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Everything posted by GalaxyDude

  1. Only if you are mentally stuck in your infantile anal phase or are (pre)- / (post)-pubescent.
  2. I scent a conspiracy of Blizzard fanbois. Their consensus is "This is WoW in space, this game should be like WoW in every little detail!" Only to be in the position of stating "This game is a wow clone in each respect!" and continue their beloved bashing, IF Bioware should ever listen to them and wowify their magnificient piece of work SWTOR. No troll intended.
  3. Don't you mean "idiocy and lazyness" rule, buddy", hence reflecting the majority of mankind's mentality? Suddenly, this phrase seems much more consistent.
  4. Opinion = Fact = Everybody's opinion AND proof by allegation - this is how you WoW-trolls roll?
  5. Hence making all your aforementioned arguments obsolete - thanks for participating (trolling) though.
  6. A fully automated LFG-tool ultimately / eventually eliminates every other option / alternative (it becomes mandatory)!
  7. Simple and rhetorical question: how do you actually relate to people (and ultimately befriend them), if nobody ever talks to anyone? Socialization / communication is key and killed by a fully automated LFD-tool. Q.e.d.
  8. Wrong genre of game for you, if you think that "virtual" socialization is less important / meaningful than "real" one and justify your anti-social stance based on this narrow perspective. Guess what, there are real existing people on both ends in both situations / places.
  9. ^ This^10*1933893 (arbitrarily chosen number).
  10. Care to elaborate the "horribleness"? Which aspect of my compromise causes this sensation? Is it, that players would have to put together a group by themselves AFTER being registered in a LFG-list by showing some initiative after all (socialize / communicate)? Lazyness, modern MMORPGs' scourge.
  11. Wait, you "spacebar'ed yourself through the entire narrative? /facepalm
  12. Couldn't have phrased it better myself. However: Realm-intern-only, no transportation / teleportation and no automatic composing (people would be registered in a list along with other people also looking for a group) - THIS would be an acceptable compromise for an extension of the already existing LFG-tool.
  13. Realm-intern-only, no transportation / teleportation and no automatic composing (people would be registered in a list along with other people also looking for a group) - THIS would be an acceptable compromise for an extension of the already existing LFG-tool.
  14. Thematisch verwandter, von mir verfasster Kommentar zur "Convenience"-Thematik (LFG-tool u.A. / u.Ä.) im englischen Forum: Realm-intern-only, no transportation / teleportation and no automatic composing (people would be registered in a list along with other people also looking for a group) - THIS would be an acceptable compromise for an extension of the already existing LFG-tool.
  15. Realm-intern-only, no transportation / teleportation and no automatic composing (people would be registered in a list along with other people also looking for a group) - THIS would be an acceptable compromise for an extension of the already existing LFG-tool.
  16. This is not the MMORPG you are looking for and if your enjoyment depends on overconvenience, which ultimately only promotes lazyness and phlegm, please return to your precious Azeroth.
  17. + a paradigm that has to be antagonized! Too much convenience simply promotes lazyness and phlegm. No thanks, Sir!
  18. My tomcat and the bugs inhabiting my bed cancelled their subscription yesterday - quite an important information, don't you think?
  19. ^ Quite an interesting interpretation of the Scoundrel's / Operative's current status. Note to myself: history DOES repeat itself in certain contexts, the Rog... erm pardon Scoundrel / Operative is inferior to every other single class, UNLESS an extremely skilled player controls it! Only under this condition can it excel and live up to its full potential! Wait, I do have a deja vu... It's the rogue's / rogues' primary defensive argumentation all over again.
  20. I know, I expect nothing else... however, I forget to include the 4% damage reduction from talent points in my equation / calculation... oh and my improved shield! Well equipped and fully stimmed / buffed rogues are OP beyond imagination.
  21. I just received a 7388 crit on my LvL 50 Sorcerer, healing specced and completely epic (PvP!) equipped, equaling 9% damage reduction solely from the PvP items plus another 25% damage reduction from my armor (and yes, I do know that these effects / factors are multiplicative and not additive!). Guess by whom? Absolutely and bloody ridiculous!
  22. Oh hi there, wait what is this... http://www.swtorface.com/p/swtor-companion-list.html
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