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Everything posted by Reyom

  1. I've been 400 Treasure Hunting for weeks. While leveling, I exclusively sent them on lockbox missions. At max, I still use the lockbox missions quite frequently as I seem to have bad luck getting the gemstone missions to proc in my available list. Now, I'm not saying it isn't possible, but if it is, it is a ridiculously rare occurrence to get ANY kind of schematic from Treasure Hunting.
  2. Force pull is a spec'd ability in the tanking tree. So the "DPS With force pull" assassin wouldn't happen. Unless of course you're playing with a *******.
  3. Honestly, I'd say that SW is fine. I've run with both marauders and juggernauts, Juggs mostly in tank spec. Some juggs suck at holding aggro, others do it perfectly. 90% of the game is down to how you play. If you're good with your class, you'll be able to clear content. If you suck, your dps are going to pull off of you like I do with the bad ones I run with. on the same thread, there have been powertechs I pull off of as well, and my healer friend has mostly hated healing them, feeling they're squishier than other tanks. Maybe that's just his experience, maybe not. All in all, any of the three tanks is more than feasible to tank any of the currently available content. My suggestion, find some friends who play or make some in game, start/join a guild with them and screw the other guild who are rejecting you simply due to your class choice. Hopefully, they'll invite a powertech who has no idea what he's doing and they will endlessly wipe on their ops attempts.
  4. Pretty sure Bioware had to leave this out largely due to ESRB ratings. That's from my limited understanding at least.
  5. Yeah. That "timer" is how long it's been there, genius. PEBCAK. 'nuff said.
  6. Lets see. Gear that you can get equivalent (most times far superior) from pvp or tier vendors opposed to a reusable medpack, stims, and adrenals that are far superior to everything else that you have exclusive access to as Biochem. The difference is, you can get gear other ways. There is no way anyone but a Biochem crafter can obtain/use all that crap. There's no alternative path. Hence, the BoP is completely fine. If anything, It should've been hit harder with the nerf bat. Edit: This is worded horribly. I think the point is clear enough though and I'm too lazy to fix it so it makes more sense.
  7. +1. I was using a level 37 shield generator at 50 because one hadn't dropped for me in ages. Finally got a 50 blue last week, only artifact level shields are from PvP/Tier vendors. Which kinda blows.
  8. Sorry, but a BoP relic doesn't compare to the massive heal the 400 Biochem medpacks give. They need to nerf that more or give a massive buff or something really worthwhile to the other crafters. Sidenote: Artificers already craft BoP relics. They're nothing terribly special. Additional sidenote: This also isn't taking into account the vastly improved stims biochem has access to. And adrenals. All reusable, mind you.
  9. I wouldn't bother until you get to the high end stuff. I personally have the purple patterns for all the high level hilts and most of the purples for the high level color crystals. Got a handful of enhancements, one or two wieldables. Anything in the lower levels, no one is going to care much about.
  10. I had no problems for anything. Talos was a godsend when I got him and I'm still using him as my primary companion at 50. Yeah, some of the fights were tough, but I never had to try more than twice to get through. Not sure if I was luckier with gear or what, but all the problems people are stating are there, I didn't run into at all.
  11. This part doesn't matter when 90% of people hit by hidden strike are dead by the time the knockdown/stun duration wears off. And even if it doesn't, you're still getting nailed by a string of 4k+ crits 3-6 times in a row. No one can live through that.
  12. I reached 50 last week and a few of my guildies are catching up now as well. Just wondering what the recommended order of Hard modes is.
  13. Depends on how you play. I personally have the majority of my skills still hotbarred, even though I'm deception spec. I keep the tank skills there for that survivability when I need it, and everything else fits into the rotation somehow. As you go, you'll realize you don't use some skills very often (Crushing Darkness was one of the first to go for me), but it really depends on your playstyle what skills you'll be leaving on.
  14. So, I'd also say don't take this guy's advice. I leveled from 10-50 as deception with absolutely no problems. Play what you like best, simple as that. I loved the playstyle and feel of the deception tree, so that's what I stuck with all the way. I may switch things up now that I'm 50 just to fool around more with the other two specs, but I'm probably staying deception full time.
  15. Power isn't really all that good because it requires like 7 points for even one damage. If you're Deception, Accuracy helps some too. Power isn't bad, but I'd definitely weight Crit, Surge, and Accuracy over it.
  16. I've actually used all of the companions except the droid. They're all good in their own ways, but personally, I prefer Andronikos or Talos. Haven't gotten Xalek yet.
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