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Everything posted by Targetboy

  1. Targetboy

    PVP gear Bags??

    Let's not forget that by putting the 50's who've been pvping for 3 weeks now will be grouping with fresh meat. They need to lower the cost of entry level 50 pvp gear or this game will continue to be broken. Getting 3 shotted by ops as a healer is not making for a fun experience.
  2. bump bump bump bump bump not too short anymore stupid forums
  3. Purge doesn't do **** in PvP. Please fix. Really, a 4.5 sec cd?? Jesus, what goon thought that was a good idea?
  4. Targetboy

    Hutball is a mess

    I call bs. Show me the video of you organizing a group of 20's against a premade.
  5. I would also recommend for everyone in this thread who is pissed off about this bug to open an in game bug ticket. It's the easiest way for the developers to track these sort of things. The more people who complain about it, the faster it will be fixed. You just need to follow the correct channels.
  6. Healing is super easy when my raid frames are working. When they are not, I can't carry my team! Fix this bug. Who ever made the business decision to allow this into production should be fired. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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