anarchy Online(still 1 of the best)

    this what happened with that game at launch



    During its first month of release many stability, registration, and billing issues hurt public perception of the game. Some gaming reporters which said it was the worst launch of an MMO in the history of the genre. Funcom spent about 6 months fixing the game, particularly the beginning experience. The company then took the "fixed game" on a press tour to convince reporters to give it another try, even though reviews and scores had been printed months before. At the same time, the company needed to build subscribers, which was very difficult given the reputation of the game. Funcom introduced the first "free trial" of the game and gave out returned boxed copies for free at the 2002 Game Developer's Conference. Some gaming publications which told their readers about the improved game, although they did not change their original scores. By the end of that year, Anarchy Online had recovered from the launch woes and won the MMO of the Year award from PC Gamer. The company went on to create expansions, including the Shadowlands expansion in 2003 that earned several Editor's Choice awards.


    Sales and subscriptions

    Five days after the game's launch, public relations director Marit Lund announced that "35,000 registered accounts" had been created. By 2002, the total number of subscriptions created since launch was stated as 150,000. After the release of the Shadowlands and Alien Invasion expansion packs, total subscriptions had risen to 700,000 in late 2004. Sales of the game, its expansion packs, and monthly customer subscriptions had generated US$28 million dollars by 2005.


    The "free play" program, started in 2004, has had the most significant effect on subscriptions to date. ”More than 400,000 new players" signed up for free subscriptions in the program's first ten months according to Funcom CEO Trond Arne Aas. The next year, the number of free subscriptions created, independent of paid subscriptions, was stated as one million. The income from the program—which had generated $1,000,000 by its second year—supplements revenue from paid accounts.


    Funcom attributed "higher than expected" company profits in 2006 to Lost Eden's release in December of that year.Subscription revenue during this time was described as "steady" and "profitable". Subscription revenue remained "steady" for the next three years, until 2009 when they were described as "slowly declining". It was stated that close to two million subscriptions, both free and paid, had been created by July 2008.




    That being said being free to play isnt all the bad if the game has potential and TOR has plenty of potential and room to improve so it wont be going anywhere and is here to stay for some time!

  4. I love the game and Star Wars and i was looking forward to endgame PVP and open world PVP but in its current state its a joke.

    Ive had 1 good world PVP battle in Illum when i was running my sorc, both sides were even and it was a mad battle for the center,then i switched to a trooper and gotta say "he rips imps apart" so i thought id go do some illum but because of the imbalance its just a waste of time and its no fun fishing until ur dailys r done.

    All i do now is my dailys,run a few WZs, maybe play an alt and log so im out for awhile,im going to play some real PVP.....BATTLEFIELD3 :)


    A few sugestions for illum-

    QUICK FIX - player cap of 1 raid group per side.

    MAJOR FIX - total redesign of illum


    sugestions for open world PVP-

    Promote it with capture points, pvp quests, give coms for killing imps.....oh and pubs :p


    cyas :(

  5. Hey peoples just a quick question about GCs for all the pc wizards out there because im dumb as a post when it comes to this,i want to upgrading my GC and im looking at spending about $100 - $150 maybe alittle higher and was thinking about the ATI HD 6770 or ATI HD 6790 because they are nice and cheap and then later down the track ill get a second GC.

    Are they half desent GCs for that price range and will they run TOR good and how will TOR run with 2 of those GCs?

    Not worryed about high settings,not yet anyway!


    Everything else is ok i think


    intel i7 860 2.8GHz

    Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3 mother board

    8GB DDR3 1333

    320G HD

    470 watt power supply(ill need 500watts+ for 2 GCs)



    THANKS in advance for the help :)

  6. I dont know if these ideas have been brought up but ill post them anyway.



    Illum can be good but it needs some work as we all know,

    -player cap of say 1 raid group per side per phase,its not true world pvp but it would fix the imbalance between factions and fps issues,just a temporary fix i know but better then what we have now.

    -consoles or capture points of some kind that have to be held for a set amount of time before the team gets to move forward,not those silly tank thingys that go down to quick(use those as back up when/if we can use them).

