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Everything posted by punman

  1. In all honestly, I hope you're kidding.
  2. I was late for work because of this :/
  3. yep. Buy a few more champ or force mystic heads and gloves and strip 'em down for parts.
  4. If I wanted to watch VS spam I'd just go play myself. Granted, yours hits pretty hard, due to armor pen, so the only reason I'm paying any attention to this post is now to figure out whether it's worth it to give up Chain Shock. You fight out of stealth all the time because you have a pocket healer so you can stay with the main group and not die. In fact, no one hardly attacks you at all in the clips. You do kill a couple people displaying the Battlemaster title but you blew all your cooldowns to do it. The next guy to come along probably stomped you unless you vanished.
  5. There are at least 3 threads on the front page, and I'm not even counting the sticky, that talk about Deception, currently. You need to read better.
  6. I made my own relics. After the patch they got stats added to them. I was happy about that! Also, I had like 8 champ relic tokens sitting in my inventory because, well, you know the Inquisitor storyline, as if you're not already sick of digging through sith tombs and ruins, the game decides YOU MUST LIKE RELICS and gives you one every other bag for a week ... Glad I saved those.
  7. Immediately and completely agree. There's no one to kill and there are 50 Imperials running around on speeders in the same area waiting for one of, what, 12 box spawns?
  8. Spec: 2/31/8 All bars listed left to right Bar 1 [Wheel down] 1 - Shock 2 - VS 3 - DARTH MAUL 4 - Low Slash 5 - Saber Strike (lol) 6 - Discharge Q - Unbreakable Will E - Jolt R - Electrocute F - Spike X - Assassinate C - Defensive whatever its called (50% ranged/melee) Bar 2 [Wheel up] 1 - Taunt 2 - Mass Taunt 3 - Force Speed 4 - Blackout 5 - Lacerate 6 - Warzone Expertise Stim Q - Warzone Medpac E - Sap (sorry forgot the swtor name) R - Force Slow F - Overload X - Force Shroud C - Force Cloak Bar 3 [V] (This one I have to think about) 1 - Self buff 2 - Sprint 3 - Surging Charge 4 - Dark Charge 5 - Lightning Charge 6 - Guard Q - PvE Medpac E - Seethe R - ? F - ? X - ? C - Fleet pass Bar 4 [Z] (Only use this when I respec to tank so almost the same as bar 1, won't bother trying to remember the differences, but it's got Lacerate where Thrash/VS usually is, I use it for AoE pulls.) Bar 5 [hard binds - no key bound to activate bar] (This bar is the right sidebar, so may it's actually bar 4, and bar 5 is the aoe bar above? I don't remember. I want it up all the time so I can see cooldowns.) ` - Recklessness Shift-` - Crit relic Alt-` - Overcharge Saber Ctrl-` - Power relic (if equipped) Mouse 4 - Speeder (small thumb button) Mouse 5 - Stealth (big thumb button) Wheel tilt left - Pass Huttball Wheel tilt right - Channel the Force So how this works ... the mousewheel up/down and V (and Z occasionally) control which bar is the main bar, to which all the keys are bound. I have BOTH bottom bars displayed, however, for the sole reason that I need to see when certain things are on cooldown. So it looks a little odd when I wheel up to bring up the 2nd bar and now there are 2 copies of it on the bottom, but it's only up for a second, as I immediately wheel down to bring my main bar back, which is what I'm hitting abilities from 99% of the time. You can see all the abilities on bar 1 are the most commonly used abilities, as well as the ` and alt- and shift- combos of that key. That's a holdover from my wow days when I'd put all my offensive cooldowns on the backtick because it's right next to 1 and easy for me to hit but not so easy I accidentally pop them at the wrong time. Keeping speeder and stealth on the thumb mouse buttons is just a movement preference again held over from Other Game(s) that I'm just used to. Hope this helps. Took a solid week of play to get used to it once I hit 50, but I did put a lot of thought into the layout and took some good advice about the wheel up/down bar swapping. Enjoy.
  9. That's a problem with the game in general, though. There were people in General chat on Ilum last night, level 50's mind you, who were asking how to get somewhere (before the speeder Union went on strike.) Um, really? You leveled 50 levels without learning how to use the awesome and wonderful game map? Deception is the "easiest" of our specs to play and it's pretty challenging to line everything up right. You can't just go down the line and use one ability after the other, rinse and repeat. Madness and Darkness can both be pretty tough, Madness especially because it's very proc dependent (Raze, Exploit Weakness.) Darkness just has a lot of utility and you need to pick your spots for each properly. If people think the class sucks, maybe they should reconsider whether it's the class or the player.
  10. This was painful to watch. I got halfway through and after the clicking and not reapplying Sprint or the buff we get at level 1 that I don't even remember the name of ... Good grief, man. Oh ... wait ... I got trolled. I'm sorry, I took this seriously for 6 minutes of my life. You got me good, bro.
  11. I don't bother trying to Maul a stunned target any more for this very reason, it just wastes time. I will only Maul when someone's actively running away from me, that seems to have less server sync issues.
