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Everything posted by Darth_Furian

  1. Complètement d'accord avec toi là-dessus. Pas d'accord par contre. Une bande annonce peut-être géniale même si le film est pourri. Certains films d'ailleurs sont réputés pour avoir eu une bande annonce qui était complètement trompeuse par rapport au film qu'elle présentait (Sweeny Todd entre autres).
  2. Si j'ai bien compris, les boss dans les instances de classes de ta femme se sont mis à son niveau tout seuls? Non je n'ai pas eu ce problème, du moins je ne l'ai pas remarqué. En ne faisant QUE les quêtes de classe j'ai toujours été au minimum 3 niveaux au dessus des quêtes que je faisais et j'ai toujours mis la misère à tout les NPCs, sans même avoir besoin de moments héroique.
  3. En effet il semble qu'il va falloir compter sans barrage d'éclair. Bon c'est pas comme si Force Lightning était le skill qui fait le plus mal sans cette discipline, mais c'est vrai que c'est pas logique de mettre dans la spé Folie un passif qui améliore un skill d'éclair. Après rien ne t'empêchera d'utiliser Eclairs de Force, c'est juste que ça mettra plus longtemps à se lancer. D'un autre côté ça te permettra de voir les éclairs plus longtemps donc le RPeur qui est en toi devrait apprécier.
  4. You can type ctrl+U twice to reset your UI, it's faster than relogging. But I agree that's something we shouldn't have to do.
  5. And here I thought we were talking about a video game. My bad.
  6. I don't have to play every single aspect of the game. Space and PVP for example, are things I don't want to, and don't have to do. Events are the same : optional. Every event is optional except for this one, which imposes its rules even on those who don't want to participate.
  7. So now I have to respect the rules of an event I don't want to participate in? What kind of screwed up logic is that?
  8. But why should I pay for something I DON'T want to do? That's not fair. *pouts*
  9. Yeah you're right, I can go do some leveling. Oh good I have enough commendation to buy some mods. So which vendor should I go to? Tatooine or Alderaan? Darn if only it was safe to go to the fleet were all the coms vendors are...
  10. You're assuming Bioware knows what players want. When was the last time they asked? I don't remember ever seeing a poll for players to vote on what they'd like to see Bioware focus on.
  11. Do you always blindly do as you're told? No. You do it because for you, the activity is worth the reward. It's about what you are WILLING to do. Nobody and nothing FORCES you to do it. But people who don't want to participate in the event are FORCED to either buy a vaccine or stay in the stronghold or ship. Or just not play at all.
  12. So you do admit that you have no way of proving most people like the event. And it's not up to me to prove something. What you're saying amounts to saying "God exists but I don't have to prove it. It's up to you to prove he doesn't". It's fallacious, and it's discrediting your side of the argument.
  13. You just put your finger on it. The sad fact is that some people haven't found any other way to exist than by interfering with other people's life.
  14. Says who? Do you have an official source saying a vast majority of players love the event? Did you create a toon on every server and ask every player if they loved the event?
  15. You are comparing playing a video game with driving. In other words you are comparing an entertainment with a necessity (unless you get into traffic for your personal pleasure which I doubt). Your comparison doesn't work.
  16. So you're saying that the best way for us to not be bothered by the event is to actually... Do the event? I'm gonna let you think it through. I'm sure you'll manage to figure out by yourself what's wrong with that.
  17. It's not just a limited zone. It's the whole galaxy. Nowhere is safe! EDIT : apart from my stronghold and ship. But there aren't many dailies or quests to do in those areas.
  18. We are not talking about a commemoration here, we are talking about something that is supposed to be fun. A more accurate comparison with real-life would be something like this : Imagine yourself walking at the park with your family / significant other / friends / whoever you like or even alone. You are just there to spend some quality time with people you care about, nothing else. As you walk you come across a couple of people playing freesbee. As you walk, the guy currently holding the freesbee decides to send it to you (intentionally), without warning. Since you weren't expecting it you don't see it coming and receive it in the face. And the guy who sent it refuses to apologize and even says it's all your fault because he expected you to yell toward his group that you did not want to play with them. In case anyone did not understand my point, the guy who sent the freesbee is reasoning exactly like Bioware is along with everyone in this thread who believe the rakghoul event is fine as it is.
  19. It's not that hard to believe considering that apparently they had not invented email either. Faster-than-light travel : CHECK Real-time 3D holographic communication : CHECK Cybernetic replacement limbs : CHECK Send and receive text messages directly from datapad device : IMPOSSIBLE Logic? Did you say logic? Nope. Not in this game...
  20. Could they also re-release KotOR 2 and actually FINISH IT this time?
  21. I agree that would be very handy, but that would mean losing some XP on your new characters. Not that much XP but... Still XP.
  22. EA nous a laissé accès à certaines musiques? Je savais pas, c'est par où? Avoir accès aux autres thème est possible en fonction de leur origine. Si la musique a été composée pour le jeu je ne crois pas qu'elle soit mise à disposition librement (et encore moins gratuitement). Et si la musique est tirée d'un des 6 films il te suffit de l'identifier et de chopper l'OST du film. Tout en sachant que LucasFilm n'a jamais édité les OST complètes des épisodes 2 et 3 (me demande pas pourquoi ça me dépasse aussià.
  23. Le pire c'est que le code pour "utiliser" les chaises comme vous dites existe déjà dans le jeu puisqu'on peut s'asseoir sur les chaises qui sont dans le cockpit de notre vaisseau. On en conclura ce qu'on en voudra...
  24. You reached Maked at lvl 47? How did you achieve that? I am lvl 52 on my Gunslinger and I haven't started Corellia yet. Haven't done any flashpoint, space mission or anything else... Regardless I agree EA did a nice thing here.
  25. Ca ferait plutôt partie de la piste "Anakin Dark Deeds" dans l'OST de la Revanche des Sith.
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