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Everything posted by Wulfbur

  1. main reason is that each time I group in a PUG I encountered too many elitists grouping that have nothing to offer but criticism and insults. The other issue are waiting around for people to join or get to the spot then 5 minutes later drop out of the group saying they need to go. I spent more time waiting on other people so I prefer to solo so I can enjoy the time I am on and progress as I want. I am in a 3 person guild so we do not group often and I won't join a larger one since these are my friends. Larger guilds have larger drama and I get enough of that in real life. So I prefer to solo. If people were more patient, willing to teach and have a basic instinct to be polite - maybe.
  2. I too am a Senya fan -and want a romance option - hey if they can do same sex romances why be prejudicial on older younger get together's. As far as the story goes with her that makes it even more interesting in that is she really interested in who I am and not well ........... you know. Besides as a Jedi I maybe 100 years old as far as she is concerned the force is the star wars equivalent to rejuvenation cream.
  3. Your level - 65 Roughly Average Item Rating - 216 Discipline - Jedi Knight Guardian Companion Lana Companion role Healer Companion Influence level 28 Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) SF Alderaan Heroic Your personal experience while playing this content: Getting the gear is a matter of patience and work through alliance weekly heroic missions and increase the alliances level to get the rewarded crystals needed for the best gear. I was finally able to solo SF Alderaan Heroic with glowing armor and a companion at level 28 influence, I am now able to get a few pieces of radiant gear. I used stims a lot more on these then any other time during the game which is ok. Took a couple tries to learn the fights is all. The biggest issue I have is that I can get all my gear through the crystals except for the main weapon which you decided to make forced grouping by doing operations to get the tokens to upgrade. This is the biggest disappointment I have. If we want the one and only achievement then you counter that with forced grouping to upgrade your main weapon. Give other options to get the main hand weapon Give a way to convert Basic Crystals to Glowing and Glowing to Radiant. Make sure the alliance max levels means you get enough crystals to get a full set of radiant gear.
  4. right now only male straight option is Lana - I am one for Senya Bioware if you can add m/m and f/f romances you certainly can add Senya I vote for Senya give us some options here and don't force Lana or nothing
  5. Being a huge fan of Mass Effect - the story is what keeps me here in the game. PVP when I do play it is actually fun and the auto level of PVP'rs within a certain range is what makes it that way for me, I always hated the griefing aspect of over leveled players ganking lower level ones in other MMO PVP. so to answer your post title - Yes this is exactly what this person wants.
  6. for me the specific XP boosts just are storage wastes - regular overall XP boosts are better and cover it all since you can only have one boost active at a time. At least make them salable to vendors as they are worthless on the GTN and I wind up destroying them. The companion gifts were more valuable to me The Jawa Junk is the most valuable for crafters now especially with the required components and please add the FP hard mode items to the traders. I do not want FORCED grouping to craft. I craft to support adventures. I Bought a lot of packs just for gifts, mounts and jawa trader items. Armor came in secondary.
  7. I too agree with the OP - this a a step back from what was a decent crafting system to an almost worthless system. To get higher end items in addition to components you need mats from hard mode flashpoints so that means forced grouping. Bioware fix this crafting system or you risk alienating players and potentially begin to lose subscribers. The rest of the expansion I love and you get high marks but this system belongs on rotten tomatoes and you get a failing grade.
  8. It still happened on my republic characters but I investigated the issue and it seems Treek went all postal on C2-N2 that made him to short circuit at which point they merged but c2 was beat so badly its hands are broken with wires hanging out and the heads nearly detached....... will see if the Devs can get R2 to repair it or at least HK will put it out of its misery.
  9. For clarity's sake Question one was to meet and or recruit other companions that are not class specific and the answer was yes - is the reply for both choices? I mean my smuggler runs into Vette and since they are both twilek's my smuggler is instantly attracted to her can he recruit her the as a companion? Or if it just by faction then can my warrior meet and recruit Risha etc?
