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Posts posted by Bielduwyn

  1. I've made a few topics about this in the past (dating back to the pre-launch era), so of course I'll add my support for this, if even Galaxies and Jedi Academy, both nine year old games, could have some choice in how Twi'leks drape their lekku, then surely it should be possible in 2012 on a much younger engine.
  2. Well, you could consider Coruscant a large scale version of the city in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, I dread to think how that would have to be built from a logistics perspective. ;D


    Tatooine is pretty blatantly Tunesian architecture, since well, they modified local architecture to suit their needs.

  3. Not sure what you're on about, most enemies haven't exactly got a large aggro circle, somewhere between 15-20 metres, I can run just about anywhere without having to fight just by skirting around their aggro range. And given the speed of combat it's not exactly a biggie if you need to stop for about 20 seconds to take care of a group of enemies.


    Alternatively just keep on running and ignore them, they'll give up eventually. Just be sure to tell your companion to ignore them as well.

  4. But why are the Imps more popular?


    Is it because everyone really wants to be a Chiss or Pureblood? I don't have hard facts, but I would speculate no.


    My typical stroll across the Imperial Fleet has me encountering more (white skinned) humans than anything else, so I can vouch that the popularity of the Empire isn't due to the Chiss or Purebloods.

  5. I wouldn't know about that since this is my first MMO, but that's a shame. Killing that Balrog/Nazgûl (respect for using the proper spelling) should be some kind of endgame experience rather than an early on story mission.
    Oh the Balrog is the final boss of a raid that was added about half a year after launch (if not later). And you merely encounter the Nazgûl, you get rescued by Tom Bombadil in the end. This is early in the game, and well, I'm sure you understand that even then these are meant to be exceedingly rare encounters. In another encounter with a Ringwraith in the midgame you and a full group manage to drive one back, but only with the assistance of Legolas himself. That feels more balanced, but that's twice in a few story time months that an ordinary adventurer would encounter one of the Nine.


    So basically, yeah, similarly in Age of Conan the player gets to take down his arch-nemesis Toth-Amon. And get a handful of audiences with King Conan himself, it seems to be part of story driven MMOs based on existing franchises that you'll bump into big names and do near impossible deeds on a regular basis.




    Unfortunately, this is remarkably false. I've run into ~ 85% of RPers on my server that use their class' story as their own character's story. It just befuddles me. Also, I had someone argue with me that I was wrong for identifying my Sentinel as a Guardian when she specialises in lightsabre combat. I feel that BioWare completely ignoring the true meaning of the terms they used for classes such as the Sentinel, which is its own specialisation when a Jedi reaches the rank of Jedi Knight, or the Shadow, which is not even a Consular specialisation but a Sentinel one, was a terrible idea.
    Well, I play on Progenitor and Lord Adraas and so far haven't encountered players who RP the story in their RP with others. But perhaps I've just been lucky.




    Because of the design of this game, I do not suggest that they go back and change anything about anything in the game. It would take too long and basically just screw things up. However, there is plenty of possibilities with the next expansion. Hopefully, they add a new planet or new planets with proper PvP areas, well-designed social spaces, fun things to do, and so on in addition to character story development. I would suggest that they tone it down by not expecting one Jedi and only on companion to jump into an impossible situation and come out of it without any scrapes or scratches. I haven't finished any storylines yet, even on my level fifty Shadow and Sentinel, but I'm sure it just gets worse from here.
    Bioware have certainly gotten themselves into a pickle there, they can't make future content ~less~ epic because that would disappoint many. That said, I've levelled a Consular all the way through chapter 1 and you get exactly ONE brief instance where you get to do Jedi diplomacy, I really hope the other two chapters will offer more of that and that future expansions will have even more. Some of my favourite quests in the original KotOR were where you got to do typical everyday Jedi stuff like investigating a murder and trying to settle a family feud.




