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Everything posted by Tintagel

  1. Well I have been iching to give Skyrim ago, so looks like I have some spare time
  2. type /gu in the text box before what you want to say. Or on the dropdown list to the left of the text box, select guild and you should see "Guild" in green at the start of the text when typing. There have been bugs reported where guild members can't write in guild chat using either method, in that case you need to leave the guild and be re-invited, that has worked for many. Happy gaming
  3. tbh, I think it's a bit too late now, they should have just locked new accounts being created on the pre-launch servers to all but those already allocated to a guild on them. This I'm afraid to say could/should have been predicted
  4. Good point, they had better allow name changes soon as well
  5. My Standard one arrived on Friday(16th)
  6. If you mean transfer your character to their server, I'm afraid not currently If you mean create a new charater on there server, you can get back to the server selection screen by one of the buttons on the bottom left side of the charater selection screen.
  7. The "Say" chat channel is the only way I know of to communicate cross faction at present. Only able to see your side in /who ect. No character transfers currently, hopefully soon
  8. Unfortunately yes, same with being in game and crashing, back to the end of the queue again
  9. My Sage is going full healer, but I agree the UI doesn't exactly lend itself to the task
  10. and if your on your ship noones going to see you either
  11. This site pretty good: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/
  12. IIRC it was 8 per server 40 in total
  13. Checked xfire, 30 hours this week, not bad as I haven't finished work for the year yet
  14. tbh, it's not like we have seen this happen in every other CE released for an MMO, why ppl still keep buying them is beyond me.
  15. I'd try giving the case a dusting/defluffing, Mine gets clogged up all the time.
  16. Search function has been removed for launch, probably to reduce traffic on the site, also means you can't use the show all posts by any poster. No system in place currently
  17. That's pretty close to mine and run fine on all settings. Happy Gaming
  18. Currently no, but as you say I would expect it to be implemented at some point and charge a fee for the service.
  19. Hi Have you setup the key onto your account?, if you login into your account on the right hand side there is a menu option to set up your key. As to the number changing, this sort of security method has been used for a long time for company network access. Basically there is a "seed" which is used to generate random numbers this "seed" is the same in your key as held on the server side, so the numbers should always match against each other. As everyone's should start with different "Seed" they should in theroy be pretty much unique. The only issue if have ever had problems with is if you leave tapping in the number for too long it can jump to the next random on the server side and you have to press the key for the next one again. Although most of the companies I work for started phasing them out years ago. I surprised they went for this method.
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