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Posts posted by MichellMich

  1. Hi all,

    Not really a new player, just want to know how the 6970 handles SWTOR?


    Current Specs:


    • Gigabyte GA-P31-S3G
    • Intel Core2Quad 2.66Ghz Yorkfield
    • XFX Radeon HD 5770 (1GB)
    • G. Skill DDR2 1066 (4GB)
    • Seasonic 500W Power Supply



    Waiting on Ivy Bridge before I upgrade anything else.

    Also, nVidia is out of the picture because they don't Bitstream Uncompressed Audio via HDMI.


    Just let me know if you like the 6970, worth the money? Do you benefit from the additional onboard RAM in TOR? How much of an improvement from the 5770 do you think I'll see in this game? Will congested zones frame rates improve at all?


    Thanks for reading,


  2. They don't know man, they don't know. In their heads, WoW was bug free and stable, all the classes were perfectly balanced and normal and hard mode and gear coming in the form of tokens existed always. They never played WoW when it came out and knew how much worse it was than ToR is right now.


    When WoW was released, you couldn't loot anything without fear of getting stuck in the crouched down loot position. They want to talk about game breaking bugs, let's start listing the major issues WoW had in it's first month of release.

  3. I love the arrogant nature of the posters proclaiming, SWTOR is dead. People who have zero access to subscription numbers, customer growth, profit margins, or any hard data at all. And yet these people stand up and shout, "SWTOR is dead!" as if what they were saying wasn't total contrived bull@$*%.


    Your stupidity is astonishing.

  4. Let's not pretend like we know the details on what happens behind closed doors. Also keep in mind it's really difficult to implement any MMO bug free, and with all the features you hoped to have during the development process. I neither blame them or excuse them for bugs and non-features in the game... I'd just like them fixed, that's all.
  5. I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


    I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

    I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


    Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


    I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


    My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.


    Seems like the general consensus is that player's Need > Companion. If however no one needs it, then it's fair game. Players needs tend to take priority of companions.

  6. Unfortunately the internet has bred an intolerable generation of nerds. They take the anonymity of the internet and run with it... they're shooting themselves in the foot though by becoming this awkward, socially inept generation who will probably have a difficult time fitting in later on in life.


    All you can hope is that some of them will become contributing members of society.

  7. ditto dude, ive stopped at lvl31 tho just incase her missions are spoiled or ruined from the main one. Its hard but i have been playing an alt, smugglers are fun to play and a nice change from melee. Im hoping i canresume my Jedi sometime in the next month tho.


    I have high hopes that Bioware will do the right thing and fix the issue for ALL players. If they don't, or tell us they have no plans to do so... that would be enough for me to cancel my subscription out of principle. No long winded post about why I'm quitting, just straight up cancellation for poor customer service. If it comes to that, then I suggest everyone do the same.

  8. Bioware, please fix Kira... fixing her for new players only is not acceptable. I'm level 40, finished Hoth and have all my companions. Max affection with Kira, and still haven't received a single quest from her after The Defector. It's been too long with out an acknowledgement or update on the issue. I'm actually starting to get a little annoyed watching update after update be implemented, without any mention of addressing the bug.
  9. My main problem has always been game recorders, with the FPS limiter turned off on Black Ops, i reach 330.

    I reach around 90-130 in SWTOR and not sure how much in BF3 but i play them all flawlessly, but when it comes to recording them using FRAPS or AVS or other HD screen recorders, everything turns to crap.


    Although im using Windows Ultimate 32-bit so only 3.49GB of my 4GB RAM is usable, that may be the culprit, but RAM at the moment is $89 for GEIL 16GB KIT DDR3 ENHANCE CORSA C9 1600/1700MHz.


    Your bottleneck is the HDD itself. Get a second HDD to record to, or grab an SSD with faster read/write speeds.

  10. I personally prefer to get the best PSU I can, so there's no need for concern whether you're running SLI/CrossFire or a dozen HDDs. My personal go to brand for PSU is Seasonic, any of their 80 Plus Modular units are fantastic. The wattage printed on the box is not really a sign of a good power supply, as much as it's efficiency and consistency within the voltage range. Seasonic also builds PSUs for quite a few manufacturers.
  11. So my guardian is level 35 and I have a LOT of skills. None of them indicate that they are replaced by skills in the talent tree but I'm not seeing how I can even KEYBIND all my skills, much less find room for them in my rotation for tanking or DPS.


