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Everything posted by FumetsuKaiu

  1. Reason I cancelled my subscription was because the game doesn't run as advertised for me. I have no issues with unforeseen complications, played WoW since Vanilla. Back in those days it wasn't uncommon for multiple server shutdowns in a day. I believe giving them 4 months to fix the performance issue is plenty of time and I'm still getting micro stuttering, 10-20fps, and loading hangs. That and their CS is worse than HP's, doesn't bode well for this game. I could go into detail about all the troubleshooting I've done and tricks I've tried but that is what the Horrid FPS thread is for. I'll agree that people unsubscribing because of patch 1.2 problems are just being silly. Patch complications in a mmo are almost to be expected.
  2. Just a heads up, AMD seems to have more issues playing this game than Intel. If you can swing a sandy bridge i5, I would go that route. If you do end up going Intel that would also require a different motherboard. Other observations without knowing your budget or full purpose for this computer. I'd go with windows 7 64bit - or just download windows 8 if you'd like to save a little money, at least until its released. With a 64bit OS I'd also pick up 8gigs of ram. My system specs are in my sig and I have trouble running this game smoothly, 10-20fps in fleet and warzones. Then again I'm part of the 5% so your mileage could vary.
  3. AMD Phenom II x6 @ 4ghz 8gb Ram @ 1600 Sapphire 7950 OC (also used a gtx570 and had same results) ASUS Crosshair V Formula mobo Fleet - 15-30fps Warzones - 10-30fps Illum - 1-10fps I can run Witcher 2 on ultra and have smoother gameplay than swtor. Ended up cancelling my subscription b/c customer support gave me irrelevant/awful responses to my performance issue like: make sure your computer meets minimum specs... we are sorry you haven't been able to log in... we are sorry for the latency you are experiencing... Changing any setting from high to low doesn't do anything for my frame rates, only messing with shadows or resolution will change fps for me. I have done every troubleshooting and tweak I can think of, which is a lot, and nothing made this game run smoothly. Only solution I currently see from my end would be buying a new mobo and an intel cpu, which isn't going to happen anytime soon.
  4. Personally this is how I'd like to see knockbacks and enemy pulls work in the game. 1st knockback/enemy pull - Well played Sir or Madam, well played. 2nd knockback/enemy pull - Sigh... 3rd knockback/enemy pull - Really?!? Screw this ... BFG instant kill that player or BFS (if you're wielding a Saber) In my eyes this is now enjoyable for both parties. First two laughs are on the enemy last one is all mine. Of course there would have to be a time frame of oh 30seconds or so for these consecutive knockbacks to take place and grant an instant kill. Also, something like this would have to be implemented by Bioware, which I highly doubt. As long as I'm on the topic of wishful thinking, here's my suggestion for the Resolve Bar. Rework and rename it to the Hulk Bar When the bar reaches 100% you turn into a big green unstoppable version of yourself and go on a warpath instant killing your opponents for 3-6 seconds. (3 seconds for ranged 6 for melee) Once again wishful thinking and somewhat joking, but would 100% make pvp a lot more fun.
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