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Everything posted by ekwalizer

  1. Here's a thought. Have the current tiered PvP/PvE gear with the exact same stats, just different appearance. Tionese = Centurion, Columni = Champion, Rakata = BM. Solves the above problem.
  2. ekwalizer

    Merc or PT?

    This all day long. Pyro will still produce the same, or higher, scoreboard numbers but you are infinitely more mobile (and therefore survivable) and you don't have to deal with all the TM/Grav hate from the monkies that don't understand it is REQUIRED to be spammed to maximize it's effectiveness.
  3. Most important part is highlighted. No nerf was ever needed. Mercs, specifically Arsenal are one of the most squishy classes, even well geared. This pending nerf will only serve to push them into oblivion.
  4. Your math is wrong. Just from dailies/weeklies you can get the 98 you pointed out, plus 21 for each weekly. So that's 140. You can also pretty easily buy 2 bags a day. So that's another 98, 238 for the week. Still, that is pretty far from a full set.
  5. I am a Battlemaster and I wholeheartedly disagree with Gear based PvP, or a ranking system, other than valor. When you use gear as the measuring stick for PvP, skill goes out the window. I don't really care how "good" you are, a fully geared 50 in Centurion gear will beat a zero geared 50 virtually every time. The same holds true as you move up the ladder. Gear progression is all well and good, but when you are mitigating 12-15% of all damage, doing an additional 12-15% damage or giving/getting 12-15% more healing - how can you justify playing in the same league as a brand new 50? Let's be serious for a second. You are doing 15% more damage to them, they are doing 15% less damage to you, that is effectively a 30% gap. And oh by the way, you probably have anywhere from 5-8k more HPs than they do. Yeah, tons of skill there /sarcasm. The only ranked system that would be marginally fair would be to rank and bracket it by expertise points. 0-100, 101-300, 301-500 and 500+. Level 50 pvp is a major turn off to a host of new 50s. I pushed through it and was full geared champion in about 10 days, but that's because I like to PvP. Others might take ONE night of being rolfstomped and move back to the PvE arena. As a PvPer, I want as many other people in the Queue as possible, so my wait time is reduced. The current system is broke and stupid. The 1.2 system will be even more so.
  6. I don't necessarily disagree with some of what you say here, but how is it "gimme free" The "work" was put in to earn the bags, they just can't be accepted.
  7. The servers were actually up and running at least two hours ahead of schedule this morning. I logged on at 9am EDT.
  8. Before I got into beta, I was int he free-choice color crystal camp. Then I saw 1000 sith running around with green sabers and it was kind of silly. I do not necessarily appreciate that individuals no longer have free choice in the matter, but it does look more appropriate. The biggest issue I take is that it applies not only to Force Users but to everyone. What difference does it make if my BH wants to use green color crystals but be dark side?
  9. OK, what about other classes with say, a jump-to-enemy and a jump-to-friendly? Or an extraction/grapple? Or classes like Knight/Warrior, Agent/Smuggler that have 4 snare/stun/root/mezzes (some being area CC) - many of which are classified as snares and therefore not subject to Resolve?
  10. 1st: No one is being ripped off because no one is forced to buy anything on the AH. 2nd: Who cares what someone resells your item for? You listed it at a price you thought fair and you got the rate you wanted. 3rd: Most overpriced items NEVER sell. People who mark up drastically are idiots to begin with. Use the GTN how you want to use it. Buy low/Sell High always applies, but seriously, if it's too much no one will buy it regardless of how much they "need" it.
  11. LOL! TM is not broken. The only thing that MIGHT be OP about TM is that it can be used in High Velocity Gas Cylinder.
  12. For the longest time I wore the BH Chest/Pants from Mandalorian Raiders with the yellow/purple comm helmet you can buy at Belsavis. I really liekd the look of it, reminded me of my mando armor on SWG. Now I split my time between the super ugly Champion Eliminator Armor or the even uglier Tionese armor =(
  13. The same sentiment from the BH side of the house. I'm not sure what the mando tree is, but Arsenal is built around this attack. A competent TM/Grav users knows that the stack lasts 15 seconds and it only takes ONE to renew it after you are at 5 stacks. I use TM a lot in PvP, but I use everything else a lot too. You really can't afford to immobilize yourself for like 9 seconds to get off 3 rounds of TM. TM itself isn't OP, TM when used with High Velocity Gas Cylinder active however is a lot of armor reduction. Rather than nerfing the entire tree, a smarter move would be to make TM only useable in Combustable Gas Cylinder. Ultimately it won't change how I play PvP or PvE, but I think there are much bigger fish to fry than TM/Grav. Like 100% movement reduction SNARES. Where I come from, that is a ROOT and should be subject to resolve.
  14. I'd be fine with cross server LFG only if they disabled NEED for items that players can't use themselves.
  15. Since the OP is clearly talking about HM FPs and not HM Ops, I'd like to point out that if people are getting kicked because they don't have Columni gear then the group leader is an idiot. You can't get Columni gear without doing HM FPs.
  16. Sure you can change the stats, but you can't change the base type of item. If it is Light armor it will always be light armor. If it is heavy armor - a Consular/Inquisitor will still never be able to use it.
  17. This basically sums it up. While your companion might be considered an extension of your avatar, it isn't the groups responsibility to kit your pets out. As long as YOU are properly geared, your companion will still be quite effective under-geared. Needing on anything that is not meant for your class needs to be eliminated. People need to make it clear from the onset what the loot rules are.
  18. Cross server LFG/DFs lead to zero accountability of Ninja-looting. If they are forced to stay on their home server, eventually Ninjas stop getting invited to groups. I am diametrically opposed to any cross-server PvE options.
  19. Can anyone help me out with this. We're trying to get Alts guilded up, but no one seems to know how to do it. Everyone that deployed with the guild is an officer, so everyone has recruiting rights. Does the recruiter have to be over level 10? Do you have to be standing in close proximity? Do you have to be grouped? Is there a slash command for it? Any help would be most appreciated.
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