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Everything posted by Skreacher

  1. This is great and all, until your tank repeatedly dies instantly to drop-in!
  2. I've seen the +33 endurance drop from The Primal Destroyer, going to farm it a bit more often now looking ofr other recipes now though..
  3. I dropped cybertech to pick up biochem for the re-usable stim/medpack. I am still able to use Wynz-Tech Firestorm and the mounts. Now that it's been posted here I expect next patch notes to include "Cybertech craftable grenades now requires 400 cybertech to use" - or something along those lines;)
  4. Magenta color crystal pattern drops from "The Primal Destroyer" world boss in far north part of Belsavis. Killed him the other day and got a +33ish endurance Magenta Crystal... the pattern was BoP and no artificer in the raid ;(!
  5. Submitted and received a response stating it was forwarded to the appropriate team. Hope we get a fix soon! Tired of sending out for grade 5 mats when i could make the grade 6 stim!
  6. Yep, I looted an "Exotech Skill Stim" from Eternity Vault trash. "Invalid Schematic" when trying to learn!
  7. PVE progression is broken.. Farm WZ's for a few days and with some luck you'll have nearly a full set of lvl 56 gear. By lvl 56 I mean the mods are equivalent to Mod level 56, with crafted Mod 22's being lvl 50. To actually attempt to answer your question though... Jump into hard modes withquesting gear imo, if you are having trouble with enrage timers make sure you have lvl 50 artifact hilts/barrels in your weapons, doing a few normals for quick gear couldn't hurt. With some hard mode gear you can start normal raids,then move on to more difficult tiers of raiding.
  8. We had our entire raid randomly die while doig a repair run in the Imperial fleet, Very annoying.
  9. I'll go ahead and /sign this. Marking is a pain as it is now, I was surprised when i was unable to keybind marks!
  10. http://www.torhead.com/item/9aWnsAp - Schematic http://www.torhead.com/schematic/4mMoO78#comments - Item It's in the torhead database, has anyone found this schematic? has it been removed or not added to game yet?
  11. On another note... Why do players who score and assist via passing not get any medals? winning a huttball match quickly by playing the objective is very non-rewarding for those players. Not uncommon for my friends and i who power through ahuttball to end up with 0-2 medals.
  12. Quick video of a 4-minute huttball win with a premade of 4 during Early Game access Enjoy! Comments, Feedback, appreciate it all! -Skreacher
  13. they both have a 2500k according to his specs,which both are unlocked. You can reach 5ghz with proper cooling at a little luck on a 2500k but I wouldnt recommend it. Some batches can, some don't. Overclockers has a great guide on OC'ing a 2500k
  14. What u got against da wub wub!! I used to not like dubstep, but after watching gamebreaker.tv I started enjoying it a bit. I'm still a Metal guy though! UP THE IRONS!
  15. They only got up to some in oct2nd apparently Oct.3 here as well as 3 buddies and no invite.
  16. If you look at his other video's, they are all obviousy staged, still entertaining to watch though.
  17. There are 106 servers currently online if I remember correctly form counting them earlier. Considering at one point they were all mostly full. there were 3506 players assigned to Nightmare Lands (EU) through guild placement. I Can assume that server capacity is at least 3500, Probably more since you can expect non guilded players to also join any given server that has guilds previously assigned. 3500*106 = 371,000 They expect to invite more tomorrow than they did today. I feel it safe to assume that the numbers provided vgzcharts is severely underepresented.
  18. It's very early in the morning in EU, this will explain the light load on EU servers.
  19. They are labeled as US servers, the servers with a timezone as "Other" are probably all european. Nightmare Lands is an EU server and is on the server-status list... When you assume.. you know the rest.
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