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Everything posted by Scnicker

  1. I think it's about the "Gear Progression." They wanted a low level jedi to wear a simple robe rather than ones with armorings, shoulderpads etc. before their story line progresses.
  2. Thanks for the answers everyone! It appears that no one is certain of which way is to go, so I'll try to find the middle. However, The Black Hole set suggests I hoard crit, but I really don't want to give up on my 2 +41 power green-black crystals .
  3. Good day ladies and gents, I've just leveled my Sentinel to Lvl 50 and will begin getting mods/armor. I've scoured through the entire net, and still couldn't find a straight answer on whether I should get crit/surge or power. I have a Watchman Build. My friend who played a marauder says go for power, but I am still confused. Help me out guys!
  4. Thanks man, your suggestion worked! Though 1 more question: When I start the game and check my processes in the task manager, Swtor still uses a total of 1.5gb RAM instead of the 4GB that I cached. Any idea why? And yes, I use Win7 64bit with 8gb Ram.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to apply the batch; and it worked at work PC, but it doesn't on my home pc. When I go through the registry, SWTOR is not in the registry directory that is in the batch? The game is installed D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic here instead of the default location. Help me please?
  6. I'm all for in-game voice chats, but I don't agree with you on achievements. Yes, you might get a title and all, but no special mounts, etc. I hated that on that other game and I certainly don't wanna see it in SWTOR.
  7. Here is me, rocking the Obi Wan beard on New Year's Eve: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/378865_10151167817895514_803945513_22794735_834132307_n.jpg And here is my graduation . Ladies love me. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/250116_10150599011575514_803945513_18968736_100752_n.jpg
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