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Everything posted by DarthNorik

  1. As a level 45 Madness assa 1 on 1 are what I thrive off of, I can't be kited because a majority of my damage is ranged anyway, and when I fight other fellow light armored peeps I use my melee abilities after opening with my dots, heavy armor I use more force lightnings and kite them with force slow/force speed, electrocute. I also just go dark charge when melee is up close sometimes for the double armor.
  2. You've made me see the error of my ways in regards to pve. This build is impossible because it would pull threat. In pvp though I think this is better than pure madness. Creeping terror in pvp is not so good. 30m range is nice but other than that its meh. 2000 damage over 18 secs when people have about 13k... My shock crits do 2k, instantly.
  3. Hi all, a little theory crafting here based on the belief that creeping terror is not too great in pve and discharge saber is also underwhelming. So I made this maddness/darkness build which focuses on shock being our number 1 nuke and fighting in dark charge stance. I think this build would excel in pvp especially but I also think the extra shocks should make up for the damage lost in creeping terror. Easier rotation too. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200McbczZZf0fRrMkrf.1 Priority - Open with shock or death field - Discharge when cd is up - thrash whenever you can spare 25 force and only if it will not put you under the 39 force required for shock - recklessness shock or death field - saber strike when out of mana - crushing darkness when raze procs. This build also makes up for the extra healing you lose when not casting creeping terror with the fact that we fight in dark charge and swelling shadows. Again, all theorycrafting here, tell me what you think.
  4. Hey mahkbet, do you find creeping terror underwhelming or maybe Im doing it wrong, should I cast whenever its cd is up or wait till its about to drop off?
  5. My tumult does not work on any elite mobs and players. The description is vague though.
  6. Level 40 Assassin here. I have been pvping since level 12, valor level 25 and not once did I ever feel I was under-powered in there. Im 100% madness spec and most people just run when they get in pvp with me which is not possible thanks to all my stuns(electrocute, whirlwind, creeping terror, force slow, force speed) Even if they do get away from my 10m range I can still nuke with a 3k death field. I think the biggest thing people don't understand in pve is that we have this AMAZING skill called Dark Charge. Once khem val loses aggro stop being a noob and switch to dark charge for a free extra 25% mitigation and more heals. Its not there just for looks people. Also in pvp as well, switch to dark charge when there is a melee guy on you, or your running the huttball, or trying to run away to a health pack. Or just force shroud/force vanish If I hear this class is under-powered I feel bad for the marauder/dps jugg forums...
  7. Again, not needed. If you are being seen while stealth your doing it wrong. We get a free "Im gonna survive" every 2 mins in force cloak. A free escape every 30 secs. Stealth so theres no way someone can get the jump on us. And as madness I have death field for 30m destruction. Plus no way Im being kited with force slow + electrocute and instant whirlwind.
  8. Trying different emotes today and realized that some are missing or lacking any animation. For instance, /meditate - It says your meditating in flavor text but you just stand there. Also, /sleep - Says you go into a deep slumber in flavor text, but again, you just stand there. Really hoping these get patched soon. Anyone else find any other ones broken?
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