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Everything posted by MasterVaako

  1. I did the same: returned, did Rise of the Hutt Cartel, then Shadows of Revan Welcome back!
  2. plus 1 for most things said, except the Marka Ragnos thing (but only because its my favorite Sith Lord of all time and his armor is sweeeet! )
  3. I second this motion - it would be a nice boost. And I would pay top buck (or CC respectively) to get it!
  4. Bump. Also, Phantom's Helmet, and Classic Phantom's Helmet SHOULD really fit inside hoods! I want to be able to have hood up, while having a mask inside, it looks way more sinister than the hood being removed when showing the helmet, this really needs to be fixed asap, as its ruining ones interest in playing that character ...
  5. Ofc, but this is really few items, though essential for diversity (right now, if you want to have the best lightsaber on your alt you have to go pink - i want something else. Anything!) And i really hope they have other things in store for Cartel Market than these few missing items, else its gonna get hairy soon
  6. Hi, not sure if anyone have mentioned this, and if none have, why? ... I Played on the PTS as well as many others and several items which were able to be found via the Cartel Packs did not make it unto the live servers, is this a known bug or a diliberate act? As an example is the Lime-green crystals, the Cyan-blue, the Red-Orange etc. All usable from lvl 10 like the Pink-purple ones (terrible in my eyes) which did make it to the live servers. The complete list can be seen on DarthHater http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/22092-cartel-market-items-unlocks-and-more?page=5 but also things like the Ziost Guardian's Lightsaber, the Thunderburst Dual-Cannon and some others. Its mostly the super-rare's apperantly... Several emotes did not make it either as can also be seen in the list. whats your thoughts on this?
  7. They could make armors which was specially made for underwater worlds which would make your trooper/Bounty Hunter swim in a deep-ocean suit-armor and the Jedi / sith could use the force while in a suit of some sort, or make a force-shield and use a rebreather There are numerous ways to avoid it being slow
  8. I agree with both statements, the walking on the ocean floor in KOTOR was waaay to slow paced. Really frustrating !
  9. It could also just introduce a few (if not only 1) playable species, but it would be cool to see more diverse worlds imo
  10. As the title suggests, I humbly request that an expansion be made to the game which would bring in the waterworlds and their respective species! This could include (but not limited to) Manaan - playable Selkath perhaps? Dac - playable Mon Calamari, and Quarren? Glee Anselm - playable Nautolians? Kamino - playble Kaminoans? Ithor - playable Ithorians? This expansion could also introduce: Swimming! (now there's actual worlds which are not toxic!) Underwater-mounts (Remember the Bongo of Naboo? ) Underwater-sports / combat in underwater mounts = PvP aspect aswell as Ops! Underwater harvesting (proffession) - Kolto, and minerals only found underwater, useable for crafting underwater mounts, lightsabers which function underwater etc. What do you say guys? I think it would be the coolest I miss Manaan especially since KOTOR!
  11. Here's my question. Before patch 1.2 went live, you had on the PTS some very special new skins for the Sith Purebloods' eyes (the predatory ones, with slim pupils) i heard the reason they didnt make it to the live servers were that those who unlocked sith purebloods for the republic side, found it weird to have "evil" eyes. But then I thought of the pureblood lore: it says that purebloods were born with an innate Darkness, and of sorts that they were (are) a manifistation of the DS of the force, isnt it then only logical to have sinister eyes? (and come on, those skins were the best! ;D) perhaps you could make those a special skin, for the purebloods that go 10k DS points? TLDR: Why did you take out those eye "skins" and could we see them back in some way, perhaps as an opitional choice?
