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Everything posted by Galahard

  1. Actually, I am so laughing about this! I guess you didn't have a problem, when the mats for the currently best 236 augments were mostly only dropping from pvp and from ranked pvp, to add insult to injury. Now, you see pve players had to go and play pvp, that they don't necessarily like or want to do, in order to be able to do, yes, harder pve content, because believe it or not, not only pvp needs those augments, there are master chapters and master mode operations as well. And now that the table is turned and you pvp-ers have to do pve, you all of a sudden complain, lol! I don't say it's a good system either way, both pve and pvp should drop everything, and in equal proportions, that is needed for those augments, but I hope you see the irony of the situation!
  2. Great, finally a Vaylin thread. Vaylin was much more worthy of redemption than Arcann. Vaylin was abused as a child to the most extreme possible, it's no wonder she had a distorted personality. I don't understand what is to be redeemed for Arcann: he killed his own brother out of jelousy and wanted to kill his father as well, just for the power and the position. And then went on to kill millions, because of the Outlander. Vaylin only wanted to revenge her own abusing parents, that's something that can be understood and redemption could have been a solution, after the final chapters. Sad the writers didn't give options and the Arcann romance is just adding insult to injury for those that see the difference between the two siblings.
  3. Unfortunately, it's true, until they care about the CM, the game can stay afloat, as long as they stop doing anything in the CM, it's when the game is ready to shut down.
  4. He's saying 'we’ll provide legacy-based Crafting Patterns (Bind-on-Pickup – BOP)', so it rather should be BOL, not BOP. Confusion.
  5. I would pay 10 000 Cartel Coins for a token that would undo KotXX and continue the class stories.
  6. but it must be EPIIIIICCCCC!!!1!!!1111eleven I would rather save puppies (or what those cuties called in TLJ) in a village with Kira at this point, rather than see the Emperor again. He is DEAD! I know, cause I killed him at least twice!
  7. Thanks for the Roadmap, Kieth! Apologies if this has been asked: Are the companion returns: 1. Class locked: only the original class can get them? 2. Story progression locked: similar to Corso/Risha and Andronikos, have to have KotET finished in order to get them? Thanks.
  8. The announcement of the timing of the announcement of the announcement of the content we already know of...mostly.
  9. Keith indirectly announced 6.0, by saying he will not discuss what's going to be in 6.0. Not much of an announcement, but kinda, sorta... Can it still be cancelled or never happen? Sure.
  10. With Bio's past mess up history, I rather went ahead and entered the code. Somehow all promotions are not clearly worded and when in doubt, always the interpretation that is worst for you will prevail. - Oh, but we thought you will all enter the code...sorry, to late now!
  11. I have exactly the same issue! I couldn't care less for him, but now in SoR, he is required to do the Inquisitor class quest and I just can't do it. I logged a ticket and the next day a CS contacted me in game in chat! Unfortunately, I was in an uprising and he left, so now I have to wait for him to come back to me. Has this been fixed for anybody before? Also, if I don't do the SoR quest with him, since i don't have him, acquire him in KotFE, can I go back to do the quest, or that will be also terminated as all other quests from before KotFE? UPDATE: Customer Service just restored, well, rather first time provided Talos to me! Thanks Bioware!
  12. I'm sure they are busy sitting in meeting rooms and watch the sub numbers go further and further down. Which they don't really care about, because look, we have our new shiny CM rng boxes. CM changes and updates are the only thing that are being continuously, as in at least weekly, updated, added to, advertised on the website, twitter etc. When are they going to learn that without actual content, cosmetics don't sell for long, as cosmetics only makes sense, if someone is playing the game, as in using content, that is continually being produced and put into the game.
  13. As others said, the CM companions are merely cosmetic, in combat, they are not better or worse than their non CM counterparts. About bugginess though, as cosmetics go, the DR3-D droid is indeed bugged. I bought it off the GTN, because it looked cool with its dual wielding lightning vibrosword, then guess what, it is bugged and he is holding nothing when going into combat, dual nothing actually. The lightning animation still fires on the mobs it is fighting though. So that just diminishes the only thing they are good for, cosmetics. I don't know if it's a common bug, because I saw Vette and Raina also with empty hands holding weapons stance, but at this point I don't really care, I'm just happy I didn't shell out real money for it, only credits. Fix those comps, Bioware, they are even pathetic as cosmetics at this point.