  12. This guy gets it, 100%. All the whiners need to re-read those two paragraphs... Then read it again. This is truly the "Assassin" archetype, defined. This is also precisely how I play in butthall, with a similar gearset and similar experience. I cannot understand why such a reasonable person such as this poster would come to these forums and share actual common sense wisdom in a calm and informative fashion. The best way to describe my playstyle is ANNOYING. I will harass the dudes on the other team that I know are a problem. I will watch their best healers for a moment and then pick one and chase him up and down the map if the rest of their team leaves me alone to do so. I will punish the Smuggler (or Operative in HB) that unloads 7k crits on everyone EVERY time he unstealths. I will yoink red and green buffs like crazy, so the other team can't get them, unless I notice someone on my team close who needs it. I have played like this because I queue solo 99% of the time. I don't have a pocket healer. I don't have a team with a tank for HB caps. I am twitchy and easily distracted and I don't stick with a group and I can't talk on vent while I'm trying to fight. Maybe when we can pick what map to queue for (Alderaan, Voidstar!) which I find I can fit into a "team" gameplay style better, I won't have these problems. But until then, I know I'm squishy and I can't enter mass battles without soaking heals, because like the quoted post, I will get focused. I have unstealthed on teams more times than I can count that will immediately stop attacking the other people, turn around, focus me down, and then go back to the others. I am perfectly happy with this, because it means I'm too valuable a target to leave able to work their back lines. (BTW - any pubs on BC that read this, you guys have better healers than we do, seriously, not naming any names, but your troopers are impossible to kill.) I can't relate to anyone else's preference in playstyle except my own. I don't know if you like to be the dude with 400k damage that goes 40-0 or the dude who has 120k, 15-3, with 12 solo kills, or the dude who has 90k damage and 100k protection. You can fill all those roles with the Assassin depending on how you spec, and what kind of playstyle you have, and in some cases what kind of team you bring with you. A solid pvp guild behind you may make these other specs and styles easier for you. For me, that's not an option right now, partially by choice. So I do what I do, and I do it well enough. The title of this post is "Assassins suck" and I think while there are varying opinions on how they don't suck, and varying opinions on how to play one, they absolutely fill a number of roles in pvp and do so very well. I have no damage meters so I can't talk about pve much. We kill bosses though. -shrug-
  13. I have 8 relics. I have 2 of some of them. I am starting a little collection of them on my ship. My droid probably polishes them a couple times an hour. Be creative, this is obviously an opportunity for roleplaying.
  14. Go buy Battle Enhancements on the GTN and put them in your Cent gear all you want. Or better yet, buy the Champ pieces instead (I actually got Champ faster than Cent, lucky string of daily and weekly bags.) You'll need to get a couple extra gloves for the mods and enhancements to replace a couple of those in the other pieces. Expect to pay I think it was 27k to rip each out, but don't bother taking out the ones you overwrite, you won't need them again.
  15. I hit these so often together that last night when I was carrying the huttball 5 feet from the line and needed to not get hit by anything I hit Force Shroud ... and then automatically Force Cloak. "Neutral ball! Let's go berserk!" /sigh
  16. There is a "Deception Theorycrafting" post somewhere in this forum, I'm too lazy to search for it, but obviously so were you. Also, the sticky at the top has good info. Also what the prior poster said, the thread on sithwarrior is great.
  17. Huh? Harnessed Darkness never mentioned Wither in the tooltip before.
  18. To make your tears even more delicious, you should know that most Deception Assassins spec into BOTH the talent that reduces it's CD from 3m to 2m, AND the talent that removes the detriment of no healing for its duration. Glad I could help. Edit: I love how the OP misstates his point intentionally to make it seem like this is always up. Note the choice of language in the last paragraph: "at any time" he states the Assassin can Force Cloak. This is not true. If he used it once within the last 3 minutes (well, 2 minutes, probably) he cannot Force Cloak again. And if he's fighting weaksauce opponents who only attack people every 3 (2?) minutes, then I don't know what he's complaining about. I don't rely on cooldowns to win every fight. I use them when I can, but if they're not up, I either need to figure out another way to get away, or I will just die.
  19. Just wait until you get the chain punt-back Talz dudes on Ilum, those are really freaking annoying. With extra spawns after you pull.
  20. Don't make me want to try to steal all your kills if we get huttball together tonight.
  21. Curious how your math for Electric Execution, which is generally regarded as a complete waste of any points, and as far as I know is only taken 1/3 by 31 Dark builds because you need a filler point, brings it ahead of Exploitive Strikes?
  22. I see we have another Darth Maul here. Shock and Discharge, when properly specced, do far more damage than Maul, for similar (or less) Force cost. You're not properly specced so I can see where you might be confused. Please stop posting incorrect information, lest someone believe you and be mislead.
  23. Class is fine, problems are with the players. I seriously hope you don't expect to faceroll through content spamming Maul without intelligently using all your abilities, and YES MAYBE dying once or twice on a Class Quest Boss to figure out which of his/her abilities are more important to interrupt. If you want the game handed to you on a platter without putting some thought into it, go play Farmville, and leave the big boy games alone for a while. I leveled with Khem to 46 then Xalek to 50 (because he was easier to gear with my hand-me-downs) and now I have a fully epic Talos, too, for heals. Sorry to be harsh, but I had problems with exactly two fights in the entire game, and those of you who are 50 probably know which two I'm talking about. They're supposed to be hard. Deal with it.
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