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Posts posted by Tamas

  1. Stop camping the base so close, problem solved. Or is standing 20m further too hard?


    One side pulls you = instant death cause of turret.

    Other side pulls you = instant death due to share numbers. 50 Sith targeting you = turret.

  2. Sadly it's true. I was shocked when I learned that you can get better mods from Illum (for daily commendations), that's after I spent a ton of money and time trying to RE the epics - it turns out I can get the better version just by doing a couple of quests...


    Did numerous Ops and never seen an artifice or armstech drop. I do envy professions like armormech and synthweavers as they can craft Rakata gear + get a crit.


    Not worth to invest time and money when you can get better stuff easier....

  3. Illum - my commnando >>>>>>>my sentinel.

    Suicidal for melee because of so many Imps, you have no chance to do damage before you instantly die. With commando it's far more easier to do damage and kill someone and run away from danger.


    WZ - depends. If you have a healer I like both, if there is none, I prefer range simply because I can do DPS more frequently and escape from danger easier.


    Still playing both though, hoping they give a bone to JK/SW.

  4. I am a operative. I am going to be nerf. We will hear the next cries of the next class.

    What class do you think it will be?


    I say, Bounty hunter/Commando Class.


    Tracer? Heavy Armor? Shield? 2 Knock backs? Grab?

    I say nerf Tracer and bring their armor value down.


    You listed abilities of 2 AC - do you even know which AC class uses which abilities? Do you know which abilities the commando/merc lack that every other AC has? Do you even understand how armor values work? From your post you have no clue how other classes work.

  5. Explain to me what this has to do with pvp imbalance.


    People roll the cooler side, hence the Imps numbers are far greater. I myself am rolling Imp characters and I pvp with them a lot more, because my eyes don't hurt from the ****** Republic animations and bad armor design.

  6. Ability Animation Empire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Republic

    Design of environments (ships stations) Empire>>>>Republic

    Armor looks Empire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (goes on for several pages and then you look at JK PvP armor and it goes on for hundreds of more pages)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Republic.


    Republic is just meh. I mean pebbles vs lightning? Just look at Sentinel "Blade Rush" animation, it was probably made in 10 mins or so, cause it looks ****.

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