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Posts posted by Tamas

  1. Well for Trooper/BH I can confirm that Mortar Volley does not hit until you have been channeling for 2 seconds out of 3. On top of that Mortar Volley is 4 second channel in reality, as you can move for 1 second after channeling is over or you the ability does not register a hit.


    btw if you finish at the same place on Voidstar - same door for both sides, Empire wins by default. Been testing it and so far it looks true.

  2. I know there are more pressing matters for this class.


    Blade Rush looks worse than Strike - the ability we gain at lvl 1. Since Combat spec users now get to spam this ability, why not make it look cool - smth like spinning blades, as atm you just slash from right side - looks terrible, TERRIBLE!!!!

  3. /signed


    RIFT had a great Soul system that was THE best part of the game. It offered freedom and a chance to experiment, plus an ability to easily switch to help out - I'd like to heal, but I love to DPS as well - it's my problem to get gear for both and my problem to learn the skills to do that which I believe I easily can as I did this in more than 4 MMOs.

  4. people chiming in with 'no problem' or whatever need to realize a simple truth:



    the game changes drastically in difficulty after 40, basically after hoth/belsavius.



    voss+ feels almost like a different game


    Hehe just did Voss. Apart from 5 sith camping the med centers and no guards in the whole planet, the mobs proved tougher - I believed the tales of it getting "better" but no luck, my commando was way easier to get through Voss. Sentinel needs stealth - all problems fixed - about to die, stealth and run away. /Envy Shadow/Assassin :(

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