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Posts posted by CrazyGreggy

  1. There are so many hooded robes in the game, we don't need more. The Phantom Chestguard was a beautiful addition to the game as it was even if it was unintended. Purely by accident, you created something that so many of us wanted - a sleek, black chestpiece without unnecessary adornment, perfect for colour-matching with any other item.


    Give us the Accidental Perfection back, I beg you. I only bought it off the GTN because of the way it looked in game.

  2. I've found, to my own disappointment, that I'm getting less and less tolerant of PUGs. Instead of explaining carefully and patiently how dps blowing explosive barrels is a bad thing because of the threat generated, I just don't heal them and let them pick up a repair bill instead.


    If I see Kaon come up and I don't need it for the Rakghoul weekly, I'm highly likely to bail if I see dps in less than full columi.


    If I'm tanking and the dps face pull, I'm more likely to let them die and find a spot to wait for the adds than charge back and taunt.


    And seriously, what's with all the 14k scrappers?

  3. Try whispering them first. Most people are put off by an invite that has no message attached to it and may not realize it's coming from the person in the same area as them (I've gotten invites from planets away for no reason at all).


    Have to agree with this. If a group invite suddenly obscures my view of what I'm doing without being PRECEDED by pink text in my chat window from that person, I will admit to feeling a brief stab of boiling fury followed by annoyance at myself for overreacting :)


    Always ask before inviting.

  4. Jorgan is not a bully. He's simply direct and wastes no time in getting the job done. Just because he isn't nice doesn't make him a bad solider. I met many people like him while was a US Marine. They are simply blunt people.


    You're the kind of person i wouldn't have in command of latrine-cleaning. I'd trust jorgan at my back in combat. He gets the job done and doesn't worry about being nice about it.


    Want to be nice, combat is the WRONG place for it.


    Where did the personal attack come from? Jorgan is NOT giving orders in combat, he's being deliberately abrasive and offensive in a briefing in front of the rest of Havoc Squad. He also whines like a little girl when you promote Dorne. I had sergeants like him in the force, and they got zero respect from the men and women under them.


    And no, I'm not going to make some personal attack in return.

  5. i think the majority of people that speak english use the word pants to refer to clothing worn on the lower half of the body with one hole for each leg that extend from the waist to the ankle.


    so... when using pants in this context, people will think you are talking about the lower armor piece.


    Well those people will learn a bit of UK slang then. It's good to broaden the mind :p


    Which means it's not pants.

  6. Jorgan's behaviour towards you at the very start of the game shows how he deals with subordinates. I wanted an option in conversation that said "I may just be a Sergeant, but which of us in in Havoc Squad and which of us was posted to a miserable dead-end command on a dump like Ord Mantell?".


    He's an arse and was demoted by a General. Re-promoting him gives that General the finger and puts him in authority over a model officer who had the courage to defect from the Empire to the Republic.


    Jorgan can sit at Sergeant until the entire squad gets promoted when you make Major. He's a bully and I wouldn't put him in command of a latrine-cleaning duty of cadets.

  7. Not sure if you can get them Imperial side or if there's something using the same model, but my gunslinger uses the Heavy Repeating Interceptor and the C-216 Charged Pistol. They look like the pistol hanging on every Imperial Officer's belt with the round, perforated barrel.


    They look amazing :)

  8. Can we be told what the factors considered for renames are? I checked our destination server and two of my character names are taken, including the one that I've always used as my main in every MMO I've played for the last 8 or 9 years since SWG. She was created on the first day of pre-order play, the 13th of December and this will be the 2nd transfer forced upon me by BioWare.


    All I want to know is has date of character creation been taken into consideration on enforced renames?

  9. Promoted Dorne. Jorgan's just been demoted by a General, so as a Captain you're putting your own career on the line by repromoting him almost instantly. Besides which, Jorgan's an absolute arse toward you when he outranks you and if that's how he thinks an officer should treat a subordinate......


    Female trooper btw, so no, not doing Elara. She's hypercompetent, smart and as I was going DPS with her as my medic sidekick, made sense that way too. Plus she pronounces Lieutenant properly even if she does sound like a posh southern bint.

  10. Or level up a merc and use the Legacy Bowcaster to move the barrel over.


    Merc? I think you mean Sniper/Operative and seriously, that's a horrendous workaround. Need to find a guild that'll take me into EC HM, not to mention personal pride wouldn't let me mooch it, I'd have to gear up appropriately for my own conscience, then a) win the mainhand and b) screw that guild over that was expecting me to use it to help their progression by ripping it out and sending it over to my gunslinger TWICE.




    BioWare need to fix their stuff.

  11. this.


    Or....petition BW to fix our itemisation so we get Skill Barrel 26 republic side.


    Seriously BioWare, smoke less illegal substances please.


    edit - speelong

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