  12. I really liked Kashyyyk in KOTOR, would love to find the star map and explore The Shadowlands again! Also, Manaaan and Endor are tops on my list, I love the big an oceanic / Jungle worlds with vast amounts of life, opposite Tatooine or Korriban (I love those too, but its nice to see both sides) And Onderon and Yavin IV would also be sweet
  13. So how about some customization options for 2V-R8 so we can make him more like a C3-PO or perhaps some other KOTOR look-a-like protocol/medical droid Would be nice I think! And what about giving him atleast a generator og something, so he gets a little more stats, and/or a blaster? Just for healing purposes I know he aint "combat-ready". I really like him after he got a little less talkative, and he is almost a viable healer in full rank 49-50 Superior gear, he just feel a little undergeared with no Main-hand and Off-hand items in my opinion Also, i would like to see a Sith Pureblooded apprentice, as an apprentice for the Sith Warrior Also, i really dont Enjoy Vette that much. So I have kept her a Slave, so i've gotten the quest "A Slave Forever" quite alot. I just think that completing that, just once, should allow me to "complete" her as a maxed Companion in the Legacy system, because i dont "unlock" her under the sub-section of my SW legacy page, and i dont think players should be forced to be all lovey-dovey with her ;D Perhaps you could add the much talked about "Freezing companion in carbonite", I would do that to Vette if it doesnt affect my crew skills negatively. Perhaps you could add a random generated imperial soldier so you dont miss out on CS ? Aside from that, the companions are really nice
  14. I played ME2 and I would, hands down trade both Jaesa (psycotic) and Vette (anoying besserwisser) for 5-10 grunt NPC's walking around my ship. I would also love to be able to trade either Vette or Jaesa (or both) for some more... Pro-empire chars, preff human or Sith Pureblooded. I play A fascist Sith, and my ideal companion is Malavai He and I always agree, He is my fav by far. I hate Vette on the other hand, i would LOOVE to freeze her in carbonite xD ( btw, i know the companions diversitet partially is there to challenge your way of viewing you char -> scratch that )
  15. 1.350.000 Creds lvl 47 Get them mostly from running Treasure Hunting 340 + Slicing + Diplomacy (companion gifts sell supprisingly well)
  16. If you go through them manually you'll see that they show as blue, but they are there. Just go through them 1 by 1 its a bug
  17. Seems the general opinion is "nobody is gonna know" ... But I am going to know, and yes im a roleplayer. And I might even be a bit hardcore about it
  18. Tried to edit, but seems like I cant figure it out, could you dumb it down, so I might better understand?
  19. I have played since day one in EA, and have a 31 Sage and a 27 Sorc, I stopped playing my Consular because I learned that you could "ESC" in conversations and do them over, and I realised that had I learned about this feature earlier, I would have done alot of things differently. Then I made a SI, and played him, going for max Khem Val affection coupled with max DS points. Now I learn that you can get companion gifts, and farm DS/LS points at max level. So I sit back with a dumbfound facial expression. Toss my keyboard around a bit, and realise that I would have made half my conversation choices differently aswell, because theres no reason to "suck up" to Khem, seeing as you can just smother him with gifts at max level. And because many of the DS / LS dilemma's make no sense. [/spoiler: Example (Spoiler: At Balmorra theres a Captain who have exterminated a village that would have helped the empire with valuable ressources because he hated 1 person in that village, now, I chose to get the DS points and let him bribe me off only because it gave LS points to have him turn himself in. So! I gives LS points to be loyal to the empire, and execute a traitor... Im baffled. SPOILER END] And by now I sit and realise that I have "lost track" of who I wanted my Char to be, and that I have undermined the empire and so forth.... Sigh! I wanted to be a true Pro-empire, anti-weakness, anti-traitorous Sith Lord. And I had that ruined because I wanted to avoid LS points. The above "spoiler" marked text is just one out of many many cases I have come across where the LS / DS points make no sense. /rant off I will probably start all my chars over unless there be made some sort of system were you can redo your conversations. (not very likely) so I will probably take a few days off my chars. to gather my courage, to start aaaaaalll over again. And do the right choices, nomatter how much my companions whine, and what points i get, and then sort it out in the end, by farming. /sad panda face Anyone else a story-aholic, and / or have the same problem? PS: I really love the game, the story, and the setting. I am by no accounts a Hater, a Troll or against the game. Its the best game I ever played. I just ... Well BLEH. bcs of these late realizations.
  20. I completely AGREE with OP. But I have let it go, and by now I think its rather unique and nice
  21. Im more worried about if the legacy system unlocks new races (as now, I have 2 Zabraks as the others look ... bleh) If the legacy system unlocks Nautolian or Kel Dor without offering Racechange to existing char's I for one, will be a very sad panda!
  22. I think its great that there isnt "event" such as the Christmas event. They had those in WoW aka. Brewfest, Harvest Festival and so forth. I hated those because it forced people to play in special periods on special times. And I dont want to be forced to play at special times and if i dont, i miss out on fun / items / titels and so forth. Im against limited time events.
  23. Just wanted to say, im rocking my lime-green saber, and i LOVE it. So not "all think" that the greens are ugly.
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