    I'm fine with losing. There are parts of the Mass Effect series where Shepard isn't always the winner. She comes upon a situation where she gets overpowered, outmanned, outgunned, and she just loses (but she's never outskilled :p). Shepard also acknowledges when she fails and it really affects her. Those parts of the story are extremely touching and interesting because it makes the character seem more shackled to a real person rather than a borderline deity.
    Well, TOR and ME are made by separate Bioware teams, but now that I think about, there are a few situations in the stories where your character gets KOd and/or rescued by another, but this all happens in cutscenes, any gameplay fight you get into you will win. I suppose this is perhaps due to limitations of the MMO model or perhaps even the engine itself that a cutscene can't get triggered once you dip below a certain amount of health (even with NPCs you need to trigger the cutscene manually once you got them down to the target health).
  6. That might be true for the Republic, but remember that the Sith Empire is a pretty darn xenophobic culture. The reason why (originally) the only Imperial class that could be Twi'lek was Inquisitor is because most, if not all Twi'leks in the Empire are slaves, and the Inquisitor starts as a slave.


    And well, I'm sure that some players would complain if the real exotic aliens went to the Republic exclusively (or at least until you level one to level fifty).


    So long story short, I think Bioware basically feels it'll be less hassle to simply have all present and potential future races be mostly humanoid for the reason that they won't have to make an all new class with an all new story as that would keep various teams (writers, designers, programmers, and of course countless hours of testing them for balance in PvE and PvP) busy when they could be making all new content for existing classes/characters.


    Granted, they're free to prove me wrong, but when all the evidence is put together I really think we won't ever see very exotic aliens being playable, and I'm kinda fine with that myself. I see the reasoning and find it acceptable.

  7. In an interview by TotalBiscuit, Daniel Erickson said explicitly that "Freak races" (Wookiees, Trandoshans etc.) would not be done unless they were their own class, since NPCs would react very differently to those than they would to humanoids (remember, almost no one trusts Trandoshans, not even Jedi masters as the Consular story makes clear), they can't and won't work within the construct of the existing classes.


    And judging from the tone of his voice, he was in no immediate mood to make Wookiees or Trandoshans their own class in a hurry anyway. Unsurprisingly as they'd have to write two (or more) additional class stories, make their own starter planet, and so on, in short, more effort than it'd be worth because let's face it, take a run around your local fleet station and see how many people there are, and then count just how many of those are boring old (white skinned) humans, if most people can't be as exotic as a Chiss or Twi'lek, only a real tiny minority (but a damned vocal one) would actually roll a Trandoshan or Wookiee.

  8. Yeah well, part of your problem exists in every MMO, flyersfan, thousands of people have killed a rare and elusive Balrog in LotRO. Or encountered a Nazgûl in the Barrow-downs.


    But here's the thing, don't take that into your RP. Nobody RPs their game story when RPing with others. =p And if you're doing your class story, you're THE Consular anyway.


    That said, I'm not sure how this surprises anyone. Bioware's been saying since the day they announced the game way back in 2008 that they wanted to make players feel heroic, heroes of Luke Skywalker proportions, hence the whole idea of heroic combat where you can without effort take on six guys at once and come out on top. And also why in the story you're regularly doing feats many consider to be (near) impossible. It's a decision they made fairly early on in the game's design process, clearly.


    That said, how do you suggest they tone this down without basically rewriting the whole story? Or at the least redoing a fair amount of cutscenes where instead of bestowing you a rare title, the Jedi masters just say "Yeah, not bad, that was a pretty good job."


    Or in the Trooper example having to lose to the supposed unbeatable guy and rewriting the script from there on out.

  9. Sorry, but while it might not be impossible, it is not feasible. This isn't Star Wars Galaxies where there's dozens of square kilometres of empty land for you to put down buildings wherever you please, not without Bioware completely remaking entire planets which would be a lengthy procedure, not to mention would result in a gigantic patch of many gigabytes as all the planets need to be redownloaded.


    You'll simply have to accept that any housing in TOR will be of the instanced variety and not out in the open world so that everyone on the server questing on Tatooine will see your fancy mansion with rows of Jedi statues.

  10. Typically initiates become padawans around the time they hit puberty. While some take a bit longer than that, if they take too long to be found worthy by a knight or master for one on one training, they typically get retired to the Agricorps or one of the Order's other sub-institutions.


    Similarly if they take far longer than acceptable to get ready for the trials, or if they fail major steps in their progress (like not succeeding in making their own lightsaber).


    You don't get all eternity to become a padawan, nor to become a knight.


    Of course, during the time of KotOR there are several exceptions where young adults get taken in as initiates or even straight into padawan status, but I doubt even them get to take forever to complete their training. There has to be, y'know, actual progress.