  14. I will play to the moment the servers shut down, and when that happens I will go, Luke Skywalker style : 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!'. But I am hoping that will not happen for many years to come. This shutting down nonsense really starts getting on my nerves. So here it goes, until the roadmap comes out, I'm quitting the official forums. There, you heard it here first!
  15. It's both, you sometimes have to invest (capital expense, capex) to be able to cut ongoing costs (operating expense, opex). Companies are happy to spend capex, if they will see their opex drop and the business case is positive.
  16. Stop Development <> Shut Down. I'm sure they talked about stopping development, as I'm sure they talked about investing in the game. They are talking about a lot of stuff and majority of it never happens. Just looking at the facts in the past 12 months. 1. Producer Ben Irving fired....errr...promoted to another position. New Producer is former Support/Live Services guy Keith, so they actually saved one salaried position, as Keith now does both jobs. Same with the community team, Tate left, never replaced, community team is now 50% down. At least Charles Boyd was not cut into half I'm guessing the same with dev team, as focus is more on Anthem. (6 openings in Austin, we don't know how many of them are SWTOR: http://www.bioware.com/en/careers/current-openings/?locations%5B%5D=44#job-listings) 2. Servers down to 5 from 17. Investment and cost cutting at the same time. So it seems they are trying to cost cut themselves into a place where they can be profitable with lower revenues. This only makes sense if they are preparing for a content draught that is happening right now. They have content in development or ready to release, as far as we know from VO recordings. Content is being produced with copy paste, cost cutting solution. As the game can be shut down on a whim, it does not sound like a good idea at the moment. They have to decide to either invest in it, or put it on real maintenance mode. If maintenance mode fails to provide profits, they can make a decision about shutting down, but not before. My 2 cents, whatever it's worth.
  17. Tbh, I couldn't care less for Anthem as a game, never liked that type of game, but only for the sake of Bioware's survival I wish it was a success, because after the ME:A debacle (EA + BW) and the BF2 fiasco (EA only), EA and Bioware really needs a success story, otherwise, I can easily see EA shutting down Bioware forever, taking it with the remains of a once great studio. Casey Hudson returning to Bioware is my only hope, as he used to know how to create games, like the ME franchise. If he can speak up against his EA overlords, there is hope yet. And they can hardly corner him, cause he left already once. If he can bring out Bioware from this tailspin, there is hope for SWTOR yet, otherwise enter true maintenance mode (no new content).
  18. Exactly, that's why I suggested that the gate for the companion returns, just in case of other alerts, should be KotFE chapter 9 and not KotET chapter 9.
  19. So that's the thing, if you skip KotXX, which I fully understand, then your class companions remain in place, as if KotXX never happened. Now, it hardly makes sense for them to 'return', if they never left in the first place. So from a story point of view it makes sense to tie it to KotXX, I think it's just over the top to tie it to finishing KotET.
  20. I for one applauded the decision to bring back class specific content, but putting the return of the companions after the KotET gate, it's just adding insult to injury for some. Yeah, I know, I'm lame, but with gear rating 235 and command level 148 (whatever that gains you), it should not be this hard to finish KotET (on Story mode, of course). Edit: managed to finish it with the help of a guildy, if you are having trouble, look up how to invite group members into your chapter. It's really not worth the hassle to keep dying.
  21. And here is hoping they are not messing it up this time again
  22. I am thinking about entirely skipping KotFE and KotET with my Agent, because let's face it, it makes no sense, and I've done KotFE 3 times and KotET twice. Conditions: - Finished all previous story up until the end of SoR - Romance flag with Raina Questions: - What exactly will be different as opposed to finishing KotFE/KotET? I will not lose my current companions and will not gain the non-IA companions (fine with me, I'm not interested to take out companions from the terminal either)? - Can I still go to Odessen? Since Umbara/Copero starts from there. - What happens with the Raina romance flag? When I meet her during/after Copero? - What happens with Scorpio, as a companion? Since it's an agent, if I don't go through KotET, she is not released or killed, so I just get to keep her? - Anything else to think of that I'm missing out on? Thanks.
  23. I always thought that they could be used as currency at their respective reputation vendor, the same way as Grey Helix or Rakghoul DNA or Bounty Contracts. They could put some additional decorations or gear on those reputation vendors and at least it would make sense to run those dailies/weeklies again, where we have maxed out our reputation long ago.
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