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Everything posted by Gvaz

  1. Sorry you're wrong, there's 3 tiers. Crafted etc = T0.5 T1 = tion T2 = columni T3 = Rakata
  2. The thing that pisses me off about the "DUR HUR ABLOO BLOO DONT HAVE A CROSS SERVER DUNGEON FINDER" arguement is that mmos are never about the freaking server community, it's always about the GUILD community, your guild. You don't roll on a server because X dudes are there, you roll there because a guild you want to join is there or a guild you want to compete against is there. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing this **** about these 5 guys who NEED a server community so they can keep a freaking spreadsheet like the asperger nerds they are about who sucks and who doesn't so they know not to group with them. Find a good guild and group with them or get grouped with other good players. Stop getting mad about other strangers getting mad at you.
  3. It really *********** sucks. Having animations > GCD is fine on paper because it makes animations look smoother, but if something is instant cast, it means instant cast. I don't care if it breaks animation because I'm not about "looking cool" in pvp or hard modes or operations, I'm about being fast and competitive. This is holding the player back for the sake of visuals instead of mechanics and is a big no-no in mmos.
  4. Level 50, cleared EV and Bonethrasher normal mode, lvl 27 valor, have a full set of 126/136+ purps in every slot, all storage unlocks, all non-social non-1.5 mill mounts, full set of lvl5 purps on my ship and companions are decked out in 50s gear, played all flashpoints, done hard modes, etc Right now I'd give it a 6/10 for a severe lack of content, bugs up the wazoo not being fixed, no mods, severe lack of quality of life features, linear leveling (meaning there's no reason to ever level an alt unless you change factions)
  5. "Oh no you're too hardcore than me, go outside you loser!" - you, 2012
  6. Nah, it shouldn't rely on making no mistakes whatsoever, especially when it's not you making the mistakes.
  7. You spend more time traveling to do them than it takes to complete them, **** I hate them all
  8. That's what I'm saying, because of the bugs you need tier 2 gear to complete them safely. Every single one I've gotten has bugged out in some fashion, or has a hilariously short timer for the gear they expect users to be using. Yes some players are ****/dont understand how to properly play their class, etc but since I run with friends who know what they're doing, do just fine in operations, talk on mumble we have a lot of leverage over the random pug and can overcome obstacles they cant.
  9. This is part of what I was talking about, these bugs tend to auto inflate the difficulty of the encounters. We shouldn't be having these bugs period. However it's quite obvious, especially in nightmare mode and hard ops that they are hilariously untested.
  10. AoEing absolutely does something, it breaks him from stealth. I know because force wave breaks him, forcequake does too and watched it happen. Breaking him from stealth means he doesn't stun and doesn't one shot you. As for the whirlwind guy, He jumped to me, did about 5000 damage, and in about one gcd or less I was able to get about three paces away and he whirlwhinded me down to zilch. Come on. Also going "dur hur just run back in if you die" is not a good excuse. You should never have to do that.
  11. We did those things though? We understand the mechanics, though the stun should be followed by massive damage, not a 1 shot. He also does this thing where he has to be broken twice out of stealth, otherwise he'll go right back in The main dot a TK sage would use, Weaken Mind is something I personally always have applied though it ticks slowly, the other one is Mind Crush though that takes time (too much time in most cases) Pure tks don't have a rotation but generally a priority order of weaken mind -> turb -> disturb until you get a TK Wave proc or TK throw proc which then you use those. Other abilities are situational or don't work on bosses. So no don't tell me I'm not playing my class wrong.
  12. As an example we took two raid geared sages, who do insane dps, a commando and a guardian. We hit the enrage timer on the second to last boss of TFE at 3% and killed him. Commando and guardian about as geared as everyone else, a little less than the sages (me and a friend) Before we replaced the gunslinger who with some pvp purples and mostly blues/greens with that raid geared sage, we'd only get to about 20% before hitting the enrage, 12% at best. He would also stealth and stun a random player (which itself is fine), but that player was usually the person who was doing the most dps I found, and if you were stunned, you were hit from 16000~ hp to zero in two hits, far faster than possible to heal.
  13. No, you do normals to get gear to complete hard modes, you do hard modes to get gear to complete ops and make hard modes easier, you do ops to get the gear to complete hard mode ops, and do hard mode ops to complete nightmare ops to make nightmare ops easier Normals = 50 blues/daily purple mods/etc hard mode FP = tier 1 gear with a chance at tier 2 ops = tier 2 and more commendations hard ops = tier 3 nightmare ops = tier 3 drops more often This is not something I think should happen, this is how it actually works And no one does nightmare ops unless everyone's in almost all rakata gear already
  14. Yes....because Hard modes are meant to gear up for ops. That is how the rewards are set up. The last boss of a hard mode drops epic crafting items too. This is almost the same as wow, minus the tier 2 chest piece drop. Instead in wow you generally get a nice weapon and/or more commendations.