  11. I wouldn't hold my breath for houses as ships are indeed your house, and you'll be able to customise their interiors in the future (no word on when, though).


    But I guess if there was one way to make it work would be to basically use an unused door texture somewhere on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and have that lead into one of many apartment floor instances, where you in turn have a variety of doors leading to small, large and luxurious apartments, and that you can buy one of those. It'd allow for a ton of players to have houses (or perhaps only one per faction per account) while not taking up any real surface space on the planet, avoiding having to remap an entire planet to make room for the houses.


    But that said, you could just as well just redecorate your current ship once the options are there.

  12. Anything before OT time line is total crap. I thought this game might be the one to break that sad streak, it was not. This mmo should have been based in the time frame of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.


    I needed a good laugh, thanks for that. If you were being serious I would've been worried!

  13. I don't understand why people are saying this goes against lore. This is an mmoRPG afterall. Create your own lore and story. You're acting like these particular races have no free will. That's like saying "oooo gosh goodness gee little jimmy, you were born a sith pureblood, looks like the only weapon you may ever use in your life is a lightsaber. Better start practicing because there is no way in hell you're going to ever know how to pick up a gun." Saying that chiss and sith pure blood can't join up with the republic makes you a racist....just sayin...


    It's not so much that it goes against the lore as that it goes against all probability, born as a Sith Pureblood into the Sith Empire you will 99.95% likely live and die a Sith. Just because five in ten thousand follow a different path doesn't justify making it an option available to everyone. Simply because more than five in ten thousand will actually do so.


    And I severely disagree with the idea of making your own lore. You're playing a Star Wars game, why would you want to craft anything but a genuine Star Wars story within a Star Wars game?


    That's just as idiotic as those dimwits RPing Half-Elves in LotRO even though Half-Elves were so rare that all of them that were born in the entire history of Middle-Earth history were countable on one hand. And each of their lives were carefully documented in the chronicles of Middle-Earth's history. And knowing how much Tolkien cared about his work, well, RPing a half-elf is nothing short of taking a leak on Tolkien's grave. And the thing is, there are countless other fantasy settings where you can perfectly play a Half-Elf so why insist on doing it in LotRO of all places? Actually, no, that's just as idiotic as bringing Drow into LotRO, if you want to play a dark elf, play a game that supports them!


    If you can't work within the restrictions of the lore you've got no right to be writing to begin with.

  14. Oh don't worry, just supply all the information you can, like specifics on what triggers the bug, what hardware you're running the game on, and so on.


    Someone at Bioware will decide if it's worth the development team's time right now, or if it's something for the backburner, or if it's not even worth fixing because it (for example) is a tiny bug that only triggers on one particular graphics card that's not all that popular anymore.


    Basically, you do the reporting and leave the worrying about its importance to someone else. :D

  15. Just use the bug report function like you would for major bugs, it doesn't matter how major or minor the bug is, they all get reported using the same feature. So don't hesitate to use /bug next time you encounter one.


    Goodness knows I've reported some trivial stuff using it. I test software for a living and we use the same tools for reporting major and minor bugs too, it's up to the development team to read them and assign them to the right person or team to fix it, who will then decide whether it's to be solved ASAP or put on the backburner.

  16. There are not really millions of epic hero's running around the galaxy, there are 8 for the 8 stories, thats it. Outside of your storyline you are playing an mmo, and there is no lore any longer, there is certainly no lore in someone taking a 100 blaster bolts or lightsaber swings to the face without suffering death. Those players never interact in your story and are not a part of it.


    Except, once again, I RP, so I will probably be encountering a fair amount of those Sith Jedi. Or I guess I could just pre-emptively /ignore them.

  17. How does any of this break Lore?


    If only one or two Chiss ever joined the Republic or one or two Sith became Jedi, it doesn't exactly justify making them playable. Sure, you might not call it breaking the lore, but it is stretching it right up to breaking point. And if they're already doing this two months into the game I can only dread to imagine how much worse they'll abuse the lore further down the line.


    At least LotRO needed a few years before it developed a casual disregard for the source material.

  18. Well do pardon me for not having the luxury of watching Livestream all day. I just figured that with the insult to our intelligence that is incoming Sith Pureblood Jedi I figured I'd bring up the root of the problem again, and thus, the original insult to our intelligence.
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