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Everything posted by Leafy_Bug

  1. This would save ranked .
  2. Wrong as you were told already. PVE and PVP will not win you a planet when your opponent will do more points than you via Crafting.
  3. You make excellent points. In all of the conquests so far, holding back crafting items and dumping them when your competition does not expect makes a whole difference. Let me elaborate. Last week we had an amazing race with a guild for Hoth. We were neck and neck most days but at one point we pulled ahead by 700k. Wasn't enough because we knew that Monday morning when everyone was at work, they would have prime time as they were all from Russia. So when my guild had 4 people they had 34 that dreadful Monday. We focused heavily on operations as that was the bonus. We cleared everything in SM/HM/NiM with two statics and prepared to widen our gap. We did not go on a recrutiing spree, we did not merge, we kept our little guild of 35 intact and focused on what we do best : PVE. Suffice it to say, they closed the gap that monday, and overtook us by 300k by dumping all their crafting. Bottom line, the fact that we cleared TFB NiM on multiple alts, SnV NiM on multiple alts, DF NiM, on top of all the SM/HM versions did not help us as much as CRAFTING does everytime. When you dump 200k+ crafting compared to any other option available to conquest something is not working properly. They won fair and square, we are not sore losers, we congratulated them and became good friends but minions / crafting is key for conquests. .
  4. Arenas don't make people spend euros, cartel market does. /thread.
  5. Welcome to the world of tanking. Some of us swap gear mid fight to increase the chances for a kill. I have quite a few sets of gear for my shadow tank and if I decide to get back into proper progression, I will tweak accordingly.
  6. That is your problem, move to Europe, get a better computer, go to #eviloxeschoolof******pvp-ers and carry all of us!
  7. ...but 10 hypergates in a row is much better than picking our own warzones!!!! I get to do the same warzone over and over because all maps have to be played!
  8. Yes yes ...but does it bend in your front pocket?
  9. 15 minute per wz pop last night on TOFN. Originally we thought it was bugged so we kept relogging. At one point, we just went into Hardcore PVE raiding. Sorry but 15 minutes for a warzone pop on a PVP server is not very commendable. Hold the presses! You got GF pop during a week where FPs are the main target of Conquest! Servers are fine #legit!. PS: you took pvp population and had them in the group finder on TOFN. GF pops were instant BTW on our server. So taking from one area makes things fine
  10. So official help is no longer official ! Who would have thunked it?
  11. Logic...something I haven't seen in a while!
  12. I will rank mine easiest to most difficult. This is personal and it may be affected by the lack of enjoyment I get from some classes. 1. Vanguard Assault Specialist : extremely easy to play and dishes out some serious damage if you pay attention to your ICD on ionic accelerator you will get chained crits and plenty of giggles. 2. Sentinel Focus / Guardian Focus / Vigilance : outside of missing timers, this spec has always been accessible to the less skilled players. A lot of damage in the past, without significant effort, decent damage today as well even if it requires a focus target. It did have a learning curve to pull 3 million damage back in the day .Regarding vigilance, this spec is 100% tailored for dummies and with the 77 cooldowns associated, you cannot go wrong. 3.Scoundrel Healing / Sage Healing: With upper hand changes, this class, for me, has moved up the ladder of difficulty as you cannot spam the instants on yourself anymore. You could run, stun, spam and tank 5 without dying. You need a bit more brain now however, average players do get some pretty nice numbers due to the way the class is built. Sage healing has been made easier with recent changes so it drops down in my ranking. With easy access to egress, more armor, instant on benevolence, high numbers are accessible by most. Incredible HPS only by a few as it still requires perfect force management. 4. Sentinel Combat: With the recent changes this has been made easier but I still feel the button mashing for this spec is not for everyone. Knowing what to do is one thing but knowing when to do it makes the difference between a good combat sentinel in PVP and a bad one. I do not like the style of the spec mainly because of how easy my precision slash window is shut down. 5. Scrapper Scoundrel: with the animation removed from shoot first, this class has lost a lot of viability and survivability. The skill cap to do well is very high and this is mainly due to the low crits on their highest hitters as well as their restrictive windows to burst. If you open on someone and they do not die during your burst phase, you will die. 6. Shadow Infiltration: contrary to popular belief, this spec is not easy to play. It is, in fact, hard to master and you constantly learn something new. If for other classes you do not care about the stun/resolve ratio for this class it is your bread and butter Your survivability depends on locking the opponent down and killing him whilst your hard hitters are up. If you fail, you get a second wind but at the expense of your survivability. Once you burn out your cloak, you are in trouble. There is a high chance, versus an equally skilled opponent, that you have burned some of your defensives and by cloaking to get the second opener you played your last card for the kill. Good players can delay you enough for backup to arrive. Exceptional players can lock you down and teach you a few things. Just because you crit high and kill a few people does not mean you are a good Shadow.