  15. I just did it on hard mode mode and it was easier than normal mode, and the OP was exclusively talking about normal mode. Thanks for not seeing the forest for the trees in my OP though!
  16. Here's the following problems with HM flashpoints: 1. Hard modes should be completable in normal mode gear or level 50s crafted gear/mods from dailies/etc 1a. Hard modes are NOT completable (for the most part) with that kind of gear. Some bosses and trash are doable, others have such a tight enrage timer (enrage timers on 5 mans? the hell?) that even people in raid gear (136+) have trouble meeting those kinds of requirements. 2. Hard modes should have new more challenging mechanics and have more damaging attacks. 2a. They do, however the mechanics implemented are interesting but either hit way too hard for that kind of gear, or aren't illustrated clearly enough. -> For example in TFE one boss does a stun, then immediately whirlwinds. It's basically an instant kill and it's random. You don't always have enough time to run away resulting in a death of everyone who isn't the tank. Change this to have a 2+ second wind up time after the jump or something to give the person ample time to get away -> Or the bonus boss in TFE enrages after the second set of adds, when it takes time to focus fire, target the same mob, as a group. If you make the strong adds weaker then you can keep the enrage timer and just aoe down the mobs, though I'd increase the enrage timer by 45 seconds. -> Or the second to last boss in TFE clearly is defeated by tanking him and dpsing him down hard, then dropping the ion cannons on the turrets to destroy the shields, then switching to the turrets to destroy them, then switching back to the boss. The boss later goes invis and you have to aoe twice in order to break it, where he will will drop stealth and stun and basically OHKO a person. Currently, you can ignore the turrets and just heal through it (though we were overgeared), however the stun cannot be trinketed out of, meaning if you **** up the aoe even a little you lose someone resulting in a wipe because you will not have the dps to beat the enrage timer. We replaced a lower geared dps with a raid geared dps with like 1700+ willpower (I have like 1638 stimmed w/ a rakata stim) and still hit the enrage timer (beating him though) at 3% with no deaths. This isn't really acceptable. Those are just some examples off the top of my head. 3. Hard modes should give gear that helps you complete hard modes and gear up for raids. 3a. Hard modes do that, except for the aforementioned problem with the current difficulty scale for hard modes. The clear fact that most people can agree on is that hard modes are not worth it. Most people who are able to complete it are going into them with Tier 2 pvp gear, which renders the tier 1 gear either completely or partially useless. People with greens/blues/the random purple simply can't push enough dps to meet these requirements. I say this as someone with mostly raid gear with proper spec and understanding of my class, and playing with people who are equally geared in 126+ or slightly less than who also understand how to play their classes (guildies) who converse over Mumble. 4. Rewards for completing hard modes should help a player who didn't get a drop from a boss buy comparable gear. 4a. They do, however each boss gives like 1-2 tionese crystals, even the last boss in the instance, and the daily gives 1 columi commendation. What? I've done one hardmode to completion, the last two bosses of Eternity Vault, a hardmode daily, and a few starter bosses in the hard modes and I have 1 Columi commendation, 9 tionese, and 29 crystals. Pretty much all the gear that would be better than I already have, I have to spend like 56-67 columi tokens. This is a touchy subject because on one hand you should not give gear out too fast, but on the other hand the current rewards don't justify the time investment/difficulty ratio. To illustrate the way gear should be handed out: Normal modes FP/Questing blues -> Hard Modes -> Ops -> Hard Ops -> Nightmare Ops Normal 50s drop a smattering of drops (read: tiny amounts of crystals or a few tionese on the last boss) to help hard modes, hard modes help you gear up for Ops, and so forth through the example. What this means is that for proper progression, hard modes must be able to be completed in mostly blues, either crafted, from quests, or from the normal modes. Ops must be able to be completed in gear from hard modes, etc. Now, the ops is not the problem. The problem is Hard modes. Frequently the people going into them are using the easy to obtain tier 2 pvp gear, since all your losing is (in the scheme of things) a few percent throughput by having expertise instead of more willpower or crit or whatever. I've beaten soa on normal mode with a group all in tier 2 pvp gear just fine. Even Bonethrasher. It's not like wow where pvp gear is total **** in pve encounters. That does not mean to nerf the obtaining of pvp gear because the current model is just fine. I'm trying to illustrate the current issues with how hard modes are tuned right now. In before someone comes in trolling going "hard modes are just fine how they are, durp herp don't make this like wow!" trying to red herring the issue at hand.
  17. I don't know what you're asking but you need to be level 48 or higher
  18. I'm a dark jedi, what's your accusation? Sorry im not on the crazy evil side like you
  19. You're raging against the user not the program. The program is fine, the user misinterprets and applies it improperly is when that goes wrong. Rage against stupid pubbies who shouldn't be in charge of it, not the application which itself has good merits.
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