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Everything posted by DarthThuzad

  1. Yep, she did threaten to kill him. Of course, wasn't as satisfying as killing him.
  2. Why wasn't my Dark V sorc, who wants nothing less than revenge against Zakuul, allowed to kill Koth where he stood the second he threatened to leave the alliance post-Kaliyo? She's tolerated his nonsense for the first couple of chapters long enough, but just as Firebrand was the last straw for Koth, his insolence should've been the last straw. Instead, she had to let him escape and potentially threaten the alliance.
  3. Nearly an hour, only because of the mandatory trash mobs. Took me a bit longer due to server lag.
  4. This. On all my tanks I just queue up for the GF op of the day or the HM FPs. Queue's fast enough.
  5. So was rolling with some guildies on Harbinger last night into a ToS group finder. When we're killing Malaphar, a guildie notices that one of the pugged dps is in the armor piercing cell and is casting successive treatment and auto-attacking. Upon closer inspection just before SS, we notice that he's in demolisher gear (which pretty much tells us that he's in the wrong gear, wrong spec, and doing the wrong role, not even close to his proper rotation). We would've given him some slack for being a new guy if he wasn't so adamant that he knew what he was doing. Guildie whispers him to see what's going on, and he proceeds to hit on her, gradually getting creepier as we progress through the op. She even discovers he's a furry by the end (she played a cathar.) Hardly had any wipes due to us carrying, but still. This was a special someone.
  6. Are grade 9 mats harvestable in operations as well, or would they continue to drop grade 8?
  7. I'd love to have the Infernal on my free 60 guardian. Problem is, the titles are no longer possible to get with the removal of NiM EV/KP. Would it be possible to one day grant Infernal and Unyielding titles (like how the Founder title is distributed) to every toon across your account if you have the respective achievement? Thanks.
  8. I was going to post a video of me soloing it with a 1 inf Treek healing but then I remembered a) Treek's actually better off than the other companions (in the healing department) apparently b) did it on a hard mode geared tank, so there's that. Meh, thought that counts, I guess?
  9. 65 Mostly 220s Darkness Assassin Used a 26 influence Senya. Had her go damage on trash, heal on bosses. Heroic Star Fortress (One for All run) I completed "one for all run" without any trouble whatsoever, aside from Senya feeling the need to stand in red circles on the Exarch or the third reactor room, which were the single times I was actually in danger of dying. Still didn't die nor pop heroic moment at any point in the instance. I do like how it now doesn't feel like the companion carries me. Go into a thing that's supposed to be for two players solo, you do need to be great at your class. No more faceroll. I like it. I second the notion for a post 4.0.2 One For All achievement. This'll have to serve as proof for now
  10. "I killed three knights to make sure they weren't lying and three more because I hate odd numbers." -Vaylin A little darker, but I'll take it.
  11. Bestia and Tyrans: Largely the same Calphayus: No final "plant the seed" phase. Probably the most nerfed SM fight in game at the moment. Raptus: No teleport to bridge. Council: Don't have to click Brontes and Styrak crystals, no Bestia knockbacks. All in all, SM DP has been nerfed to oblivion when it wasn't even that hard to begin with.
  12. But in what world is it okay to need on something you cannot use? What use would a piece with defense/absorb/shield be to a DPS? Some could be needing it for their alts, but to need a piece for your alt without asking while two tanks may still need the mods is just plain disrespectful.
  13. How's Arcann supposed to know how a) you answered Vitiate like that. B) you and your companions don't necessarily get along?
  14. They actually do this in a way with the Defiant pieces. The Exarch piece at the end is up for grabs, though. To that end, I like the way WoW does it with their group finder equivalent: you get personal loot allocated to you at a random chance. If you don't win a thing, you either get extra gold, extra comms, etc. The best part? It was entirely dependent on your spec in the current run. A similar system should be in place for each offset piece, even that 220 at the end.
  15. I had some bad groups at the minefield too! 1st group: I'm running the minesweep. Messed up on droid distribution/getting first square going. Haven't run the place in a couple expansions, understandable. Every wipe after that, however, dps misses interrupts and probes enrage EVERY TIME. Once healer and I tell everyone to get serious, we do manage to pull through. 2nd group: I'm on the ground this time. Tower person messed us up twice. Probes enraged every time. Two scoundrels couldn't cleanse to save their life. Group disbands. 3rd group: Raid leader has really bad grammar, says he kept wiping before. I'm on tower again. DPS is even worse than the first two groups. I called them on not burning probes, guy was like "so, they always enrage." Suffice to say, mad dashed in on accident and altf4'ed out of utter embarrassment. Even if I stayed in, was far too frustrated to keep a cool head. Either way, Vorgath is the new Op 9 apparently
  16. Or at least have the courtesy to ask if you can use it for your tank alt you don't play as often.
  17. Fights all take place in the Temple of Sacrifice. Arcann fights various incarnations of Revan, how does he stack up? Round 1: KotOR Revan Round 2: SoR Revan Round 3: Revan in his prime just before his split. Both characters are fully prepared to fight to the death. Who takes it?
  18. Inquisitors can recruit Talos right off the bat instead of doing his quest, saying something among the lines of "I don't exactly have time for this. You are needed elsewhere." As for Xalek, can skip fighting him and have him kneel instead. Doesn't make him any less bugged though
  19. If SI wasn't the outlander, I say she went into hiding in the Rishi maze to search for that immortality thing.
  20. Pax: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/3u9m0 NYC: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/3u9m1
  21. 1) Given that there will be more solo FPs in 4.0 and given that companions can be any role then (tank, heal, dps), could they be viable alternatives to using the GSI droid in 4.0? 2) Kephess going to be a companion?
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