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Posts posted by Olicc

  1. I agree, you should be able to do any HM FP except probably LI. LI would be possible, but very difficult in a pugged group where the raiding IQ is fairly low via group finder. I would pug into HM FPs other than LI every day for your daily and also do your BH Weekly once a week for the coms. Also do SM EV when you can to get some Columi. Once you have a few pices of Columi start doing SM KP and keep doing your HM Dailies for the BH coms. Before you get full columi you will probably already have some BH pieces from the dailies.


    If you end up in a SM op with people that are over geared for the fight (don't need any drops themselves), then you get everything that drops for your class which can gear you up really fast.


    Then start doing HM EV and KP to get Rakata, put your BH mods from Helmet, chest, gloves, pants, boots so that you have BH lvl gear with your classes set bonus (this simulates campaign gear without having to do HM EC. You only have to do this with 4 of the 5 pieces for the full set bonus. Note: this is expensive to do, even after the reduction in cost to pull mods, but if you are doing your dailies you should have plenty of money. You can also start augmenting your Rakata/BH pieces and putting in purple lvl6 augs in everything And you can do your Rakghual weekly of Kaon and LI for additional BH coms.


    Keep doing your dailies for the Campaign relics, 200 daily coms each.


    When you are mostly Rakata/BH, start doing EC to finish up. When you are mostly full BH start doing HM EC. Then full BH with set bonuses and Augs, HM TfB.


    Its easier with your second toon because you can use your first toon to earn BH coms for your second toon and transfer the mods using Legacy armor. By the time your second toon is lvl50 you might have half the BH gear already waiting for them.


    So far I've geared up 3 toons to full BH with Rakata shells for the set bonus this way.


    Good luck!

  2. I loved that part of ME where you endorse every shop on the citadel for reduced prices.


    Thanks for the kind words ARCika. Building on what ARCika referenced, DN has allied with a few other guilds from time to time for various reasons such as getting higher numbers at a particular time for a world boss, passing along best practices for Ops, or helping guilds new to raiding on the basics and getting them to the point where they are comfortable doing them on their own. Its always a good experience and I've met some great friends this way; and handy for networking for when you need a solid pug rather than a random one.


    Anyway, we LOVE the new op, Terror from Beyond. We tried Story Mode this weekend (09/29) for the first time just to get an idea what it was about. It looks fantastic and the fights are new and fun! Story Mode was pretty easy and forgiving (we were significantly over geared for the op). Starting on HM this week and looking forward for something new to challenge us for awhile.


    We've received some great applications this week from gamers who obviously have the same philosophy as we do with gaming resulting from this thread. Recruitment is still open, so keep them coming!

  3. Hello,


    I'm the Guild Leader of Dominus Nihil formally of Canderos Ordo. We would like to take advantage of the serve consolidations to invite those that are currently homeless or unhappy with their current guilds to come hang with us for a bit to see if Dominus Nihil is the home that you have been looking for.


    Dominus Nihil (Master of Nothing in Latin) was created shortly after the launch of SWG back in 2003. We began as a collection of friends and avid gamers with similar personalities that met in game and decided to band together to compete with the power gamers. We created a mature yet competitive guild that remained largely drama free over the years and often praised for our family feel. Years later, we are all still friends and finding new friends all the time. Quite frankly, I can't imagine playing a game with any other group of people.


    We've expanded into many games over the years which are too numerous and not relevant enough to mention.and have had a significant presence in SW:TOR since Beta and are always looking to grow the family with like minded players. We are Republic factioned guild with a Sith sister guild for Alts only. Many of us are in our mid 30s now with biological families so we are mature gamer friendly. But we aren't all old foggies either, we're constantly picking up young blood that we find that has the same mature values as we do and become part of family. We also have quite a few female members in the family who have become one of the boys but we protect like our little sisters from harassment so we are female gamer friendly, as well. We are serious players with a casual feel. We play the high end content and have the best gear but everyone is free to do what they want. Our ops sign up process is fair to all and inclusive. Participation is always encouraged but NEVER required. welcomed. Our culture is second to none and our players are active and helpful. Unfortunately, our recruitment post in Canderous Ordo with pages of player testimonials seems to have been hidden away by EA to be lost forever so I'm starting a new one here.