    Are there any skills that are clearly intended to be replaced by a better version in your talent tree? What skills are you using to tank with? Here's how I see most of them...


    Slice - standard Focus build

    Slash - standard Focus dump

    Sundering Strike - debuff, strong Focus build

    Guardian Slash - debuff, strong threat attack

    Hilt Strike - stun, strong threat attack

    Cyclone Slash - AoE focus dump

    Force Sweep - AoE, strong attack

    Riposte - off GCD threat, defensive boost via talents

    Blade Storm - strong attack

    Master Strike - channeled, high damage

    Pommel Strike - damage against stunned enemies

    Opportune Strike - damage against slowed enemies


    As you can see, speccing JUST defense as a Guardian the number of skills you get is really out of hand. Do any of these overlap somehow? I'm thinking Pommel and Opportune are for PvP but did we really need two different versions of this skill? Could we not, via talents, have brought Force Sweep to be in line wit Cyclone Slash instead of having two skills? Here's how I'd prefer to see it work...


    Sundering Strike replaces Slice entirely. No CD, builds 2 focus (via talents).

    Guardian Slash is your primary, CD based threat builder.

    Slash is your focus dump when everthing is on CD and you're overloaded on focus.

    Hilt Strike is high threat or stun, as it is now.

    Force Sweep retains loses SOME damage but its CD and cost is reduced (via talents). Give it a 6s CD and free to use.

    Riposte is my favorite skill. Usable off CD, provides a defensive barrier when used encouraging you to use it often.


    Everything else is retooled either for DPS or PvP.


    Here Here!


    I can't stand the fact that Pommel and Opportune Strike are totally useless against Champions and Bosses. Why even have them then? If there's one thing the MMO market learned a long time ago, it's that severely restrictive abilities aren't really worth having in the first place.

  12. I beat Sand Demon, but literally within an inch of my life doing it. There's nothing to interrupt and he hits entirely too hard for his level... as do most Class Elites. I'm sorry but having overly powerful Elites in required class story quests is a mistake.


    Everyone talks about how they died multiple times but finally got it after adjusting their tactics. You know what doesn't feel heroic? Dying 5+ times just trying to figure out the right tactic to beat a particular Elite. To be honest, what it does is ruin my characters heroic feeling.


    I'm all for having Elites feel like epic fights... but my success shouldn't be reliant upon luck, blowing all my CDs, and gaining a tactical advantage by dying a bunch of times. Save that for the Heroics and Flashpoints. I can't think of anything less heroic than the Jedi Knight who died 6 times before finally figuring out his foes weakness.


    In my opinion, Elite/Strong NPCs hit too hard and this game is entirely too gear dependent. I can beat them, but my character feels weak when I escape with 1/4 or less health left. I'm not sure that's the mindset Bioware wants from it's players... feeling weak.

  13. I'm disappointed in the space aspect of this game in general. It feels rushed compared to the rest of the game. The graphics outside the spaceship during flight from planet-to-planet is truly hideous. I would like to have free roaming space flight, but I can wait for that. The bigger issue is that I can interact with almost nothing on my ship, I can't even sit in chairs except for a few in the front. The game table is totally unusable. The holoterminal is only usable during specific mission triggers... I should be able to holocall any player at anytime from it. Can't lay on my bed. Characters have zero interaction unless specifically triggered by the game. Right now player ships are totally useless beyond traveling from planet to planet... it's essentially identical to the taxi system but with a storage container.


    I really hope they're doing something about this!

  14. It's not good enough that you're adding same-sex relationships to TOR. We need robo-sexualality at the forefront of our SW gameplay experience. No more shall I be denied my lust for T7-01... C2-N2 is always asking for ways to "serve me better" but there's a distinct lack of dialog choices to convey exactly what he can do for me.


    Please Bioware, show the gaming world what a progressive forward thinking company you really are!

  15. Great game to start off!

    I have a few questions I need help with.


    Is the game free to travel from one section to another at a certain level? I mean the game feels like i'm in a big instance and none of the zones are really connected at all. When I started the game I thought I could get to a certain level and start exploring the world (and others) The day I started I got a bit worried as the map didn't zoom out.