    Kinda like how battlefield dose it in rush mode but can be recapped,what i mean is if the pubs cap the center capture point the imps gets pushed back 1 base and then they have to hold it for a set amount of time and if they do they push the pubs back to the center and so on and so on.



    i read a post about a guild(Exile) doing this and thought its a mad idea!!!

    -Weekly mission to capture/recap a random enemy base on 1 of the planets,1 week the republic gets the mission to capture and the imperials get the mission to recap and then the next week its swapped,the bases will need a console(or somthing) to cap then defend and you can capture any base on any planet to make it random.


    -Mission or the ablilty to raid the opposing factions fleet, (hmmm lag much) maybe not the actual fleet but 1 of the other ships in the fleet.Put a commander in there to kill or you have to download somthing so the raid has to defend for awhile.


    -Capture points scattered around the planets that once capped opens up new missions and gear but would have to be part of a misson chain and not an option.The capture points would need an exclusion zone that prevents players higher then the level range joining in.



    i got these ideas from AO(anarchy online)

    -Attacks by the oposing factions NPCs on the fleet or other citys/bases that come in waves and get stronger each wave with mini bosses thrown in there every 3rd-4th wave and a big bad mother of a boss at the end.Each mob drops coms(for every1) and the bosses drop coms plus gear that can be rolled on.


    -Dungeons/flashpoints for every1 on the planets,Kinda like dungeons from wow and FPs from TOR but their not just for a party their for every1 in the lvl range,could even have mixed faction dungeons with PVP turned off and if ppl want to go at it they can turn it back on.HMMMM come to think of it,on the pvp servers leave the pvp on and who ever controls the dungeon gets the loot....MAD FUN :D


    Ive taken up enough of your time(who ever reads :p ) so what do you guys think hmmmm

  7. agreed.

    i was up there today for a few hours and all we did was sit in our base(republic) and pull the silly imps that got to close only because we are out numbered.

    I think there should be a player cap of say 1 raid group per side per phase,i know it wouldnt be true world pvp but it would be a hell of alot better to be fighting even numbers and fix the FPS issues which makes it more fun for every1 at least just for now until BW works out a way to fix illum for good.

  8. agreed.

    i was up there today for a few hours and all we did was sit in our base(republic) and pull the silly imps that got to close only because we are out numbered.

    I think there should be a player cap of say 1 raid group per side per phase,i know it wouldnt be true world pvp but it would be a hell of alot better to be fighting even numbers and fix the FPS issues which makes it more fun for every1 at least just for now until BW works out a way to fix illum for good.

  9. For the love of god, every time I have to run huttball a baby kitten will die! disable it! this is how my WZ que goes:


    Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball (5 vs 10 ends in 2 mins), Huttball, Huttball( 4 vs 8 ends in 2 mins), Huttball, Huttball (8 vs 8 half my team quits ends in 2 mins), Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Alderan 5 vs 12 ends in 2 mins, Voidstar 5 vs 8 ends in 2 mins, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball, Huttball




    that looks like how my WZs have been going today but the only difference is half of the matches the imps had 10-12 players,not fun BW not fun at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I hit 50 yesterday on my trooper and the whole time i was lvling the pvp was mad fun because you do damage when you hit som1 and i could hold off 3-4 ppl before dieing until back up arrived but now in the 50 bracket and im doing very little damage while my health is going down faster then i can get all my attacks off,it is seriosly frustrating and yes i saved for my 5 bags plus the 1 i already had and my gear is ok for a fresh 50.

    ill stick it out for a few days until i cant stand the frustration anymore then ill reroll and have some fun because thats why we play games not to be farmed by geared players.

    All we need is some way to ease the gear gap a little maybe craftable pvp gear kinda like the blues you can make in wow or even have 2 lvl 50 brackets, have 1 with an expertise cap of say 200ish(so the PVE`ers dont own every1) and the second 200+ expertise.

    Anyways im off to get my a*s handed to me for awhile lol.

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