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Everything posted by jaberwok

  1. Yeah. I don't write in MMO forums, mainly because of past bad experiences. However, I really feel I have to say something here. As a bit of backstory, I've only played one other MMO long term (8 years running now). I bought the CE version of the game, mostly because I'm a big SW fan (old movies only; don't talk to me about Eps 1-3 PLEASE). My wife and I both have accounts. I play a few times a week -- once a week my wife and I team up with friends from out of state, and a few times a week the two of us run a different set of characters together. I don't have a level 50 character here yet; as of right now my highest is level 41, with a scattering others in the low 30s, mid 20s, and teens. My wife's highest character is level 32-ish. It's become pretty clear from the promotions and rewards offered that we are not the target audience for this game. Every time something new is touted, it's pretty much meant for the hardcore -- people who have the time to either plow through content or to power-level past it. I was a bit put off to learn that the free month that was rewarded a while back (1.2?) was only for those who had gotten to a certain legacy level and level 50 -- I'm not as valuable because I have a life, even though I'm paying the same amount of cash? (I've seen comments that the month was given to everyone -- I just checked and I didn't get it. I'm certain that if I checked my wife's account, I'd find that she didn't get it either.) When I saw this promotion of the new speeder for inviting friends, I automatically figured I wouldn't be able to get it. All of my friends subbed back when I did, having preordered the game back when I did. That's fine; my friends are on, and the speeder is simply another cool shiny, right? "No big deal," I told myself. "Yes, it looks really cool, and I'd love to have it, but the CE speeder serves me good enough. I'll make due, and once I reach level 50 I'll buy one of those sweet 110% speeders (or have a friend build me one)." Then I find out that not only does this new speeder look nice, it completely outperforms in every way any speeder I have access to. What the ****! Seriously? Please note: I don't care if you give away titles, new speeder models, pets, or whatever. I expect that minor benefits will be handed out to those who are willing to jump through a few hoops. Hell, if it's something I can do (and I've got the time and/or inclination) I might even jump through myself. But twice now player rewards that have provided fairly significant benefits (a free month, a speeder that's faster and more durable) have been offered under terms that have completely excluded me and my wife. It's bad enough that current subscribers and CE buyers are considered less valuable than new 1 month subs; do you seriously have to rub this fact in our faces time and again with these promotions? My friends have been one-by-one drifting away from TOR. I had been trying to discourage them from doing so, but honestly now I can't. Hell, I'm not even sure I want to stick around. I get the distinct sense that "We are not the players you're looking for." *shrug*
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