    Is there any world PvP, as the zones feel instanced and feels like I'll never experience it while playing. The server I'm on is always full and at peak have to wait 15min to login but when I do I rarely see anyone even in cities I only see 30 scattered players.


    Is there any PvP ranks and titles?


    Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the advice :)


    When you get your starship around level 15, you'll be able to free roam to any planet you like. Before that point, your stuck going to the Starter zones, capital planet, and fleet station. The maps get larger, especially around 25 when ground vehicles are introduced to the player. If you want to see the entire map of a planet, open your Map and then click the smaller map at the lower right hand corner. Also bear in mind, some planets are just larger than others... sometimes depending on the number of quests available. Hoth for example is a 37-41 planet while Quesh is only 36-37.


    World PVP does happen, but I'll admit it's been scattered and rare for the most part. Most of the PVP happens in Warzones. Player cities on most planets are never all that crowded, with the exception of the Republic/Imperial Fleets which are the main zones for Flashpoints, The Galactic Market, Specific Vendors, and Trainers.

  16. So I'm out of Act I into Act II and have 5k affection with her already, problem is I haven't gotten a single companion cutscene from her with exception of the beginning one. Now I do know there were some issues regarding her in beta, I take it this is the problem that was occurring or am I not far enough in yet? Is there some cutscene that has to be triggered first from the main story before it will unlock her personal cutscenes?


    Update: How to Avoid this Issue



    When you kill her 'brother' and you have a chat with her in the briefing room choosing the DS flirt option makes the flirt option in your conversation with her after tython DS. When you choose both these options she mentions wanting to kiss you but not. And afterwards you cannot pick up a quest from her.


    If you choose NOT to flirt with her, i.e. avoid DS points, the second conversation yields a non-DS flirt (not LS either for obvious jedi moral reasons). This time she 'accepts' your advance rather than allude to her feelings. Then suddenly a bunch of side quests bunch up on her by the cockpit (as opposed to the briefing room). The second and third have non-DS flirts.


    Another important point to make. A lot of people are asking why they can't talk to her BEFORE meeting her 'brother'. There is a very good reason for this. The first quest she gives starts by assuming you know about her past, therefore proves that you MUST complete Nar Shaddaa before you get anything from her.



    Courtesy of Cadan


    I'm annoyed by this too. 9K affection, level 39 and still nothing from Kira.

  17. Please post the top 10 legitimate reasons why you hate this game.


    1. Pretty-painted backdrops to disguise how small the world/planets really are.


    2. Level based instead of skill based system


    3. Warzones where lvl 10 competes against lvl 50


    4. Too many catch/kill/fetch quests


    5. Class mirroring


    6. Lack of Crafting


    7. Boring space missions


    8. Horrible UI / lack of ability to re-size/reposition.


    I could only think of 8.


    If you hate this game, then why are you here? I have suggestions and annoyances with this game like most people... but if I thought it was so bad that I actually hated it? Well, why would I bother paying $15/month for a game I hate? If you really have that much disdain for the player experience here... shouldn't you at least cancel your subscription and either:


    (a) Never come back

    (b) Come back when you feel like appropriate changes have been made


    FYI, I have issues with this game just like the next guy. But if I felt as strongly as you, most normal people would just quit.

  18. Doesn´t help, i know -but i had no issue killing him with my Guardian and Kira as Companion.


    Be sure her saber ward is ready.

    Let her jump in first with saber ward -wait a moment so it gives you some time for damage till you get the aggro.

    If she gets too low on health taunt him.

    Pop saber ward.

    Pop Call on the Force.

    Pop Saber Ward again.

    Take a medpack.

    Force stasis and Force kick to interrupt his supermoves.

    Use Warding Call if specced Defense.


    Almost all endbosses are a piece of cake like that.

    And later you have even more interrupts.

    No need to dump difficulty down.


    Thanks for the trips, I'm gonna give it a try.

  19. I refuse to believe Valis is beatable at level 24. I have reasonable gear, and know my damage rotation. This is not the first time I've encountered a quest that was much harder than it claimed to be. What is Bioware thinking with this? His AOE and Direct Shock damage does entirely too much damage.


    If someone has beat him at level 24, please tell me what you've done.


    24 Guadian

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