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Posts posted by Neloth

  1. I used to be a TOR fan, but now I have to say that I'm not so sure anymore. They have to get that queue rubbish sorted before I'm willing to sub and enter my product code.


    And please DON'T "it's like this at every mmo launh" me, this is not your run of the mill garbage WoW clone mmo or sandbox hippie mmo, this is something entirely new and bad mechanics that was acceptable in 2004 is not acceptable in 2011.


    Edit: 12:47 hours and already a 20m queue...

  2. Demand? Before Loosing (really losing) your spot?


    Well, what you need to do is, make a doody in your left hand, and demand a grace period in your right, and see which one happens first.


    I'll call you when I'm interested in what worthless trolls have to say.

  3. almost all MMOs I played had grace period like this. I am now 99th in queue after 5 hours wait |(2.20h estimate ***?). If I get booted now I'm gonna go crazy and kill my wife, kids and pets (4 of them).


    I've been in the queues since 1800, lost my spot 4 times due to unstable internet... about to give up on this garbage

  4. I second this. I've been bumped from the server twice in the past hour and it takes 30 minutes to get back in. There should be at least a 5 minute grace before you fill in the spot with a new user. Or maybe this is how your going to manage your users? If you feel they've been playing too long you'll just bump them?


    The worst part is the Error 1002 message we get when getting disconnected while in the queue so they KNOW we had a spot and won't let us login again until the old login is booted.

  5. what I'm not OK with is getting back in the queue if I get disconnected because of a crash or unstable internet.


    I'm not OK with getting back in the queue if I disconnect or crash when waiting in the queue.


    In fact it's unacceptable. I demand a 10 minute grace period before loosing my spot.





  6. all i can do is roflmao its not even launch yet don't complain about free game time they will get it fixed just like every other game it takes time


    It's not "free game time" by any stretch it's a part of the offer to get you to buy the game, it's included in the price. Nothing about this is free, just because it's not explicitly stated with price doesn't mean it's not factored into the box.

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