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Everything posted by Darth_Furian

  1. I still can't purchase it on Mantle of the Force.
  2. What's the point of having a PTS if they don't use it? Seriously?
  3. Was there squanderer potential? Most certainly, I won't argue this but this isn't what I was going on about. I don't mind at all reading people say "I believe that this game is crap and it's not worth waiting for anything from it" (this is roughly what I understood from the post you quoted). But what you were saying is that you couldn't understand how any founder could feel differently than that, in other words you think the majority of founders share that opinion. With all due respect you are not the officially designated spokesperson for all founders, period. You are entitled to your opinion and I will never stop you from expressing it, but I will not let anyone imply that I am probably feeling this or that way without correcting them. Put plainly : you thought I, as a founder was sharing your opinion? You were wrong. You don't know my opinion so please don't imply that you do. That's probably what I should have said from the start. Maybe that's being emotional but I don't see why that could be a problem.
  4. He can't fathom = he can't comprehend / understand how founders could feel differently than him. That amounts to assuming he knows what founders feel / think.
  5. It's plainly obvious he believes most founders are thinking the way he does. What exactly are you insinuating? Your attempt at trying to ridicule me only results in a very unclear message.
  6. What happened to the Legacy perk that allows to spawn vehicles while moving? This is the one thing I'm looking forward to. EDIT : nvm, it's in the highlights which I didn't read.
  7. Nope, but it's in disagreement with yours. I am a founder. Tell me how I feel about the game. You can't can you? Of course not. Stop talking like you know what other players feel. Just because you share the opinion of the majority of people posting on this thread doesn't mean you share the opinion of the majority of people paying a sub, founder or not.
  8. I am a founder and I feel differently. My opinion about the post quoted is this : if you don't think this game is worth paying for then stop paying for it. Nobody's forcing you. I did in fact cancel my sub at some point because I had done all of the classes and didn't find any reason to play any more. I resumed my sub for makeb and SoR, and if more story content is coming then will keep my sub active for a bit. SW:ToR was never meant to be a space sim so I don't see how this is relevant.
  9. Wait... What? I agree with the other half of your post though.
  10. Amount of logic : zero. The story serves as a background for the game, PvP is a feature of that game. PvP is not part of the story, it's part of the game (albeit a very small one). Fact is : so far I've managed to enjoy the whole story of the game without doing PvP a single time. EAware (and before them Bioware) has always put their emphasis on the story of their games. They don't care much for pitting players against one another. If what you want is a game that pours all resource into PvP then this is the wrong game for you.
  11. And so it was, that the PvPers started to whine... I'm definitely no EAware fan, but in this case I think they're doing the right thing. They probably have finally understood that they would NEVER be able to satisfy PvPers so it was useless to try. This game was never supposed to be about PvP, they implemented some features to attract more players but by now they must know their time and money would be better spent focusing on what their still somewhat good at : story-driven gameplay.
  12. Ah non pitié! Si jamais ils annoncent une date maintenant et qu'ils retardent pour raison x ou y ça va encore pleurnicher. Mieux vaut qu'ils n'annoncent pas encore de date. Bonne nouvelle pour les togruta? Ça reste à voir. C'est une espèce originale visuellement et c'est toujours sympa d'avoir une option en plus mais je suis pas fou à l'idée de voir la flotte se remplir d'avatar approximativement nommés Ahsoka Tano et Shaak Ti, parce que c'est ce qui nous attend. Je suis curieux d'en savoir plus sur ce créateur de tenue. J'ose espérer que ce sera similaire à l'Appearence Tab de SWG. Pour moi LA vraie bonne nouvelle c'est le retour aux source et la progression de l'histoire, en espérant bien sûr que la qualité de l'écriture des quête soit plus proche de celles de l'Agent Impérial que de celles du Chevalier Jedi.
  13. Ce genre de post aurait très peu de chance d'avoir une réponse officielle sur les forums anglais, donc sur le français c'est mort, tu ne verras pas les devs te répondre.
  14. Je me demande si l'OP voulait dire 700€ avec ou sans écran. Parce que si il faut compter l'écran ça risque de faire une configuration vraiment juste-juste.
  15. J'aimerais t'aider mais le nom de la quête ne me dit absolument rien. Ça se passe où, c'est quel niveau, c'est pour quelle classe?
  16. Euh c'est quoi pour toi la résolution?
  17. Those would just be options. Nobody would force you to use them so I'm staying.
  18. Three years ago I was... Mourning Star Wars Galaxies.
  19. Au temps pour moi je n'avais pas compris. Ca doit être possible oui, je te suggère de faire une recherche sur google vu qu'au final ça n'a pas de rapport direct avec SWTOR.
  20. Pour faire ce que tu souhaites, il faudrait pouvoir paramétrer SWTOR pour décider sur quel périphérique audio tu veux qu'il soit entendu. Hors ce n'est pas possible. Donc non je ne pense que tu puisses faire ça.
  21. "Commence" dis-tu? Ca fait environ deux ans qu'on a plus de community manager attitré. EA a toujours eu le contrôle de SWTOR. Ils ont racheté Bioware peu de temps avant de lancer leur partenariat avec Lucasarts d'ailleurs. C'est EA qui gère Bioware maintenant, donc c'est normale qu'ils prennent les décisions. D'ailleurs en ce qui me concerne, Bioware n'existe plus dans le sens pratique du terme. Le nom existe encore, mais la boîte qui avait créé Bladur's Gate, KotOR et le premier Mass Effect est morte et enterrée, de même que le soucis de la qualité qui lui était cher. Oh mais ils le savent très bien t'inquiète, tu leur apprends rien. D'ailleurs au passage pourquoi tu censure le mot "pompe"? C'est pas grossier que je sache. Parce que c'est un jeu STAR WARS et ça change tout. Le jeu serait le même mais dans un univers sans Jedi, sans Sith et sans la Force, crois-moi que le nombre de joueur serait nettement moins élevé. Les fans de Star Wars ont besoin de leur dose ; c'est triste à dire mais c'est comme ça. Et crois-moi Electronic Arts et Lucasarts avant eux l'ont très bien compris.
  22. Well, update 3.0 came and we still can't turn off nor move nor resize that annoying message box... Don't let the devs forget about this guys!
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