    My invitation to you is to do a /who Dominus and see who is online. Come hang with us a bit and see if you have fun. The experience will speak for itself. If we feel you are a good fit with us and you feel that we might be a good fit for you then go to our website at http://www.dominusnihil.com/forums and fill out an application. You will be glad you did.


    See you soon.


    **** We found our original post so adding that below ****



    - Server: Canderous Ordo (PvE) (now Jedi Covenant :))

    - Timezone: EST, with members from all over the world including West Coast US, Central US, East US, UK, and Australia.

    - TeamSpeak 3 Server provided

    - Forums with chat client and screenshot gallery


    Thank you for your interest in DN! We are first and foremost a family of gamers that's been together for more than eight years. We are a casual to moderate group with a commitment to seeing all aspects of gameplay as a guild including Operations, Flashpoints, Warzones, Open-world PvP, coordinated crew skills, leveling groups, heroics, world boss hunting and social events. Camaraderie is DN's most important goal and will always be our first priority.





    Dominus Nihil was founded on September 5, 2003 on the Bria server of Star Wars Galaxies. Mos Nihil, our player city, was the first ever player city in all of Star Wars Galaxies. As a hub of trade and a major location in the galactic civil war, we learned to appreciate all styles of gameplay and formed a core group of cooperative members. Since, we have grown and expanded into many different MMOs including World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, City of Heroes, and Global Agenda. Today, we hold two strong guilds in both World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Having formed in a Star Wars community, DN has always been a group of Star Wars fans at heart and we have found a very long-term home in SWTOR.


    How to Join


    Introduce yourself in our Applications forum at http://www.dominusnihil.com/forums. After your thread has been created, we will invite you to the guild as a 'recruit' rank. After getting to know you over a two-three week period, the officers will then vote on whether or not to grant full membership. During your recruit stage, you will have access to all guild activities and our private forums.


    You are, of course, welcome to spend some time with us before officially accepting an invitation. Request access to our TeamSpeak server to come chat, or just quest/pvp/join us for an event to get to know us.




    Even as a more casual-moderate guild, we have a devoted group of raiders in our operations group. We have both regular, more hardcore ops groups as well as a free-for-all sign-up approach to operations, for those that don't wish to commit too much time. We are committed to gearing all of our members for end-game PvE and are actively working towards everyone's Columi and Rakata gear sets. We typically field ops groups anywhere from 2-4 nights per week.




    DN regularly puts together 10-49 and 50 warzone groups as well as open-world Ilum PvP. We have officers that are very passionate about PvP and are more than willing to show the ropes to those that are interested in becoming involved. We approach PvP with a collective, group approach. We know that we succeed more together than apart and work to make this happen as much as possible throughout the week at all different times.


    Rules and Other Information


    We are primarily a group of adults with families, relationships and real-world commitments. We expect maturity of all of our members which in turn creates a drama-free, fun environment to game in. You are encouraged to read our rules and information thread for more information, located here: viewtopic.php?f=59&t=5500


    In closing, you will always find a variety of things going on in our guild. We take a balanced approach to the game and tirelessly strive to allow the best experience possible for each and every one of our members. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

  4. With Guildwars 2 and Panda coming out, DN is opening our doors to new members anticipating a membership drop with these releases. We are a Rebel guild focused on Raiding (competitive, yet casual). If you are in the market for a good guild, check out our recruitment thread on the Canderous Ordo forum" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4991434#post4991434 and hear from our members why DN is a guild of choice on CO
  5. With Guildwars 2 and Panda coming out, DN is opening our doors to new members anticipating a membership drop with these releases. We are a Rebel guild focused on Raiding (competitive, yet casual). If you are in the market for a good guild, check out our recruitment thread on the Canderous Ordo forum" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4991434#post4991434 and hear from our members why DN is a guild of choice on CO
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