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Everything posted by brokensoldier

  1. SLICING WAS NEVER BROKEN! I'm a dev by trade. Before I even start to write code there are concept meetings followed by design docs, CAB meetings - tonnes of oversight. THEN we write code and test. THEN we rewrite the code and test. THEN we push it to production. Slicing made it through all that, through the beta, then into production. If such a commonly used crew skill was bugged it would have been fixed. We're not talking about some random /stuck spot out in the wilderness, or a locked pixel. The morale of the story is EITHER A) it was working as intended or B) Bioware is incompetent. Take your pick. I do not think Bioware is incompetent. Therefore SLICING WAS WORKING AS INTENDED. What I'm upset about MORE than slicing is Bioware deciding to listen to the whiney *****ey vocal minority QQing about their crappy crew skill not making any money and powernerfing it - thus ruining this game for us casual players.
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