  13. Hence why I said in another thread 'am I the only one around here who has to kill Juggernauts three times before they die?'
  14. C:\Windows\system32>ping launchpad.swtor.com Pinging launchpad.swtor.biowareonline.net [] with 32 bytes of data Reply from bytes=32 time=116ms TTL=241 Reply from bytes=32 time=116ms TTL=241 Reply from bytes=32 time=115ms TTL=241 Reply from bytes=32 time=115ms TTL=241 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 115ms, Maximum = 116ms, Average = 115ms C:\Windows\system32> The 116ms should be 19ms which is the ping i have when the servers are actually working. Vodafone ISP was not the problem and you know it. The sooner you come forth and say you will upgrade the servers / put more restrictions on strongholds, the better. I wonder, will your 'epic servers' allow us to raid tonight or we call it like last night? It is not like we have to plan our raids in advance and make sure people show up .
  15. That is how shroud and deflection work. You know when shroud is on, you don't use force and tech but white. When deflection is on, crit him hard with force and tech. ED heals on force and tech damage . Problem solved, inb4 'defeated puny jugg with 10500 shadow strike' .
  16. Good advice, thanks! I will start reading again when something new is being discussed as everything in this thread, in the thread before it and the thread after it has the same points. If you don't see this, you must be new on these forums. You got a lot of catching up to do. The sooner you start, the better.
  17. When do I tune in for the e-peen contest? What will be the rules??Shaved, unshaven?
  18. I disagree there, Sir! It would make perfect sense and will suit BW class balancing! There are never enough merciless slash stacks!
  19. Say what now? Trade a working ability for a broken leap? ./shoo!
  20. 'Noooooooooooooooo'! To answer your question, those who do not respect my 1 v 1 get carried .
  21. ...because I hope one day BW gives us the animation back if they check my mad skillz!
  22. Shadows ... where do we start? Let's go back to the beginning where BW originally intended one Tank (Guardian) and before releasing the game they added tanking trees to two pure DPS classes (Shadows / Vanguards). This is what happens when you slap a tanking tree!! Over 9000 threads on ' plz nerf shadows' . 3.0 around the corner (after 2.12,2.13 ) and people still haven't figured it out when it comes to PVP. You ask for longer shadow protection, you get clobbered because it is not needed. Oh noes Shadows are a skill tank, do not make it boring! Since when has boring become a substitute for viable? Since when has 'skill tank' become substitute for viable again? Players are unhappy, the want to tank with the class they like to play and not reroll. What happpens? They use hybrids because they do what the tank tree fails to do. Again, dozens of cries to nerf hybrid shadows in PVP. I do not condone hybrids, especially for PVE, but when I see how clunky my shadow is in PVP with 'STAHP!!!! let me channel to get stacks' I tend to favor hybrids. Dozens of topics, hundreds of posts, no concluding result. How long are we going to go on with these posts where we get nowhere? Some obviously know better than others, find a solution, propose it to the developers, see where we get. Stop this madness where we lose objectivity and drag the class down because we like the way it is now. I have seen a very elegant solution someplace where people suggest to decrease damage on project, increase upheaval proc and allow it to give 2 stacks of harnessed. This is already a step forward and tweak the threat lost from this move by giving all tanks, in full Kinetic / Defence/Shield Specialist trees, 100% accuracy so nothing misses. Respectfully, A decent NiM tank
  23. Most marauders I have met in yolo, use camo after my spinning kick because they know what is coming . I have reached a point where this is so predictable I just bait them
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