  10. do we need the shadow of Reven digital Expansion to fully enjoy the Knights of the fallen Empire
  11. 12 toons 5 imperial 1 lvl 55 an operative 1 lvl 53 inquisitor 3 in the 30's mercenary, sniper & warrior 7 repub 4 55's - sage, vanguard, guardian, gunslinger 1 30 - scoundral 1 40's - JK DPS 1 teens commando itching to make a new one too..... My name is Wulfbur and I'm an altaholic
  12. I prefer healers as I enjoy the support role. Operative healer, BH healer, Commando Healer and Sage healer all different all survivable Will eventually try a smuggler healer too. I have seen tanks struggle with reckless DPS'rs and puts me in the forefront role with the need to heal, place adds in stasis and that kind of support gives me the enjoyment. To take a reckless moment from an AOE DPS'r getting the group swamped and then living to tell about it, well these are the stories that lore is made of. I feel the stress of maintaining the group and can always find a group simply because there are more DPS & Tanks and healers are in high demand. I can destroy mobs just fine and solo 2 man heroics without breaking a sweat. Frankly I like DPS and healers I find Tanking is not for me.
  13. One free stronghold for patrons and tied to legacy and limits NPC's placements - this is the most useless feature I have ever seen for housing. What a joke all the hype and falls flat in delivering.
  14. We are a mature no drama guild who has established a home here in SWTOR on Ebon Hawk. We are currently just starting to recruit and are very small but are looking to add more members. Right now we do not have any requirements nor any specialty such as RP or PVP but welcome all play styles. We have guild banks in both the Imperial side and republic side. You can contact any one of my characters Imperial - Motalla, Wulfrage, Wulfbur, Wulfblade Republic - Remoray, Wulfborne, Drudalia, Corpious
  15. add to tier 6 UW Missions are Tier 5 Companion gifts - that wasn't the case previously I agree this has to change
  16. Severely dissapointed that the only option is by coins and not credits They push the cartel coins far too much in this game and I don't want to buy any or use the monthly ones to save up 2 months to get the change. Really bad move on SWTOR's part poor poor poor customer service
  17. I'd like to see paid character transfers I have two on two separate servers that were moved while I was not playing during the consolidation and would like them both on my new server
  18. so BW admitting that PVP is a prime focus of the game means no correction of open world PVP on PVE servers no anti auto flagging from AOE's a guild bank is all they do for guilds - Bioware made a great updated KOTRO2 game here but with a minimal amount of Multiplayer You have failed miserable on the social aspect Guilds are only good for level 50's to raid with and even that is limited you cant help lower levels as no mentor system no guild halls no interaction other than chat or maybe if you have players same levels on same quests I think my first paid month is my last - good luck with the game
  19. or if you buff them if they are flagged or heal them or interact with a flagged player in anyway - so grouping in heroics can force the entire group to be flagged pvp this is a horrible system and devs have to have a pve only pve servers - instanced pvp is good enough for a pve server not a threat but I just paid my 30 days if no action is taken or if no response by a dev is made then there will not be a renewal I hate PVP that much and want a game that I can do my quests and be left in peace by other players I don't care if this is star Wars and battles ensue between factions NPC's do just fine Bioware please stop and correct this - it leads to griefing and ganking and is no fun, no fun means no playing the game.
  20. wrong - using an aoe as a heal on a companion stealthed player was there opposite faction boom pvp ganked - PVEn is PVE no one should be forced period. Why is your pvp preference more important then the pve choice. You have dedicated pvp servers we dont have dedicated pve with open world BS like this
  21. instanced pvp on pve servers no open world then you can do it consensually not the griefing way
  22. It is a big deal - we choose pve so not to have to pvp - this happened in swg and is griefing and is not fun. Bioware is pro PVP to introduce this lame garbage again into a game that should be respectful of how people want to play. PVE servers is for PVE or instanced PVP no open world PVP. I DO NOT WANT TO PVP period so to say this is no big deal sorry you are wrong
  23. Was hoping to avoid pvp flag but looks like it's forced
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