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Everything posted by devroz

  1. Is there any news for operatives/scoundrels? Will they be going through another rebalance this patch as well? If so how will healers change? How will the dps specs change?
  2. I agree with it all pretty much. I quit playing Concealment Op after 1.2 and went Lethality. Even then I get run over by sents/maras who can mitigate their deaths with an out of place defense cooldown. Assassins are hardly better as they can totally mitigate all my tech damage forcing me to attempt to overload shot or rifle shot. Still I scrap as hard as I can and outgear the **** out of most players and still seem to lose poisons keeping me in combat too long. I wish I had any kind of movement enhancement to make the fast plays that I feel an agent would. Sorry for my rant, and for you sorcs, mercs, and pts that I can roll, but I'm hardly the biggest threat out there.
  3. I'd recommend Powertech or Vanguard or PvP. They definitely have the dps and tankyness right now.
  4. Yep here it is: 10. Tactical Advantage Laugh Removed: Seriously ***... im not even gonna start. 9. Infiltrate is Totally Useless: Tell me honestly how many times you've use it for something actually meaningful... 8. Stealth is Hardly Sneaky: Even with full Concealment buffs for stealth, there's always a good chance you're not going to get to your target before being knocked out of stealth. Sneak is super useful, and yet it's on a longer cooldown than a charge or sprint. Stealth is like wearing a white cloth over your head and screaming "I'm a ghost" if you are healing or lethality spec. 7. It Takes Forever To Get Out Of Combat: Stealth is our gimmick in this game, and its the only one we have. That being said Cloaking Screen has so much value in our arsenal and shouldn't be squandered because we've ran half way across the map and are still in combat. 6. Our Resource Is Not Effective: Energy blows in comparison to focus and force users who can endlessly waste and burst with no consequences. Even for healers, the curve for heals per energy in comparison to Sorcs and BH was lacking. I don't know how this fairs though in 1.2 because I haven't tried healing yet. 5. It's A Dying Class: Besides Smugglers, were the least played class according to he guild summit. Now we share that demographic with snipers, gunslingers, and scoundrels. How many of us are there really? and why hasn't BW done something to make this class attractive? 4. Lack of Utility: Our only gimmick is stealth and stuns, if we are concealment. Lethality and Healers generally does not rely on stealth to do their jobs so toss that one out. What you are left with is a bag of stuns, a 3 second dodge, and a very weak shield. No pulls, sprints, charges, knock backs, invulnerability, or out of stealth CCs. Our offensive and defensive abilities just don't match up. 3. Constantly Nerfed: I played Concealment in Beta and it pooped on kids. But since then, every major patch has effectively nerfed concealment damage for the soul purpose of Pvp problems. Bioware denies it, but I haven't found many happy with Concealment in 1.2 and they pay the bills. 2. Lethality < Concealment PvE: Technically 1.2 did buff our class with a slight increase to dps and a better rotation, thus making concealment good in PvE again. Unfortunately Lethality is still about 200 dps behind concealment despite it being better for AoE and multiple targets via dots. 1. Lethality > Concealment PvP: Lets face it Concealment is out. I had a full BM Operative who and I can't get my Hidden Strike to crit over 4k for the life of me anymore. I have to roid up if I even want to attempt somethings tricky. My lack of CC gives me little utility, which is something you need when fighting in melee, especially if you dont heal from dots and dmg. We're not bruiser, were not even tanky. The improved rotation, though useful, means nothing when you have to balance it constantly with multiple targets. Concealment is great point to point, but if you defray it over multiple targets you do nothing. With my burst gone, it was easy to pick the more attractive lethality. Sorry guys for being a *****, I just really had to get this all off my chest. These are the reasons I struggle with everyday. I've been very faithful to this class in hopes of improvement, but it seems BW cares more about other classes, because they have move players. Well if our class in not attractive that's your fault BW.
  5. I use to be a jedi like you... then I took some lava to my knees (use this)
  6. Naw dude totally gettin dat nerf bra
  7. I'll be doing a little bit of this as well.... this week may kill me
  8. Title ^ Im gonna LoL it up in the new patch.... maybe Skyrim later /thread
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