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Everything posted by Lordmird

  1. Issue resolved this morning. Customer Service moved him onto the fleet and apologized for any inconvenience.
  2. Submitted bug report in game. Called customer service, his attempt to fix did not work. Told me to create a ticket, then left the call. I cannot create a ticket, as I have the maximum amount of tickets open, according to the game. I have emailed support explaining I cannot open a ticket.
  3. I am experiencing an issue with just one of my characters. My alts all log in as usual, quick load times and such. But just one character takes significantly longer to load, and of the 5 or 6 times I have attempted to sit through the long load, only once has the game loaded in. And when it did load, I was presented with an entirely black screen and the cursor. No sounds. My GPU drivers are up to date, as is the rest of the software in my PC. I do not believe it is an issue on my end, as I can log into all the other characters with no issue.
  4. But then I can't brag about my 3-way 980Ti build?
  5. Honestly, I don't even bother with SLI anymore. At this point I just have two 980Ti cards sitting in the case doing nothing. One is fine for this game and every other game out there. Loads and loads of games don't respond well to SLI, problems just happen. Disable and go on with gaming.
  6. You're right! They retain their appearance cross faction!! Super cool, now my Scoundrel can be happy in their Hydra armour.
  7. Glad to see many agreeing with my opinion! I hope someone somewhere at Bioware notices this positive feedback, and encourage you all to be public about your opinions if we hope to see more stuff like this in the future!
  8. Whoever thought to implement that new adaptive gear vendor on both fleets, he/she deserves a pat on the back. From the Hydra set, to the Republic trooper armour set, well done indeed. Love to see older armour sets making a comeback, and not only that, it's extremely useful as an RPer! The very small cost makes it easier for low level players, or just low level alts, to grab some good looking gear and get right into the RP. So again, Bioware, good job!
  9. Right, but those are different bugs. Those are assuming you can actually target Scritchy. Those are bugs regarding feeding, not targeting. It's okay, I'll do the reading for you.
  10. Tried to feed Scritchy today. I can physically see Scritchy, the Rakghoul, but even with friendly NPC nameplates on, he is not targetable, and his nametag doesn't even show up.
  11. That's probably why there's doubts over your event being bigger.
  12. Somebody who shares my exact views. Is this real life?
  13. Perhaps some groups of people don't believe clearing a HM is anything to brag about, and therefore is why you haven't been notified by every single player on this server whether they've cleared it or not.
  14. You understand...There's no proof of that, correct?
  15. I mean....It's HM. I'll gladly finish it if people want to get a group for it. It's no doubt been done countless times.
  16. You're bragging about.....A HM? Is this some joke I'm missing out on? I don't get it.
  17. Foot pedals would actually work. Additionally, so does speech activation.
  18. No, you misunderstood. I am fully aware of the benefits. I was asking why he "eeked" at quad core, when his own CPU is a quad core.
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